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16 years ago 0 41 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Medication question....

Ha! us and our meds. My last med will be this thursday. Funnily enough I've been weening off of them since March 1st and aside from the slight anxiety of losing my familiar 'crutch' it has been fine with no significant changes. But for some reason ending them is a bit frightening because I begin to wonder will I slip backwards and are all these coping strategies I am employing and continuing to learn nothing without the meds? By monday will I be a walking catastophe....(session 2 I think, catastrophic thoughts). The good news is that my dreams are returning to normal and no longer am I a naked super hero landing in my classroom of grade 9's. Those dreams I will not miss! Anyhow please wish me luck and if anyone has any advice regarding the above I'd love to hear about it Thanks for listening. Michael
16 years ago 0 41 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Jemima Welcome. How familiar is that. Whenever I read a news story about anxiety or depression or anything even remotely related I get anxious. Sometimes working on my anxiety exercises make me anxious. Go figure, the very thing I'm trying to use for coping is the thing that makes me need to cope. For sure a catch 22. However I have found the more you become in touch with it and deal with it and just let the anxiety happen while you deal with it (ie. this website sometimes makes me anxious)the less frightening it becomes and the more we can cope and work toward positive results. This website is very helpful and I really rely on it a lot. Keep posting and as I am realizing myself, we are truly not alone and that it does get better! Good luck! Michael
16 years ago 0 41 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Med reduction

Any Advice I have been weening myself off of effexor (prescribed for anxiety in January /07). I am under the direction of a MD. who suggested a slow reduction. I have followed his instructions to the letter. The problem: Last thursday was my last med (37.5mg), since then I have been having real funny sensations in my brain. It is almost like a wee surge in my brain or a sense of 'freezing'. It only last for an instant but then it triggers a brief anxiety feeling in my stomach. If I am sitting quiet it is less likely to arise. But as soon as I engage in any physical activity or conversation I get them. They are a bit uncomfortable and almost feel like little teeny weeeny panic attacks. As I play competetive ice hockey and have a game this evening should I play? Will these things disappear? Has anyone experienced these things before and if so for how long? They are slightly creeping me out! Thanks for letting me drone on! Michael
16 years ago 0 41 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Med reduction

Thank you all so much for your responses. It has been 6 days and yes the symptoms have significantly diminished except for the irritability part....However that may be me reaching my 40's. The brain zaps have all but gone and I feel so released. Thanks again for all your support but mostly for reassuring me that these brain zaps will indeed go away. They, as you know, are quite frightening. I hope you all have a wonderful day and know that you have done something for someone who absolutely appreciates it! Michael
16 years ago 0 41 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Symptoms eh! The symptom I get that mostly does me in is absolute fear and the feeling of being detached or outside my body. I have actually left conferences in other countries and headed for the airport and jumped on a plane to get home and feel safe again. The problem was that you end up feeling worse once you are safe again because deep down you know you could've been more in control...It really does a number on your self-esteem which in turn perpetuates the panic attacks possibilities. Oh aren't we a bunch? lol. So many of those symptoms described by everyone are so familiar, and so normal for those of us who experience anxiety!!! Cheers. Michael[b]Text[/b]
16 years ago 0 41 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Dee Hang in there, your experiences are so familiar. I remember thinking "will these feelings ever subside, will I ever fee 'normal' again?" Meds, no meds, fear of meds, icky feeling of starting meds, yucky feeling of ending meds, feeling like heck because I needed meds etc....You will get through it all as we all do and from my own experience it won't be in an explosion of happiness and no anxiety but rather a calm acknowlegement of "this is o.k"...I am currently working on 'exposure' now and it is quite tough but man is this website and the programs in it wonderful. Stick to the programs and the weekly tasks for I am finding it working so well.I really do admire you tenacity and your openess, keep posting and know that others are thinking of you and are in full support! As my Irish Granny used to say "It is always darkest before the dawn" Good luck and keep plugging away! Michael
16 years ago 0 41 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I did it!

Wow Congratulations. What a wonderful success story...You should be very proud of yourself. For as we all know it simply isn't just studying and working hard at academia but also working through anxiety Such an achievement. You are such an inspiration! Michael
16 years ago 0 41 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Exposure Planning Session 4

Folks I see a Dr. type guy once every couple of months and I really think it is worth it. He just lets me ramble on and is very supportive. He sometimes asks leading questions to get me to explore the answers. I must admit however, as one of you so succinctly put it, when I first went to him I though he was going to say I was crazy or judge me etc. It was nothing like that however and although it has taken me quite a while I now am not as anxious going to see the person who is helping me. Again the irony of anxiety. I do know of people who have changed therapist and eventually found the right fit. So keep trying it can be quite helpful. I too am still working on Session 4 exposure and it really is baby steps. I mean who in their right mind would move toward that which makes us feel anxious. I completed a real small exposure exercise (as suggested to start with) was successful and felt so proud of myself. I'm working up to a bicycle ride from Niagara falls to Cornwall by myself so I really want to practice exposure so I can successfully get back to the things I used to do! The beauty of a small exposure experiment is that if it is not very successful then hey it is only a small thing but if it is successful it feels as if I've achieved something big! A bit cheeky eh! lol Michael
16 years ago 0 41 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello, I'm brand new.

Hello IvoryPlum Welcome. This site is wonderful, everyone is so supportive and we can say, and more importantly, feel anything and not feel bad or judged or alone in our thoughts! It has helped me immensely and I am so glad it is here! Post often because sometimes a problem shared is a problem halved. As for the acupuncture, I have never tried it but am extremely curious. Would you please let us know how it goes. Good luck! Michael
16 years ago 0 41 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi, im new here

Popsy Your symptoms are very similar to mine. A constant fear in my stomach and hard to pinpoint its source. Sometimes it leads to a real anxiety attack. I am working through the sessions here and I really do notice a difference. Currently I am at session 4 'exposure' and am apt to be for quite a while. Just try it and it will all become less confusing. Anyhow, welcome and post often, sometimes it just helps to write it all down. Michael