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13 years ago 0 118 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Session 14 Shyness & Sensitivity


Hi everyone

I believe what everybody said is correct for them. There are different kinds of isolation one total Social isolation refers to the objective lack of contact with conspecifics (means the same species human). In humans, it may be cause by a pervasive withdrawal or avoidance of social contact or communication. It can contribute toward, or be the result of, many emotional, behavioral and physical disorders including anxiety, panic attacks, eating disorders, addictons, substance abuse, violence and overall disease. This I got from a definition, does this mean it is you? No. People can experience different kinds of loneliness or social isolation. One can be being alone with yourself and it is pleasurable to you to be alone and sit and read a book or contemplate things. The definition above is for people who feel lonely, some people can be with people and still feel lonely if this is your problems then you are more likely to be the definition above. One final thought, all some people need is one significant other does not have to be a wife or husband but some who will always be there for you if you lack this then again I think you are in danger of the definition above. If you choose to have few friends or even one that you can count on and you do not feel lonely then, as you said, you are ok. When I said I was big man on campus I do not feel that I need this anymore, however I think I need a least one person who is in my life with consistency, as you said I have no problem with being alone because I always have that one person.


13 years ago 0 118 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Session 14 Shyness & Sensitivity



I am going to tell you an experiment that was done I was not statistically significant in that there were not enough people in the study to make a strong conclusion. They went into a nursing home and split it in half. They were all given a plant to put in there room. In one half they said to the seniors that they did not have to take care of it the staff would water it and prune it, so it was just there to give them enjoyment of looking at it. The other group was given the responsibility of looking after the plant i.e. watering  it making sure I got sunshine etc. After several years went by, they found that the people that just admired the plant died a lot sooner than the people that looked after the plant. There were many conclusions drawn from this event but the one I think is relevant is the people that looked after the plant had a purpose in life something they had to look after. Where the people that did nothing for the plant had no purpose because everything was done for them. Please do not infer that I am making a jab at your situation about needing help, it seems that thing are written in post and get misinterpreted because there is no clarification of what the other person means exactly. Therefore, you mention that you lived alone but you also had dog to look after. This gives you a sense of purpose if you have to look after the dogs they relied on you and needed you or else they would not survive. I believe this is the same as the flower in the nursing home. You may not need a human but you need something to wake up for. I going to end this but saying that there probably people that can have no human contact and survive, like a forest ranger and maybe some people prefer it that way. Again, the forest ranger has a sense of purpose to look after the forest. So if you have no one in your life and  nothing to look forward to or even a goal which you want to achieve (which we all on the panic centre have in common a goal to achieve), if we did not think that we needed to better our lives then why are there so many people in this program. Joining this group is a powerful statement that we want to do achieve something from this program because we want something else. The something could just be a stop to panic attacks.


13 years ago 0 118 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Session 14 Shyness & Sensitivity

Hi Davit
The plant story was merely a way of showing that there was some purpose in your life even though you were living alone. Some of the purpose was that you had dogs to take care off. The dogs are a substitute for people. Good health and a purpose can also substitute for people. Even though I put the definition of social isolation up in my last post does a definition apply to everyone? Absolutely not. I do not know if you know about the DSM IV it is a manual that helps psychiatrist diagnoses you and try to help you. Although I do not know the exact wording some of the typical question are like, have you been depressed for 6 months. Well what if I only been depressed for 5 month 29 days. So do you fit the definition of being depressed. Again same applies to social isolation some people will fit a definition of being depressed and need help, while other will not need help.  Definitions of social isolation are not an exact science just as it is with most subjective sciences. Another thing about your situation is that they say seniors keep going when there health starts to deteriorate by socializing more hence seniors centres. Socialization takes the place of physical and mental health. Therefore, in the study of seniors, they would live longer when there health starts to deteriorate by socializing with others, when they lost the independence of good health. One thing a old jewis man told me. He asked me what if freedom? I expected him to say something about being in a democratic society, I think he had some experience with world war two. However, his answer was your health, if you lose that then they people start taking away thing from you. I imagine this is what your experiencing having to give over your self care to others or depend on others when you were so independent before. This is a role change for you, I am sure you covered it when you went through the toll box. I also see this in myself health does not just mean body I think it also means mind. So when I was in good health I needed less socialization, but now that my mental health  is currently not so great I think I need socialization more so that I do not dwell on my mental health. I am not saying that spending time on the panic centre is wasteful, becuase it forces me to dwell on my mental heath. The time spent here lasts a life time or give you tools for the remainder of your life. I think you should try to find the good in your role change even though it is extremely hard to do. Some of the good is that there are others to help you imagine what it would be like if no one helped you.
13 years ago 0 118 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Severities of Agoraphobia and Other Questions


