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16 years ago 0 41 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

It had been two weeks since I stopped taking Effexor. Most of the side effects of that has worn off save for the occasional 'brain zap' as someone so aptly coined it. The problem is I am experiencing bouts of extreme irritablity. Last evening after having a great day I yelled at my daughter for something ridiculous. Even my son was upset as I never yell much. People I've spoken to simply say five year olds will do that to you etc. But the irritability just welled up and I snapped. For a brief instant I recognized a window were I could have stopped myself but proceeded to act like a bit of a jerk! The rest of the night was a bit of a wash for me personally because I felt terrible and very anxious about the whole incident. It has happened on several occasions were this irritability just washes over me! Has anyone experienced this and is this the new me or am I still experiencing the 'med reduction'. Geez I felt like I was doing so well. (by the way within 20 minutes we were playing snakes and ladders, so methinks it was me who obviously has the issue) Sorry for rambling Michael
16 years ago 0 41 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Geez thanks so much.  Sometimes it just takes a little perspective...and you have all given me that.  Thanks for listening and being so supporitve.
Just a little side bar.  I am currently reading the book  Don't Panic R. Reid Wilson. (oops I hope I am allowed to reccommend a book in this forum!)
 It is about taking contro of panic attacks and there are some really good sections in it.  It deals with a whole range of anxiety related issues.  Currently I am reading a Chapter 16, Taking a new stance.  Here
it deals with how to change your negative thought patterns.  I have been really doing the exercises and ...well..they seem to work.  Essentially it
enables you to move from repetative negative thoughts to supportive ones.  There are very simple steps and easy to remember and employ.
Anyhow thanks DazedMommy for the kind words as usual.  Miki and cornish-dee, thanks for reminding me that I am only human afterall.  Danielle I am taking your advice and am
recording events, times and dates of my irritability and will bring it up with my Dr.
Have a wonderful day all!
16 years ago 0 41 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

It must be hard for people who do not experience anxiety et. al. to really have an empathy for what we sometimes go through.  Although my wife is a nurse and
very supportive, on occasion, when she is irritable or tired or fed up she may respond in a "snap out of it" or "just do it " response.  For myself,I feel it is
hard enough working through all of this without having to suffer that.  Then I think about it from her side.  She is frustrated that she doen't really
get what people like us can sometimes feel and so it is a bit of a leap of faith for her/them.  At least we feel it, they have to imagine it and then try to feel it. 
In some weird way I'm better off.  Sounds a little wacky I know.  By the way, Miki is so right about involving those we love in this program / forum.  And just venting
is the best medicine, it sure does help me to have so many understanding and caring people I can vent to.  So keep on venting, everyone is here for you!
16 years ago 0 41 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Congratulations on such progress. You must be so proud of yourself...
By the way ,Mothers-in-Law have a way of making even the most un-anxious of us anxious.  Methinks it
goes with the terrritory!  I  really hope you feel the pride that we all feel in you.  To be in that situation and to ride
it through to its conclusion is such a triumph.  I mean that is what this is all about to be able to face
it and to be successful...You are an inspiration to us all.  I'm almost excited to try some exposure today...The feeling of
doing it is quite magical although during the event not so much if I recall.  Have a great day and don't forget to
reward yourself!!!
16 years ago 0 41 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
100 Degrees

