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10 years ago 0 29 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Question about what isn´t talked about in Session 1

Hello Kaitie,
Well, usually Crohn's episodes stop me up completely until they are over.  I don't believe they are related to the panic issues.  If I get into a high anxiety/panic situation, it will be an effect of the panic.  In the beginning...many many years ago, I don't really remember having bowel issues.  I do know that I have had them for quite a long time though.  I would have to say that the panic came first and then later the bowel issues were effected and made things much worse for me.  Now I practice a great deal of avoidance behavior so as not to create a panic situation.  I will say though that even when I am at home, I can get situations where it is good that I am near a bathroom.  I don't know...maybe there is a weakness in that area of my body that then is easily triggered by panic situations.  I'd have to think on that a while.

10 years ago 0 29 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I need some help with the forms from Session 1


I apologize for that coming across accusatory as that was not my intention.  I can tell you that yesterday I have a Crohn's episode and with me going down on my meds, what I was used to taking when I had Crohn's episodes has thrown my for a loop, so to speak.  My brain is rather fuzzy today.
It just hit a people saying that you can't love someone else if you don't love yourself.  I can say categorically that isn't true, at least in my case...OR, I in fact do love myself and don't realize it.
I have a number of things that are good about me, so I guess you would say that, at least in some areas, I DO like myself.  I am compassionate, giving, loving, caring, honest, sincere and trustworthy.  I imagine that there are more, but sometimes it takes another person to point them out to you because they are innate to you, so you don't think about them.
You weren't risking getting me mad.  You were potentially risking making me sad and leaving because I would think that I can never get "better" based on your statement.
I will also say that my mind is in a bit of flux right now as I am getting off of my meds.  I am feeling more things which is good, but at the same time, some of those things like depression are no so pleasant.  This is a necessary step though as it has been a very long time since my meds were adjusted or even looked at.  They did keep me in a "dead place" which wasn't good.  I didn't feel much of anything.
You know, through all of this, I still don't get these forms.   On one hand, I understand what they are supposed to do, but on the other hand, I am opposed to them as "I can think faster than them".  What I mean by that is that, my mind knows exactly what is going on all of the time and with my decades of experience of therapy, I can second, third, and forth guess everything.  When I was young and having a conversation with someone, I was thinking ahead of the conversation and thinking of answers or responses to a multitude of possibilities of what they might say...and then I would think of answers or responses to all of those and so on, and so on.  I had virtually the whole conversation thought out in every possibility and responses for all of that.  I found that to be too tiring and through time, I stopped doing that.  At the same time though, when it pertains to these forms, It seems like an unbelievable waste of time and paper and ink and trees to be writing all of this stuff least for me.  I need that "ah-ha", moment before I will see the benefit.  I went on to Session 2 and read that.  I printed out the Advanced Negative Thought Form and looked at it.  I just either have a HUGE mental block to these forms or I just don't get it AT ALL.  Did you go through that?  It that something that you have heard others say?  Is that common?  I don't mean for this to be taken the wrong way, but I feel like I am "too smart for those forms".  My basic nature will defeat any good they might do until I see a reason for them... (A REASON THAT MAKES SENSE TO ME).  Do you understand what I mean?  I feel like these forms are designed for pre-schoolers and I am in college.  They just don't compute...they don't resonate.  I don't know any other way to say it.  I want to go through this and improve myself, but if you give me a bucket of white paint and tell me to paint a rainbow, I can't do it.  A rainbow has 7 colors in it...and none of them are white...and yes, I know there are way more than 7,but that is what the human eye sees.
I hope this gives you more information about me.  I do want to apologize again for what was accusatory  in my previous post.

10 years ago 0 29 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I need some help with the forms from Session 1

White, in paint is the absence of color.  While white light on the other hand is the combination of all colors.  There is a big difference.  I know this from Art classes and Television Production classes.  One deals in light (television production) and one deals with pigment (art classes) using paints.  For your edification.
10 years ago 0 29 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I need some help with the forms from Session 1

As far as the forms go, they are completely useless to me for a number of reasons.  first off, I have not gotten the "ah-ha" moment for ME to realize their benefit.  That is imperative, otherwise they are completely useless to me.  Secondly, if I fill out the forms, for me to catalog them and go back over months of them is not something I am likely to do...especially to try to find a specific one to compare to.  I am not that organized and never have been.  I wrote in journals when I was young (30 years ago).  Except for looking at them a couple of times in the past 30 years, they are of no value except for me to see that my feelings are the same as they were then when I was dating people and the feelings that I had then.  They are all the same and would basically be the same now if I were to write them. My abilities to deal with relationships hasn't changed...they are controlled by my insecurities.  I know now where all of that comes childhood abuse.  What is that supposed to tell me?
10 years ago 0 29 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I don´t understand the Anxious Thoghts Form or the Panic Attack Form

