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14 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Please Please help

Could this be a panic thing? I get this reflux thing to the point where I can't or don't want to eat. I have been known to put a few books under the legs at the head of the bed to elevate it a bit. Funny thing is that ginger mint tea makes it go away, so it can't be real reflux, but it sure feels like it. I also have some Cytoteck because I'm not giving up lasagne or any thing else I like, like clili or spaghetti sauce although I too have cut back the proportions and some of the ingredients. Question is if it can cause reflux, can it cause panic. Food for thought, no pun intended.

14 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Please Please help

Good morning Susan.

At least it is still morning here. There is a thing related to reflux Called GERD. which resembles reflux except that with it there is pain in the area of the breastbone, along with irritability and fatigue and six or more symptoms. Antacids give it some relief but wont cure it. It would increase anxiety so is worth ruling out or if you have it cure. What about ulcers, they can be very painful if they perforate. There is also a rare disease that causes pain in the stomach area but you never mentioned anemia so I don't think you have it. It is called G.A.V.E. for short. Panic can mimic almost any thing with heart attack being the most common, but you will see from the forums that people do get some very strange symptoms from their panic. If the doctors can't find a physical reason for your pain then it could very well be stress and that thank God is a lot easier to relieve than some physical problem. Josie is right Journaling will help find the cause and it will also reinforce the fact that you are not having a heart attack. If it is physical the program can help by reducing the anxiety that increases the blood flow to your stomach and irritates it. Along with a bland diet, no sugar or caffeine for a while should give you some relief. But remember, we are not Doctors, only a doctor can rule out the physical. Keep sharing we are here with you.

14 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Update on Xanax withdrawal

Hello Lisa

Well you tried. You can't know unless you try.  Remember that if you go back on effexer instead of xanax that you still have to taper off the xanax but you can do it faster. Good luck.

14 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Update on Xanax withdrawal

Hello Lisa

You can definitely take Xanax and Effexer together. It might make you more sleepy is all. They are not related. Remember that Effexer is an antidepressant and Xanax is an anti anxiety. Effexer takes two to three weeks to become totally effective so don't rush getting off the Xanax. It took me a year and a lot of counselling to get off Ativan. And I still have some Valium (diazapam). It like Xanax has a longer half life so is safer than Ativan. I don't know if Effexer will do it for you but it can't hurt. I hope you will still do the program because I really think it can help. Anyway I'm not on any thing and I was really messed up and still am a bit at times. But for the most part I'm panic free and when I'm not they only last 15 minutes or so, not long enough to count. By the way thinking about anxiety breeds anxiety which is why exposure works so well.  Good luck. Keep sharing.

14 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Exposure Work with NIght-time Anxiety


Am I to presume your up this late cause your scared to sleep? Ok There is no panic when your asleep, only when you wake up. Exposure is thinking about it so you can bring it about in a mild state before going to sleep, but not to the point that you go into a full blown panic attack, but think about it and try to control it as best as you can. And if it gets out of hand then take something for it. It's in the book but since we have different versions I can't say what page. It also says that if you take something for it first then it doesn't work. I don't know about you but for me once the panic was over then I was fine till morning, so if I could do it before bed then I slept. I'm presuming You are at the point where you can say this isn't real so go away.  So you have till the 4th to do some exposure.(pun). Shouldn't matter if your alone. The thing according to the book is to try to induce it but keep it mild. The small print that they don't talk about is that it can take a long time, A very long time. I'm watching Polar express on Youtube. Good exposure for me because I'm claustraphobic on top of Agoraphobic. And what do you mean alone? You still have a computer start a journal, it will help with the anxiety.

14 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Myth or Fact?

Hi Luciana. 

I was busy all day, baking etc. so only took a quick look at the posts. I noticed tonight that what you are referring to as SAD is not what I bought the lamp for. Could you at some time explain to people the difference between Seasonal adjusted disorder,(SAD) and Social anxiety disorder, (SAD). I believe they are quite different and although the lamp works for the first, I don't think it works for the second. The lamp gives me more energy and I do sleep much better. I think it is a necessity as I am house bound most of the winter. While I'm here I found an article on visualization that I found very interesting so I'm going to try it. My way of dealing with social anxiety is to use distractions for now till I find something better.

14 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
How to avoid Holiday Stress Part 6

I'm sitting here watching the snow come down and I can see my lights because they are on my chicken house rather than my house. I'm eighteen kilometres from the nearest store and about three from my nearest neighbour. And the side road I live on hasn't been cleared and probably wont be till after Christmas now. Except for some selective music I downloaded from Itunes, it is quiet. This is about as peaceful as it gets. I may or may not make cookies today. It depends on whether or not I can get to the store for stuff I need. I refuse to let the fact that there may be too much snow on the road stop me from enjoying the snow on the trees. I love the snow. It silently goes about doing it's thing. In a way it is company. I usually have all my baking done and in the freezer so all I have to do on Christmas day is put the bird in the oven. This way if I want to go visit I can. No pressure. I also don't make a big production of the whole season. I may get on a tractor and clean my driveway if that is what makes me happy. The thing is to enjoy it no matter what you do. It really is what you make of it. If your family wants a big production then let them do the work and you enjoy there labour, this is a time to enjoy. For all of you who might be by your self for the first time. Concentrate on all the good times you had. Dig up the past and relive the good times. Visit. Drive around and look at the lights. No bad or sad thoughts till the new year. And smile a lot, People will wonder what you are up to. 
Merry Christmas and a happy holiday to all.

14 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
how long does celexa 20 stay in system?

I don't know how long it takes to clear normally. It took me two days to get rid of the worst of the side effects. In theory, with a 24 hour half life, Half would be gone in 24 hours and then half of that half in another 24 hours etc. Depends on how sensitive you are to it. I can't tell you any thing about paxil except that I can't take it. Celexa gave me restless leg syndrome. So far I'm doing Ok off all the medication, I'm having a fair bit of luck with visualization and distractions to keep the negative thoughts at bay. Visualization is like meditation except instead of thinking about nothing you pick out a happy place or time and concentrate on it expanding it till it crowds out all that unhappy feeling. It can be done almost anywhere except when driving. Good luck with the Paxil.

14 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
14 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Early morning on Christmas

Hello Tam.

I am so sorry for you, I hope you are better now. But you have made my day and I thank you for it. You have made me feel young again just thinking about all the times I did the same in my youth, well and later too. (except without the panic)  Shades of Christmas past. I've been running all those Christmas's through my mind, some were good some were bad but they were always still Christmas, a very special time of year. Was it a good wine. I can remember driving to another province because I couldn't get the wine I wanted here. Now I make my own and I am certainly going to have a couple of glasses, spread out and I hope that will keep the worst of the hang over away. It seems that every thing good costs time money or pain. It's only one day a year so if it costs me all three, so be it. I hope you can salvage the rest of the day. Thank you again for making my day. Keep sharing.

Merry Christmas.