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21 years ago 0 6 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi im new and need some help please

Hi everyone i am new here well 2 weeks(My name is Lesa ) though i have been dealing with panic attacks for some 9 years now =( i have also been to every group counseler and doc looking for answers and what else is wrong with me though i keep getting the same answer panic disorder anyhow my step dad just had a heart attack my biggest fear then my cousins husband also had one age 33 my age which of course pushed me into a frenzy i was doing so well till this its been a month past since but everyday i have chest pains i even ended up in er yesterday with a ekg which showed my heart rate at 82 and just fine so why all the pain ??oh though i did cut down from 25 cigs a day to around 4 within the last 3 days my sponser says its anger and stress i think its more though i have been checked out by 3 differant doctors any advice as how to get on with my life i fear im turning into a hypochondriac all i do is sit and focus on each pain know each time its a heart attack in disquise as i sit here now i have had 2 heart pangs anyhow thanks for listening and letting me ramble a bit id appreciate any input or idea thanks again :quest:
21 years ago 0 6 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi im new and need some help please

Hi thank you for your replies to me anyhow yes i do watch my diet caffeine intake etc...i also have started doing yoga within the past 3 months which i have felt better and i pretty much conquered all the other fears of panic and started with this heart thing its scary and aggravating at the same time the only thing the drs have found is yes marianne i has gastoitis sp? so i am always full of excess gas i guess youd say lol seems like this is the last thing i need to overcome i just spend 90 % of the time worring if it s a heart attack or if im just dying it gets disgusting when i know in my mind im ok but then feel the racing heart going =( i also use pure lavender oil it is a natural realaxent so all you need to do is breath it and it relaxes you i hope this helps someone anyhow thanks again and i am glad to be here with people who understand and not judge that is the best feeling so thanks :)
21 years ago 0 6 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Getting off medication

Hi i just wanted to share this in hopes it may help someone i was on paxil but it seemed as though my attacks never went away i also never really felt like me i was on the meds for 8 years i finally weened myself off a week ago of them and knock on wood havent had any attacks in over 6 days also i was constintley freaking about heart attacks well i found out cause i was having chest pain anyhow that i did have excess air under my breat bone area from the way i would sit and yes the fear of the heart attacks left as soon as this was found out =) and another tip yoga has done wonders i hope this helps someone who had the same symptoms
21 years ago 0 6 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
need some advice please

Hi i have been working the program for little over 2 months anyhow this may come as a surprise but my family is disfunctional they gossip lie etc...which i never saw until i have been getting better my immediate family is great mom dad bro kids hubby just the other part aunts cousins uncles etc.. anyhow i sort of broke ties though a fight they started with my mom at a wedding everyone was drunk anyhow we sortof lost touch for about 8 months well i was getting better and better and then my uncle called so i talked well obvious found out nothing changed all is the same there but thing being since i have changed my thoughts and my life i have been living by the rule is what i say or doing going to make someone happy or hurtful /i also try to live by the rule if you are angry at someone they hold power over you and today when he was gossiping i kinda went backwards with all i have worked for i didnt even have an attack for a good 3 weeks and today i am having one So heres my question now seeing the harm they have caused and all the other nonesense should i just make amends and go back into the family that has hurt me and backstabbed me and my kids and mom numerous times or should i keep on the way i was honestly i was happier but then they are FAMILY as my uncle says anyone else ever have this dilemma ?if they were only friend i wouldnt have a prob but it is family please give me insight thank you :confuse:
21 years ago 0 6 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Just a Bad Day

Hi michelle well it is ok to have a bad day everyone does =) i also agree try yoga and remember the thought you have had this feeling before and you entitled to feel any way you want though i hope it is happy and also pick up some lavender oil it is an aromatherapy that helps to calm and relax your mind :)
21 years ago 0 6 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
hormonal origins of panic?

hi thank you for asking this question i was wondering the exact same thing i have learned how to cope with the attacks but i have noticed i get them strong during my period which is also irregular by 2 weeks so the whole duration of the time i start to get edgy and one the first day i get the dizzness chest tightness and dying fear going on i am so greatful that you asked this i felt like i was the only one i also came up for a name when i hear the word panic in my head i changed it from being scary to positive attitude now in control seems to help a bit thank you