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21 years ago 0 31 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I've Been Hit

Thanks so much for talking to me... no meds... going to aaaaaa naturalll.. lol gonna try to back off prescriptions and try some herbals and vitamins etc... we shall see... Beth.. how are you.. and what is your story???? Please talk and tell me../thanks.. night... see you tomorrow Kim
21 years ago 0 31 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I've Been Hit

Thanks so much for talking to me... no meds... going to aaaaaa naturalll.. lol gonna try to back off prescriptions and try some herbals and vitamins etc... we shall see... Beth.. how are you.. and what is your story???? Please talk and tell me../thanks.. night... see you tomorrow Kim
21 years ago 0 31 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Im so confused

Tammy - You are SO not alone. Panic attacks for me, although tramatic, have never been PAINFUL... more just overwhelming -short of breathe -heart attack symptoms etc like you describe.. if anything,,, when I have had my worst attacks... I just KNEW I was having a Its a difficult thing to live with -but no impossible. If you are not getting support from your General Physician - I would seek assistance from a Psychologist. But I do not know much... wish I could fix SOMETHING for you my friend... email me if you need to talk. Hang in there.
21 years ago 0 31 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Tank, Ive been dealing with this for over 16 years... going a full week without panic is SO HUGE... you are making progress..hold tight...and keep it up... it gets better once you get to the spot where you can actually feel improvement.. this is huge.. LOVE YA TANK!! woohooo
21 years ago 0 31 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Welcome to new members!

Ok I'll start this thing up for you Anne Marie. I have struggled with depression and anxiety since I was a little kid. I am now in my thirties, and still deal with it every day. It is a constant discipline in my thought process to stay on top of it and remain functional. Panic can suck the life out of you... if you let it control you.. but over the years I have learned that even though it may possibly never go away, it is controllable.. with copings skills, support, meds, etc Even having it under control though, or understanding it.. does NOT make it an easy thing to handle or live with. I have attacks every day - some severe, some mild.. some I work through, some I take medication because I am not coping... It just down right effects everything in my life - or at least effects how I COPE within every situation in my life.. and has always been almost impossible for me to describe to both doctors and counselors... Its a tough thing. Its also a workable thing. I hope this site really takes off.. I personally could use the support. I am on daily antidepressant -most of my life, and three years ago started on a low dosage of xanas, which I took rarely and only when I needed it.. three years later I am consistenly taking a half miligram a day. I am not comfortable with that.. cuz I dont know if its addiction to med/or lack of coping etc.. Thats where I'm at... thanks for listening. Thanks.
21 years ago 0 31 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Help with Paxil

Hi There - sorry to hear of your recent struggles.. I am not a doctor, however, I am very familiar with anti depressants and side effects... Sometimes, it takes several different tries to find the medicine that works for you. Please, if it is intolerable, contact your Doctor and get switched.. and keep switching until you find one that does not cause side effects. I would get so discouraged from side effects - I would just not take it, and then spiral out of control. Finally I found paxil - and it got me feeling so great, with no side effects... I stopped taking it and guess what... NOT GOOD THING TO DO...physical withdrawl was wicked.. anyways... Sometimes if you can make it through the first week or two, the side effects go away. I should say USUALLY - they go away....but if they do not -or remain severe - go try something else. Dont give up. If your doc feels you warrant medicine.. then you had prolly better be on it.... until/unless you find a different method of coping.
21 years ago 0 31 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Phobias? I am not sure I understand the question. My feeling is, that once you understand the condition of panic, it does not or will not necessarily progress or beome "phobic" symptomatic. maybe i am mis understanding you though.. hmmm I am still waiting to hear about another panic free day... how was today for you? Last night was horrid for me horrid horrid... I got myself physically sick and upset my son... )_(**^*( this stuff is hard even after years and years of it.... and medicine on hand.... but.. you know what? You can handle it. and so can I. Where are you at.
21 years ago 0 31 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

I'm not sure that panic necessarily requires a trigger? Or maybe that is bad information... sometimes triggers are so "MINIMAL or TRIVIAL".. .like it could be ANYTHING>.. My nose itches OH MY GOD! NOW I CANT BREATHE... etc... This is just my experience.. that triggers can be so minute, sometimes they are unidentifiable, and then you feel like you are making something up just to point a finger at anything... just to keep your sanity(smile) Paxil was the first anti depressant,, that I didnt have side effects with... until I went off it... I would recommend it to anyone -however I would also say... that I tried about 8 or 9 different ones over the years that i couldnt tolerate.. paxil was the first I could tolerate.. but now I am on prozac... so go figure. Wish I had a better answer.. but its got great potential (in my mind) to help you out.
21 years ago 0 31 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
The Chicken or The Egg?

The Egg, duh... Ha ha.. just kidding.. I can relate very much to your post.. and I would like to relay to you a conversation that I had with my Doctor at one point when I was being resistant to being on medicine.. I told her I want to get off meds, that is my goal.... She said (very sternly)...."For you, this is no different than diabetes. This is something that you have, that you may always have, that you have to be treated for or it could be fatal"... I play that sentence over and over.. the comparison to the physical vs mental... was very encouraging... to hear that it is -for people like me- no different. huh...
21 years ago 0 31 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Enough is Enough

I pray this is not inappropriate and trust the moderators to shut'er down if it is.... But, does anyone else, feel themselves going to bed every night thinking<< "ENOUGH"... I do NOT want to live this way.>> How do others cope with the pain, and weight, and is suicide a common thought process? Or am I like a 10 on the rector scale.. lol.. Anne -don't call 911.. I am not going to kill myself.. but my frustration level does rate that hi and if it werent for certain things that I have that others dont... etc... It might be worth asking? I apologize if this is out of line.. but I am at a major crux in life and struggling. Hope you are all GREAT GOOD GREAT!@@((HUG___))... lol... everything is just fine. breathe,