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8 years ago 0 60 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Gym collegues

Hi Ashley, this week I started new gym. I´ts more cosy, the 2 monitors that worked there started a conversation with me. In the other gym in 2 years monitor never started a conversation with me or if I need any help.
I feel a little bit more welcomed there. :) Also had a lot of help from a new collegue with weights. 
8 years ago 0 60 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
"Laughter Yoga"

It seams very good! I´m doing Yoga (at home) from youtube videos since 2 days ago, and I´m feeling relaxed each time I do it. I work at home so it´s very relaxing doing a break doing Yoga, there are videos for just 5 minuts.
I searched ioga laughter on youtube, after reading hugs4U post, and just made a good laugh. Thank you hugs4U. Try this video:

Laughing Yoga Alone with Dr Kataria"

8 years ago 0 60 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Walk at beach keeping head up

Hi, I leave near the beach, and almost every night I give a walk alone. Today was diferent. The first 20 minuts I walked as normally, with my head and eyes down. Ate the end of this 20 minuts my mind was tired, like always I walk. And a few times a feel that I was going to faint. I thinked " When I arrived home I have to take my medication" I´m not good.
But sudendly I remember a book of yoga I read a few years ago, that if we keep the eyes at horizont level, we create positive emotions. I remembered also my ex-boyfriend, a very relaxed person, that walks like that. Coming back of my walk I started doing it, and for my surprise, my negative thoughts gonned way all 20 minuts coming back home. My head was so busy keeping my eyes at horizont level, strugling with my old habbit of looking down. My body started to relax too, my arms movimenting in a diferent way, my chest going up, an my breathe from the chest more deep. It was such a good feeling, that a few times I feel I wanted to smile to people with no reason.
Continue my walk home I finded a neighbour that I´m very shy to say hello, and tonight I give him a smile and wished him a good night.
It was such a positive experience, from feeling bad to feeling very relaxed, very unexpected, and I needed to share it with you.
8 years ago 0 60 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Panic cycle and sleep problems

Hi. I have a lot of sleep problems. When I go to bed I take around 3 hours to start sleeping. Until that, my head doens´t stop with a lot of thoughts. My most feeling is frustation and lack of peace with myself. I only start having rest aroud 6 AM, then I have to sleep till 12 am, because if I wake at 9 or 10 am I don´t feel ready, my head is tired and with lack of strengh to face the day.
Today I feel the need to sleep on the afternoon too, I sleeped and waked up with more restless feeling and more energy. But I know at night this will create more problems to have a good sleep.
This cycle repits too often...1 or 2 times a week I have to take medicamentation to anxiety for me to be able to recover from bad sleeping nights.
I´m not having recovering nights, so it will me more dificult for me to decrease my anxiety, my nervous system are not being repared at night.
I tryed yoga before go to sleep, it make´s me feel go, but it´s not enough.
8 years ago 0 60 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Walk at beach keeping head up

Hi Ashley, I´m aplying that in most situations I can. I started using it also at my gym, enter with my head up. It really help having good emotions (without having to have any particulary reason), it are helping me a lot with interaction with other people. I notice that I feel more happy and more open to interact with others. 

8 years ago 0 60 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Interaction in a big group

Hi, I notice that I don´t have any problems at all when I interact with people with extrovert personalities. But I´m a little tired of this kind of personalities. Because they make friends very easy, I don´t feel they value my friendship as I value them. 
So I would like to be abble to interact with other kind of personalities, but other personalities aren´t so easy so approach for me. 
I still haven´t discovered the first steps of an interaction with a new person, I can say hello and ask questions to develop a conversation but it´s not real, it is something like mimic or theather that I developed to protect myself from embarrasing and trying to look like a normal person. The exercice on the beach, keeping my head up, helped a lot, because I could put out my real sensation and happiness and desire to comunicate with others.
Today I joinned to a big group running of people. I tryed to comunicate in a genuine way, not teather, but I couln´t do it. I looked around and see everybody comunication each other, and feeling apart, like I wasn´t there. Like I was there just observing, not participating with them and feeling ambarrased. I could do teather, like I trained in the past, but I wish to be abble to comunicate in a genuine way. Because that make´s me feel so happy.
8 years ago 0 60 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Panic cycle and sleep problems

Hi Melanie, I have this problem since I´m 15, now I´m 40. 
8 years ago 0 60 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Too much frustrating - core beliefs

I was told by my grand-mother on I was child not to talk with boys and do not make friendship with them. That girls that do that are ****
I´m 40 now, and can not interact with oposite sex, principally the one´s that I find interesting to meet. If I find someone interested in me and I´m interested in him too, I doens´t allow him to meet me. I start turning my back to him, avoiding all kind of eye contact. After a few days, the person totally lose all interest that initally have in me.
This is too much frustrating, we leave to have good experiencies with others, and when I have that oportunity, doors are close to me. I´m having too much pain because of that, and feeling impotent about it. I´m not in peace with myself, I´m not acting acording to my true self. This are making me feel very sick, I feel this is distroying my soul.