I understand in theory the use of the forms mentioned in the subject, but I haven't gotten the "ah-ha" moment with them yet and without that, I can not use them because I don't understand them in the way that I need to understand them.
One of the members has tried to help me to understand, but I have not gotten that "ah-ha" yet.
Can you help me?  Will you help me until I understand?
10 years ago 0 29 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I don´t understand the Anxious Thoghts Form or the Panic Attack Form

I understand in theory the use of the forms mentioned in the subject, but I haven't gotten the "ah-ha" moment with them yet and without that, I can not use them because I don't understand them in the way that I need to understand them.
One of the members has tried to help me to understand, but I have not gotten that "ah-ha" yet.
Can you help me?  Will you help me until I understand?
10 years ago 0 29 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I don´t understand the Anxious Thoghts Form or the Panic Attack Form

Hi Samantha,

I did go to Session 2 hoping that it would help me to understand.  At first it did not.  Only after talking to a couple of people and reading the "pre-filled-out" forms did it start to make some sense.  I understood the forms, I could fill them out in my sleep.  My point was never that I didn't understand what the forms wanted.  It was that nothing told me in a way that made sense to me...that I could justify filling them out...wasting paper, ink and time on something that i most likely would never go back to.  Either allot of people have this issue or I am just rare, but only by going to the Advanced Anxiety Thoughts Form and then reading the example which I skipped since the "real form" was unlocked did I start to get least to a point.  I still don't see me referring back to these forms.  I am not that organized and also don't see  a benefit in comparing the present to the past.  I would think that would be self evident. As with all things...time will tell.  I do think that there should be a better way to make people see actual value in these forms since they seem to be a core aspect to this program.  The way it is currently written does not clearly state any true value except to those that have no background in therapy.  I'll leave it at that.  You, I am sure understand my meaning.
10 years ago 0 29 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
This program while titrating off of medications

I am currently titrating off of my meds (doctor assisted) and I am finding that a number of symptoms are being caused by this titration.  Withdrawal symptoms.  Some of them manifest as the same symptoms that one would have in a panic/anxiety situation or in depression.  How can you or should you go through this program if you are getting off of your meds...since some of the symptoms caused by the med elimination causes you to have symptoms of having anxious thought, depression or panic in some cases?
10 years ago 0 29 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
This program while titrating off of medications

I have started and am not waiting.  Your comment about "ongoing for life...even after it has worked it's miracle" suggests that one is or has been permanently damaged (like having to take out an organ or replacing a leg that has been removed) and now requires either medication or prosthetics for the rest of their life.  Not like you go through this and you are "healed" and never have to deal with it again as would be the case if you had a cut and it healed and you don't ever have to think about it again.  That, to me, is distressing.  I have had to deal with the ill effects of this my whole life and then find something that is supposed to "cure it" and then find out that it is not a "cure" in the most literal is a "pill" that you have to take life-long.  Maybe that is a normal thought that everyone has in the beginning...Maybe I am expectin too much...I just know that having to take meds for decades and having other long term health would be nice to find something that you do and it works and you are done with it...where you can go about your life like a "normal person".  I am basically thinking out loud here.  It just brings up more issues of anger and depression that I will never be "healed" and for something that I didn't cause in the first place.  There is something very wrong with that to me.
10 years ago 0 29 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
This program while titrating off of medications


Being drugged is not least for not for me.  I have spent too many years that way and even though it is not fun at all right now getting off of them, I am looking forward to not taking drugs for my mental issues at least.  My physiological issues...time will tell how many of those I will still need after losing allot of weight (maybe stop the Metformin) and having my anxiety go down, maybe I can eventually stop taking all of the GI meds that I have to still take.  The cholesterol med will probably have to stay because that is a hereditary issue according to the doctors.  I guess that wouldn't be a problem as I have never noticed any issue with it one way or the other. 
I have to ask you something.  Are you "attacking" virtually everything I say because you are trying to show that I am talking about things negatively or is it that I am just happening to hit on things that bring that kind of a response?  I am starting to get the feeling if I said the word "kitten", you would find a way to criticize that.  I have no doubt that you intentions are genuine, but either I am just hitting every possible issue there is to hit with every post I make or there is something I am missing.  I am allowing you a VERY WIDE BIRTH on this one.  See if you can use a bit of honey here and there.  I do much better that way.  Otherwise I will get so shell shocked by perceived attacks that I will not post anymore for fear of a verbal thrashing.  If you look at my posts and your responding posts, I think that you will agree, I am being bombarded with information (which is good), but in a way that is on the side of vinegar.  I hope you follow that.