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21 years ago 0 10 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Confused about program flow

Hi ! I recently joined the program(3-4 days back), I read all section 1 info and filled up diary for day 1. After that It took me to section2 which I presume is in next week, Also diary does not allow me to enter the data on daily basis. Default month is always July2002.(I joined in last week of October) If section 1 is for 1 week, why I am not been able to revisit that section , I really do not want to jump to section 2 before a week. Also I am getting lot of aplication error when I click on View My session diary and report. Please help me how can I make sure I am on right track to use this program.
21 years ago 0 10 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Confused about program flow

Hi ! I really appreciate the efforts you are taking to provide this invaluable tool for us. I could volunteer the application testing, and suggesting specific buggy areas to your tech team, as I am myself a web engineer by profession. Please let them know if they need any specific bug reporting to look into this.
21 years ago 0 10 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Confused about program flow

Looks like the bug is fixed. Now I can see other months too. One question remains open though, How can I access previous section for more reading and practising. One more thing with Panic Diary is can we record day;s activities in general? It may be possible on particular day one may not get a full attack, but still want to record some suttle points such as which action/situation raised the anxiety etc. Anyway I am really being helped in major way already in terms of my reaction to catostrophic thoughts after reading all the discussions here. Thanks
21 years ago 0 10 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Confused about program flow

Hi ! Sorry to trouble you again. But help me understand where is the Link, Text Area to record daily activity if there is no panic? Or do you mean to say we can just enter level of fear and medication details for the day when we did not have panic attack? Please help me with this. Thanks
21 years ago 0 10 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I am New -Seasonal Anxiety???

Hi! I can understand the seasonal part. In fact if you get worse in Winter then my guess is Mornings are good, come evening and some gloomey feeling starts creeping in.... And then somewhere just before the dinner the anxiety is peaked (even when u r physically relaxed). Here are couple of suggestions which worked for me to some extent. 1. Plan your day in such a way that any activity which takes your time on concentration, try to postpone it till evening. Idea here is do not let yourself be free in the evenings.. also make sure the things you will do in evening will be not stressful(Try something like Doing the laundries, preparing dinner, sorting through mails etc) and utilize your free time in day to go on small walk, small ride in a car etc. 2. I am not sure doctors(Opthalmologits) would support this, but if possible instead of spending lot of money on bright lighting sytem, install a industrial type fluorocent tube light (You get that about $15-20 in any home store) one of the rooms and try to spend maximum time in evening there. This certainly helps to elevate your mood.
21 years ago 0 10 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Paxil+Xanax(Alprozolam) together?

Hi, I have been suffering from panic/agorophobia/general anxiety for last 5 years. Things are sometimes very good for 4-5 months and then some incidence drags it back to level 1, which makes the things worst by next 7-8 months and again start to improve with some medication or other and cycle repeats. In the last such cycle I was precribed Paxil(1/2 a day )which I took for about 5 months and felt really good, but due to side effects I wanted to discontinue it. I dicontinied and still kept better for about 3 months, but about 2 months back again the bad cycle started and this is at peak of scares now. I tried to restart the paxil but on day 1 of restart I had such a ghastly attacks I discontinued and avoiding it so far. I take half to 1 tablet of xanax (Alprozolam) .25mg a day sometimes when I feel terribly bad (Usually twice or thrice a week). I want to regain the confidence to start on CBT and get away from medication if possible. My question is can I start Paxil as prescribed (about 1 year back, and dosage was minimum) and have xanax for some days till I get better on paxil? Or Paxil and Xanax can not be taken together? Point to mention here I started my panic attacks when accidently I had few drinks mixed with marijuana/kawa type oriental drug about 5 years back. On that night it scared a lot out of me as if I was having an heart attack, which indeed was a fatal combination. But after that I became cardio-phobic and things turned to panic/anxiety disorder. So I am very sensitive to physical symptoms and phobic to any combination of medicines which starts my worry wort thinking back. Can I take 1 to 2 (.25 mg/tablet) xanax a day? Will it make me dependent? Please let me know. Want to try CBT on my own without going back to medication loop so want to avoid psychiatrist if possible. Thanks and sorry for such a long posting.
21 years ago 0 10 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Grocery Shopping

Thanks !!! This is really a good cheat-sheet. I am sure we all will read it each time we try our exposure exercises. One other things I have noticed (at least in my case) is there are 2 very likely point when you get an attck or at least your catastophic thoughts get triggered... 1. When you enter the store you are determined, ready with all your tools..the moment you go to some of the ailes where you can not now see the main entrance, almost certainly you start a very heavy catastrophic thought that you can not make it now. 2. This is most probable zone... Whenever you are done and you find out there are couple of people ahead of you.., you start getting gittery and when your turn at check-out register comes, you are really shaking... when it comes to just before the actual payment process, it gets the worst and you start getting very strong physical symptoms,(My reasoning is at this point you are mentally committed that you have purchased the items and you can not simply drop them off and run outside..So you know you have to complete the transaction process, which may take a minute or two and you feel out of control there) In fact I personally experience same feeling where ever there is a point of completion, may be in ticket line, may be if you are standing in buffet queue. I would like to seek your help how to calm the catastrophic thoughts at that particular point...
21 years ago 0 10 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Other theories while on Program..Like Silva MCM

I do not know if this question is valid or not. I recently heard and came acrross the Silva Mind Control Method book and heard few good things about it. I want to know if there is any research done on good/bad impacts of this method for panic/anxiety disorder patients... Since it really deals with mind as it suggests, it may do good or bad effect, so wanted to know if it is ok to practice it and specifically while on 12 week Panic program. Thanks
21 years ago 0 10 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Other theories while on Program..Like Silva MCM

Yes, We need to find out these knots..Another trouble we have is, we know where the knot is, in theory we also know what type of knot it to un-knot it... But cometh the wave of physical symptoms or thoughts, we get washed off and forget how to un-knot this one...Lot of time I think the whole game revolves around not letting you swept away by first/second/nth wave of symptoms. Talking about poistive side of this disease/situation/illness .. I was able to completely be alcohol free and smoke free about 4 years back (About year after I started my attacks..) Making me a non-smoker is one of the greatest gift this troublesome friend of ours has given to me.
21 years ago 0 10 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Waking up Anxious

Interesting to note that eating triggers your anxiety. :) For me it's other way round, if I do not eat and feel hungry it starts getting panicky. At that point I think of being hypoglosimic(low on blood sugar) and that could hurt my brain or something (Which apparently does not happen :) ) I also wake up in middle of night sometimes getting the same feeling which you are describing. Ususaly when this happens next day is more anxious (Like today I had same feeling). Looks like common point is getting anxious before or after food (Some inner fears are acting up one way or other? In my case I think I have figured out whenever I eat stomachful this anxious feeling goes away, so may be I am afraid of being low on blood sugar or something) Does anyone has observed simmilar things about food?