I have some not so insightful questions from. I have been reading peoples posts about agoraphobia and before I got to this site I would say that not me.  However, one very bright person responded to me and explained there are different severities of agoraphobia. The severities of mental illness are not a new concept to me. Then I started to consider when I was on a Board retreat it was away from home. I started thinking about the experience I had and one is I hate going places where I have not been before. Two every time I went on the retreats I could never sleep in the hotel rooms’ bed.

I have lived my whole life I one house and I think it is like a secure place probably like an agoraphobic see where they are living. I see in my future that I will have to leave my home because I live with my father and this thought bothers me. There are definitely financial advantages to living with my dad which is one way I justify staying here. I have also realized that it is a role transition from sharing accommodations to living alone.  I remember when I was articling for my CA and there was an opportunity to go to Ottawa and prepare for the exams. At first, I was going to go then my typical symptoms hit me and I felt like crap. I know that the more things I experience while feeling like crap the more I taint these experiences as bad. When it had nothing to do with the event, I just had to do with how I was feeling at the time. Therefore, is some fear of leaving where you lived all your life a form of agoraphobia or is it just a normal response to a role transition.

I had an intense panic attack yesterday. The reason was I had two days without an attack (first time I was able to do this in years) and I lay on my back and started to think well it seems that I have some control over my attacks. Then I started to think if I stop the attack, as I was able to do for the last couple of days what will happen if I go back to work and start having them again, and this caused an attack. Work is where I eventually explode at and after awhile ended up in the hospital. So then, in my mind I had a verifiable thought that caused an attack. Most of the other thoughts that I have had have been through the negative thought challenge. So now, I figured that my attacks come from being afraid of going back to work and exploding again and I think this is why I had such a severe attack because I was relating it to my work situation. The actual truth of the matter is that they laid me off and spent a long time at home going to see a therapist and talking about how I feel and I kept bringing work up and the inability to support myself. He would say and how does that make you feel; my answer was anxious but at the time I did not know the symptoms that came along with anxiety and panic attacks. So I am thinking that I definitely had anxiety at work and it affected by the quality of my work, but I did not actually blow up until I started looking at all the things that made me anxious  like the inability to support myself, at the time I did not know that there was a disability pension. Unbelievably at first I was actually happy I was laid off because I did not have to experience that pressure of work and my anxiety or attacks towards it. So again I am thinking that although I had problems at work and was laid off I did not explode until realized that I could not live on my saving for ever and that I did not want to go to work because this is where I felt sick all the time. I am wondering is this part of my exposure that I need to do because I am actually doing it right now by working part time at home. I have realized a lot about what causes me anxieties towards work and I am working to reduce their effects. The last question I know you are going to say a doctor has to answer but my CBT said go back to work and I asked my GP if he thought I could do it and he said no. So is it the case that there are some people who will never be able to achieve there goals because of the severity of the anxiety and attacks or should everyone that is trying to change the way there are thinking eventually lead towards going back to work (in my case). The question in a more refined manner is there such thing as a permanent handicap (anxiety and panic) and if there is how this could be so if it is just because of the way we think, which can be changed.
13 years ago 0 118 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Severities of Agoraphobia and Other Questions


