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6 years ago 0 5 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Fear of Dying

Hello.  I have a strong fear of dying.  When I think about dying, my heart pounds and I feel weak and shaky.  Unfortunately, I think about dying quite a lot of the time.  I don't want to think about dying so much.  It is very upsetting.  The irony is that sometimes I wish I was dead so that I didn't think about dying so much and to escape the fear.  I feel like running away but there is nowhere to run to.  How do I overcome this?
6 years ago 0 5 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Fear of Dying

Thank you for your response. It's very helpful to know that there is someone else who has had this experience.  Thank you for the suggestions. I am trying to do things to keep myself busy but sometimes my anxiety gets in the road.  I, too, pray a lot.  It is going to take work to redirect my thoughts, to be sure. It's almost like it's obsessive thinking.   I have just found a Christian psychotherapist and will be seeing him on May 10th.  I am also trying to reach out to people for support. At one time, I would not have let people know what I was experiencing; I am still somewhat reluctant to do so, and have high hopes for the psychotherapist.  Blessings and prayers to you.
6 years ago 0 5 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Did it anyhow

I have recently had two bouts of superventricular tachycardia.  One required a cardioversion in the hospital.  I have been afraid to do almost anything since then - concerned that it would happen again.  I am now on a medication that is supposed to prevent the tachycardia.  Tonight I went to a restaurant with a friend, and to three stores for brief shopping trips, despite my fear.  Despite a pounding heart and other symptoms, there was no tachycardia.  I feel somewhat uplifted that I did these things, despite the fear.
6 years ago 0 5 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Did it anyhow

I learned that even though I felt shaky and scared I was able to function normally.
It was hard to sit through the meal in a large, relatively noisy restaurant, but I kept
focusing on the "here and now" and on my breathing.
6 years ago 0 5 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Panic over Terrorist Attack

Hello.  Has anyone else had a panic attack over the recent terrorist attack.  In addition to feeling sadness and anger, I also had a panic attack.  I am nowhere near Manchester - not even on the same continent - but the attack left me feeling very shaken.  How do other people cope with things like this?  It just makes the world seem like such a scary place, and I think that because I have an anxiety disorder, that perception is heightened when things like this occur.