8 years ago 0 60 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Icebreakers for dinner partys

Hi, I was thinking about my last dinner in a big group, that I were with a lot o people that I feel low anxiety, I´m used to be with them at the gym. But this dinner was boring, I feeled I have nothing to say to these people.
Today I thought, that could not be possible, I have to have some genuine interest in that people´s life. So I started to think better, and I made the exercice to write some issues I may had been interested to ask to these people. And I finded a few points. So it was a discover for me, never had thinked about like that. It´s a start for me to have a genuine conversation at a dinner for example.
Then I thought, may be there are some ideias on web, that can help me to build my genuine interest on other people that I casually meet. So I find these ideias, I finded very cool, icebreakers for dinner partys, and that could made a dinner much more interesting:

Welcome to another installment of Tipsy Tuesday, The Salonniere's Tuesday feature that provides tips from top salonnieres on all things party-related. Today, we're getting tipsy with the no-fail questions these 10 expert hosts ask to kick-start a conversation at a cocktail or dinner party.

Alexa Hampton, interior designer and author -- I will first ask them to explain to me their work. People usually have a way they explain their job, or how they spend their day, so they can feel comfortable answering this. I also like to ask people what they are reading. Strangely, I think of this as a more personal question.

Teri Agins, fashion writer and Wall Street Journal columnist -- My favorite icebreaker is to find something to compliment them on - their outfit, hairstyle, handbag, shoes... something. I ask them to tell me about it, so the person can't just respond with a simple thank you. Then I jump in with follow-up questions and that usually gets them going.

Carla McDonald, founder, The Salonniere -- If the person is attending with his or her significant other, I like to ask, "How did you two meet?" This always puts the person at ease since it's a happy story and they've told it many times before. Also, it usually reveals enough common ground to keep the conversation rolling along for a while.

Ashley McDermott, writer and philanthropist -- I like to ask, "When and where were you happiest in your life?"

Debi Lilly, event designer and author of A Perfect Event: Inspired, Easy Elegance for Every Occasion -- I find everyone loves to eat and talk about eating and share what and where they've been eating! So I ask, "Have you been to any great new restaurants lately?"

Frederick Anderson, president of lifestyle brand, Hanley Mellon -- I ask, "If you had the opportunity to meet one person you haven't met who would it be, why and what would you talk about?"

Angella Nazaria, best-selling author and philanthropist -- My favorites are, "If you could have an alternate career, what would it be?" and "What was your most embarrassing moment?" The answers always spark a lively conversation.

Kathy Freston, the New York Times best-selling author of books about healthy living -- I can't stand small talk, so I'll turn to the table and say, "Let's talk about something that we can all learn about from one another. What do you think is the driving force in your life?"

Daniel Menaker, author of A Good Talk: The Story and Skill of Conversation -- Compliments are nice as are open-ended questions like, "How do you spend your day?" or "What's new in your world?"

Kimberly Schlegel Whitman, lifestyle and entertaining expert -- I always lean on books or travel. They are my go-to topics. So I'll say, "I'm looking for a good summer read. Have you read anything good lately?"

8 years ago 0 60 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Too much frustrating - core beliefs

I´m thinking a little more deeply... and I´m changing some ideas about myself (I´m glad for it! so I can do something about it). I was thinking since young age that I have a problem with oposite sex, but if I think real well, if I didn´t have this education problem, I still would have nothing to say to them. I have lack of interest in others people life´s, personalities, etc...It´s a litle weird, but I have to admit it´s true. So that´s why I have most of the times nothing to talk with other women or man. I can see that remembering my social contacts since child. Uff, I feel very good to see things in a diferent way, and that make sense to me.
So, if I haven´t this educational problem, what would I be talking with to this men I wish so bad to meet? Today, practically nothing. So may be that´s why I am afraid to approach them, not because they are oposite sex, but because and then???
I will start to work more in how to build genuine interest in others people´s life´s. Because I see, when I have real interest in my job, in hobbies, I stay connected with it very deep way: I search..., I wan´t to know more and more about it. And it´s very pleasent, confortable, satysfying ... doing this path. With people I´m sure works the same way, but it´s something I didn´t developed, don´t know why...