 I would like to thank you for your observations  and insights I guess that my last question no one want to answer because if they sat yes then you give up and if they say no then you’re trying may lead to a worsening of attacks. In either case, there is no right or wrong answer. I have not tried to roll with attacks yet because I am listening to what my thought are during one so that I can challenge them latter. As Davit said perhaps, I still need more thought exposure to my thoughts and this is where I am concentrating my efforts

Just as an aside for the people who may know me, I had relationship issues in one of my posts. I asked someone out and where going out next week.  I have no expectations as people said it could lead to a good friend, which I could use at the very least. I have also prepared myself that we may not click at all and this is just an experience.
13 years ago 0 118 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Severities of Agoraphobia and Other Questions

My next step is to step back awhile and continue to challenge thoughts. I pretty sure that my social worker was hinting at the fact that I spend to much time on think about what I am thinking. I am looking at relationships becuase I think this is where I need something positive in my life so I am completing the last part of the tool box. As for my dad he thinks I am doing the right thing for myself but as with his generation cannot add much support not becuase he dose not want to becuase he has never thought about the way he thinks.
13 years ago 0 118 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Severities of Agoraphobia and Other Questions

I need some clarification, but perhaps not. During the attack I watch what I thinking I am allways in bed so it would be hare to write down while in bed. I watch what I am thinking not the reason for the attack just my reaction to it. I store what I thinking and then write in my journal that morning when I wake up. What I am doing, is this a close approximation of what your suggesting or am I interpreting what you said wrong.  The one thing I did during the attack and perhaps this is wrong, is I started saying things like I can take it and it is only and panic attack and that why I am in fear of the sensations, kind of positive thoughts during it.  However, I think it became a double edge sword becuase well I was saying these things I think in the back of my mind was why is it not stopping  the attack (stupid I know to expect positive thoughts to stop an attack on the second try). The positive thoughts came from watching what I had said before in previous attacks I am still in session 3 so perhaps I am employing the wrong method by saying anything at all. What is your advice? One thing I also noticed is what I am thinking before I go to bed can affect an attack. Such as if i think there are happening becuase i learned it from when i lost my hearing that when I move in bed I will have an attack, or the CBT told me that there is allways a thought with the attack so if i have identified what I was thinking before the attack happened then I start looking for this thought and when it appears I have an attack. Again I have challenged all the thoughts and they do not produce an attack 100% of the time so I am challenging them and discarding them.
13 years ago 0 118 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Feeling trapped in my own body

I have some questions about breathing. When during an attack some people hyperventilate and others like me stop breathing. I know Ashley said not to use box breathing to stop an attack and I agree. However if you are one of the people who hyperventilate or stop breathing, which makes the symptoms of an attack worse, should you not try some relaxed breathing not necessarily boxed breathing but just relaxes breathing so you are behaviourally telling your body you are relaxed during an attack. This is part of a behavioural change to an attack am I wrong?
I was reading about paying attention to how you breathe during different emotional states. I noticed that I never abdominally breathe unless I do boxed breathing or purposely abdominally breathe.  My final question is it worth it when say you watching TV and are in a relaxed state to try to retrain you bodies to a minimum do some abdominal breathing. After 25 years of anxiety, I have turned into a chest breather even when relaxed. I know there are articles that say watch a baby breath when it is not in distress and you will see its tummy or abdomen raise and lower. Again I ask is It worth trying to change how you breathe when in a relaxed state is this not the behavioural part in some small level of CBT. I am thinking that if you retrained your body to breathe abdominally without paying attention then we would naturally have less stress and anxiety. I have been told the answer is no by one person, but it seems to me that part of CBT is to change the way you think and the other part is to change the way you behave or breathe. Alternatively, is the answer to change the way you think about being a chest breather just the thought alone, in other words if you try to abdominally breathe while relaxed you are at first creating some anxiety that you are not doing it naturally. If you achieved abdominal breathing without anxiety towards it and not thinking about it could this not be the ultimate goal, or is it unachievable.
Dizzy i am getting dizzy just thinking about this question just kidding
13 years ago 0 118 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Questions about breathing for relaxation I started a new thread from an old one

