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14 years ago 0 29 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

   Hang in there!  I've never taken Celexa... how long are you on it?  Everything I read says SSRIs take 2 weeks to begin to kick in and full effect in 4+ weeks.
    You seem like such a gentle soul... take it easy... things will pass.  You're in our prayers!
14 years ago 0 29 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Hi Folks!

    Went to my doctor today and received Cymbalta to try... the doctor told me that Cymbalta would control panic attacks and GAD better than Buspar.  He said that Buspar was an older med and good for anxiety, but new meds were much better for GAD and Panic.  Does anyone have experience w/ this med?  How's the anxiety?  The panic attacks on the med? 

    The Buspar, while I could handle it better than Lexapro, was only minimally effective.  However, because Lexapro gave me some weird side effects, decided to stick w/ it and up the Buspar dose to 45 mg/day. 
    The doctor made me feel better... told me that he wanted to remove the Buspar once the Cymbalta kicked in... and told me the med was only a 'bridge' to get my nervous system 're-tiered' to a lower level of anxiety.  Also wanted to get rid of the Xanax, which I don't use that much of now, ASAP.
      It's feels like a couple of year's since I've been able to not think about these attacks and anxiety.  It was a big step for me to go to this doctor... and now that I went, I'm saying my prayers that Cymbalta reduces my anxiety level to a 'normal' range.
     Finally, the doctor told me that meds are meant to help w/ this type of program... not replace it.  

     Please keep me in your prayers! 

     Thank you! 
14 years ago 0 29 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Feeling out of it

Hi Caro!

   Davit gives good advice.
   I'd also say stick to the program and your routine.  Try to work w/ the anxiety and don't fight it.  It is hard at times, but working through it, is better than allowing yourself to be 'paralyzed' w/ the anxiety.  Again, not easy, but 'punch through it'.  Breathing and relaxing are key... it will pass... again, it will pass, just remember that.

    Take care and feel better... re-reading parts of the program help me sometimes when I forget or get overwhelmed.
14 years ago 0 29 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

I stopped the Cymbalta after 1 day... I had 2 really bad panic attacks and generally felt terrible.  Considering that I was going weeks w/o panic attacks and was really dealing w/ the generalized anxiety, I told the doctor that I believed it was the med.
I know many of you can appreciate this... I'm feeling a little down now.  Just trying to clear the med in my system...drinking lots of water.  In this case the 'cure' was worse than the illness.
As w/ all meds, other people may have a totally different reaction... and I hope they do.  So far I'm '0 for 2' w. Lexapro and now Cymbalta.  Honestly, I just want to get a good night sleep tonight... I was 'tossing and turning' all night w/ weird dreams and tingling sensations all over.
Keep me in your prayers... I told the doctor I'm not sure if I want to try another med... they seem to not agree w/ my body.
14 years ago 0 29 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

   I'm starting to think that my body doesn't handle any of the new meds.  It's been over 24 hours since I took the Cymbalta and I'm starting to feel better.
    I may ask the doctor for supplements and other suggestions outside of meds... does calcium help calm you down noticably?
14 years ago 0 29 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0


   Thanks for your time to respond to my posts.  I'm a little tired and frustrated at the moment... however, I know it's time to push on.

    No surprise... the chest sensations 'lit up' like a Christmas tree over the last day or so.  I need to divert my attention and remind myself how many times I've been down this path before... although unpleasant, I'm moving through the discomfort.

    Thanks for your prayers as well!
14 years ago 0 29 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Florida Gator's Football Coach

A little unusual post, I know... however, I found this comforting knowing someone else (and a very public person at that!) has had 'heart attack like symptoms' and went to the ER only to find out his heart is completely healthy and it's a stress related issue.  This story is all over the sports wires.
I'm not happy someone else is anxious... just comforted knowing that I'm not the only one!
BTW, it's been a pretty good couple of weeks since I've tried (for 1 day) and stopped Cymbalta.  I'm back to exercising, drinking my teas and not needing Xanax... been about 2 weeks since I've taken it.
I'll see the MD in 1 month... he's going to try to switch me from the Buspar to Zoloft... which I would REALLY like since I'm tired of taking Buspar 3x a day!
I've noticed in the several months since I've started this program and done a lot of reading, that one of my biggest challenges is NOT reading and watching too much stuff on anxiety.  For me, reading and talking about it, really causes me to recycle the topic in my head.

On that note, take care as I keep my healthy distance (for a while) from all things anxiety!!!
14 years ago 0 29 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Florida Gator's Football Coach

   I have completed the readings.  I've found the program to be very comprehensive.  Encompassing all the main ideas on how to reduce/eliminate anxiety/panic.   I'm saying this as an RN (practiced in cardiac/thoracic) whose read numerous books on panic/anxiety and read through Linden/Barry and many others.
   I'm still working through some anxiety... however the biggest change for me came from self awareness that it wasn't a physical ailment that was bothering me... but a mental one that causes physical reactions.  I've had a couple of panic attacks, and although not pleasant (at all!!!) I didn't go to the hospital which was a 'break through' for me.
   Again, the article mentioned below was meant to show how many people get physical reactions to emotional release and/or stress.

14 years ago 0 29 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Florida Gator's Football Coach


    It's been challenging w/ regard to heart issues.  Thankfully, I've been tested and retested and my heart is healthy.  I think my biggest challenge (ironically) is that I know a lot about heart issues being a cardiac nurse years ago.  Slowly but surely I'm coming to the realization that my heart is fine... thank God!  And you're right, a lot of it has to do with totally removing or reducing my exposure to anxiety provoking events, which for me means not using 'Google' or 'WebMD' to self diagnose.  This inevitably causes me to convince myself the 'worst case' scenario is happening... which is never the case, except in my mind.
    The other piece of 'good news' is that my panic attacks have lessened over the last 4 months in frequency and intensity.  I have had 'a couple' but haven't taken the trip to the ED.  I think that this program is a direct result of my realization that I'm physically ok, just anxious.  Which may not seem like a big improvement, but it is for me.
    My biggest challenge is dealing w/ everyday stress... something that I never thought of before and hope to forget about in 2010!  I work through 30-60 minute periods of stress usually twice a day.
     I'm seeing my MD in January who told me he's thinking of switching my Buspar to Zoloft.  I rarely take Xanax anymore, primarily because it makes me feel terrible later... and the 'rebound' anxiety takes a couple of days to get past.  If anyone has experience w/ Zoloft let me know... my experience w/ Cymbalta and Lexapro weren't the best.  I'm hoping this SSRI works for me... has anyone tried one class of drug, SSRI or not, and been sucessful w/ another drug in that same class?