Sounds like it all turned out for the better.  The easiest thing to do would
have been get your husband and get home to your safe place.  As we all
know that would have been a temporary feeling.  As it turned out you really
faced it and subsequently you were successful.  From working through this
program I have come to realize that if I do the opposite of what I normally
would have done in anxious situations it turns out for the better.  To keep doing
what I normally would have done (run away) tends to exascerbate the problem.
On saturday past I was on my way up north to clear some land for which I am going
to build a cabin...This place is quite remote and as I left my family and began the
drive I could feel the negative thoughts poking through.  "What if I get attacked by a
bear?, What if I get into a car accident?", What if?????. Within a half an hour I
was really anxious and thought maybe I should turn around.  By employing some of
the techniques outlined in session 4, (exposure) I was able to logically put things into
perspective and continued on my journey....
Dazed mommy coined it eloquently when she said, "keep doing what your doing and the
good days will pile up"...It is so true and as the good days become the norm than the
norm becomes the good days with anxious days becoming more of the 'blip' in the system.
So I think your day was very successful.  It sounds like you didn't fight it too hard but rather
rolled with it.  I think we (myself, formerly) spent too much time making anxiety the enemy
and by giving it that much credence we give it power over us.  Just accepting it and not changing your
life gave you a great success....You should be so proud of yourself.  Again it proves that other peoples
successes beocme the mirror for my own!  So thank you!
By the way never made it up to my land...rain washed out the road!  Perhaps mother natures anxiety takes
 precedence over my own.
Highway 401 in Toronto on a hot July day and traffic stops dead, now there is an anxous situation.  So heat
and congestion of any sort causes a form of claustraphobia!
Good luck and sorry for my much too long response!
16 years ago 0 41 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
out for the day!!

Congratulations on accomplishing so much in such a short span.
Yeah bike riding...Just pedalling through air of your own accord.  I cycle quite a bit and it really does
lessen my anxiety...Just thought I'd pass on a few of my favourite quotations on bike riding!
Melancholy is incompatible with bicycling.  ~James E. Starrs
When I go biking, I repeat a mantra of the day's sensations:  bright sun, blue sky, warm breeze,
blue jay's call, ice melting and so on.  This helps me transcend the traffic, ignore the clamorings
of work, leave all the mind theaters behind and focus on nature instead.  I still must abide by the
rules of the road, of biking, of gravity.  But I am mentally far away from civilization.  The world is
breaking someone else's heart.  ~Diane Ackerman

16 years ago 0 41 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
What happened????

I am truly sorry for your loss and cannot imagine what you are feeling just now. 
I too let things slide when life is well and the anxiety is soft.  Perhaps that is why I am still on session 4 (exposure) and will probably remain on it for a while. 
Subconsciously I must say well things are good now, so why awaken the 'ucky' feelings unnecessarily?  Perhaps it is just human nature to just get on with it and deal with it when you need to.
This site for me is a safety blanket of sorts.  I know it is always here and I can access it whenever and despite how much time passes I am still welcome here and know that there are so many wonderful people who post here and truly understand  what  it is we all suffer from.  Just knowing there is a safe place  is sometimes enough  for me. 
Take care of yourself and post often...or not!
16 years ago 0 41 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Did you know?

Wow some information that!  I wonder if the purveyor of those stats and studies could provide equally interesting stats and numbers on the successess and/or achievements of those that suffere anxiety disorders.  As for the ONE cited example of  the woman who gave up that job for something less I  would gather that there are many who are able to not give in and remain successful and triumphant in their struggles with anxiety.
Now that would be a good read, one in which I could truly revel in!
16 years ago 0 41 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Did you know?

Very well said.  I think most of us, as you said, would not have chosen to have this anxiety but like you further stated, it has given you compassion.  I too would never have wanted such a thing as anxiety but it also has made me more compassionate and definitely more empathetic towards others.  Usually when I am on this website it is because I am in need of friendly support and just need to touch base with people who can understand me and not make me feel bad.  The list of negative traits really did the opposite for me.  I know it is probably fact and rooted in authenticated statisticsal anaysis but I just didn't need to read that kind of stuff at that particular time.  All it really did for me is make me question such things as "well am I now destined for alcoholism?, drug addiction, suicide?" (OCD here no doubt) Is the anxiety itself not enough? Now I have more things to think about!    Anyhow enough, time for exposure work!  Sorry for the extendo-rant yet again!
16 years ago 0 41 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Welcome to the group.  You will find this group so supportive.  I have been a member since march 08 and it has really helped me.  The more I put into the program and the exercise the more I seem to get out of it!  Good luck and post often!