Hi Dizzy and Davit:  Personally, I have used deep breathing and box breathing for years to help with anxiety, during an attack too.  It works for me.  I practiced breathing exercises when in a relaxed state so that when I did feel anxiety or stress coming on, I would use it right away to help me relax before the anxiety escalated.  When I feel tired out, breathing ex. helps too.  Sometimes I just breathe in, hold for a count of two, gently let it out without forcing it out.  If you place your hand just below your rib cage you will be able to feel it go up and down as you breathe.  It doesn't have to be a big rise, you will feel a slight rising which is o.k.  Just remember that breathing in expands, and breathing out contracts. 

I would practice this every single day as part of your coping techniques.  I remember when learning this that I chose a specific time every day and a specific chair.  I would practice this about 10 minutes every day.  Whenever I felt anxious again, I would go back to that chair and do the breathing again.  After awhile, the mere sitting down in that chair signalled to my body that this was a relaxation time.

Another idea:  when I was very anxious and not breathing properly, I used to sing.  Singing makes you open up, breathe more and it's a great distraction.  I used to use this when driving when I got tensed up.

Hope this gives you some ideas.

Your friend, Sunny

Hi Dizzy

I used to count to try to regulate it. By the way it is interesting that if you pass out your breathing will adjust to what you need. According to my Doctor. I think it is okay to think your breathing back to normal the same as trying to lower your pulse by thought which is much harder and probably only comes down because you are distracting the ForF reaction.

I don't belly breath as much as I should for the simple reason that it puts more O2 in my blood and hence to my brain.

Do you think there is a wrong way to do it. Now you have got me wondering if I just naturally belly breath when I'm anxious. It will have to wait because this antibiotic leaves me short of breath and I just naturally strive to get more air in my lungs. 

20 more days to go but I will try to remember the question after I'm back to normal.

Bit confused but curious



I have some questions about breathing. When during an attack some people hyperventilate and others like me stop breathing. I know Ashley said not to use box breathing to stop an attack and I agree. However if you are one of the people who hyperventilate or stop breathing, which makes the symptoms of an attack worse, should you not try some relaxed breathing not necessarily boxed breathing but just relaxes breathing so you are behaviourally telling your body you are relaxed during an attack. This is part of a behavioural change to an attack am I wrong?

I was reading about paying attention to how you breathe during different emotional states. I noticed that I never abdominally breathe unless I do boxed breathing or purposely abdominally breathe. My final question is it worth it when say you watching TV and are in a relaxed state to try to retrain you bodies to a minimum do some abdominal breathing. After 25 years of anxiety, I have turned into a chest breather even when relaxed. I know there are articles that say watch a baby breath when it is not in distress and you will see its tummy or abdomen raise and lower. Again I ask is It worth trying to change how you breathe when in a relaxed state is this not the behavioural part in some small level of CBT. I am thinking that if you retrained your body to breathe abdominally without paying attention then we would naturally have less stress and anxiety. I have been told the answer is no by one person, but it seems to me that part of CBT is to change the way you think and the other part is to change the way you behave or breathe. Alternatively, is the answer to change the way you think about being a chest breather just the thought alone, in other words if you try to abdominally breathe while relaxed you are at first creating some anxiety that you are not doing it naturally. If you achieved abdominal breathing without anxiety towards it and not thinking about it could this not be the ultimate goal, or is it unachievable.
13 years ago 0 118 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Quick question

Hi Sea
Your very words give you the answer to you problem when you said anticipation. In most cases that anticipation is worse the the realization. When you anticipate with fear it only makes thing worse. I am presuming that you ahve been to your doctors before and were able to get out of your car and make it to his office. If this is so you can anticipate with out fear becuase you have done it before. This is not to say you will not get anxious or have symptoms but you know symptoms are only nervous and they can not hurt you. What i just said is not easy but it is another way about it.