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Permananent relief from panic and depression

20 years ago 0 215 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Honestly, no, because I haven't been doing that for over a week now. The most comfort I have had has been about a week now, maybe a little less. That being said, so much of what I believe has everything to what our minds believe. I think a number of techniques might work for different people. Simply for the reason that we believe IT WILL... Does that make sense? So far though, for me, I believe it's the Linden method that is working for me.... ;)
20 years ago 0 50 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Kitkat Would you say that your improvement with driving ie some days not even thinking about it, has anything to do with the EFT. I'm certainly hoping my EFT sessions will bring me to that stage.
20 years ago 0 215 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
LOL Kelli I don't think our bodies attack us, at all. Logically it's our minds that create the various ways in which the body reacts. In other words, they're intertwined and interact together, not separately. I'm having a great day.... My driving is improving every day..some days I don't even think about it, I just drive and think about other things...which is what I used to do.... A new job sounds exciting...!!! And you should be proud!! Focus on that, (your new job) and not how you are feeling. Feelings pass, if we let them... Cheers ;)
20 years ago 0 42 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Kelli, I have been having a pretty good day, so far. I got up and drove to mass and went to coffee with a friend. This is somethig I havenot done for 6 months. (Going for coffee, it is something that I used to do everyday before the "thing" got a hold of me. (I call the fear and anxiety "the thing" because it is so terrible that it does not deserve a name. Hope you have a good day.
20 years ago 0 24 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi everyone ANYONE FOUND THE CURE !!!! Only joking i had a bad day today ive just started new job i think its the stress and all. I felt a pain in my heart. I know its just the anxiety and nothing medical, but when i got home from wrk i was really ****ed off why do our bods hate us. Im really proud of myself getting a ne job why would i attack myself and try to spoil it sometimes i dont understand this disease at all. Anybody had a good or bad day?
20 years ago 0 42 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I am new to this site and am trying to understand what my feelings mean. It seems that the best advice I have found, and I don't know where it was is to tell yourself "I know this is a feeling of anxiety and if I give in to it now, it will only overcome me." Giving in to anxiety is allowing fear and it goes round and round. I suffered from this "thing" (that's what I call it) a long time ago, and I read a quote that said "Fear knocked at the door and when I opened it, there was no one ther." Please don't think that I am cured, how I wish I were, but today, I got up early, went to mass, then to the store. I planned to make a certain cake for my daughter. Went out and jumped in the car again because I had forgotten 1 ingredient, came home and realized I had no sugar, Went back out, jumped in the car and ran to the store again. For me, this was a giant step. A month ago Iwould not drive anywhere.Thank God for this day. But, I'll tell you a secret, right now I feel as if I could jump out of my skin, and am trying to work thru it. God bless us all and take the fear and anxiety from us all. Callie
20 years ago 0 215 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks essence it also reinforces that we have no real control, for the most part, when we WILL die. I, for one, only hope it is swift and painless. Beyond that I don't dwell on takes too much away from living. I was reading a recent article about over use of Anti-depressants, and that today the FDA has asked for more labeling by drug companies about potential draw-backs for SOME... It linked to another article about a new drug being tested to help UN-learn certain fears..ONLY to help or speed this up... They quoted a cognitive behavorist about this new drug (actually it's not new, it's been used prior with Tuberculosis.. his comment about this new usage of this drug was this.. "However, David Kupfer, a Falls Church, Va., cognitive behavioral therapist with a specialty in phobias and other anxiety disorders, said that even if larger studies confirm the findings, he probably would use it only in a few patients. Other research has indicated that people who go through therapy **unmedicated for such problems do better, in the long run, he said.** €œPeople learn ... that they are the powerful agent of change, not the medication,€ he said." To me, that reinforces what I believe to be true. Tough part is for most, though, being able to convince yourself of that. However, facing it is what most believe eventually makes it dissipate... :)
20 years ago 0 56 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi KitKat. Thanks so much for your encouragement. Kelli...I do think, atleast for myself, having no prior knowledge or understanding about this disorder I don't know if I could have survived the Linden Method either. I have done a lot of research and even though there is a time to say "enough is enough" in regards to this condition, I do think it is important to have understanding. Research isn't all bad, if I wouldn't have done it, I would not be recovering right now. I do think there is a time to say enough though. One book that really helped me to understand panic and anxiety disorder was "The Anxiety Cure" by Dr. Archibald Hart. Don't let the title scare you, he doesn't claim to have all of the answers, but he does have a lot of great info and advice. :o) I agree with you KitKat, that reality and imagination (what if thinking) is a very big distinction for us all to make. It is HUGE! I was at church yesterday and it was a great sermon. One of the things the pastor said was "for those of you who have a great fear of death look to this scripture for confidence and reassurance, "Like an open book, you(meaning God) watched me grow from conception to birth; all the stages of my life were spread out before you, The days of my life all prepared before I'd even lived one day." Psalm 139:16" He said when you fear death think of this verse and know that God is not going to take one day from the plan that he has already laid out for you, he knows the length of your life and it is not for us to worry about, it is in His hands, he has already chosen the number of our days. This is from my own christian perspective, but it encouraged me. So I thought that I would share it with you. Best Wishes~festivefeet <><
20 years ago 0 24 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi eveyboy this is kelli Dunc i am glad you had some relief from Linden. did hereply to your emails? There is a lot of useful info in his pack I agree but I undertook the programme and he assured me he would not take my money and run he said he would But in reality he took my money and ran, he offered a full money back guarante i sent the thing back recorded delivery twice to his home address the hollies, and twice it was sent back. I even too the pack to my GP and told him I had found a cure. This man maybe able to help some people!! but the ones like myself at the tme i didnt understand what I was going through (my GP had never seen it before) I had to self diagnose. He shouldnt hve promised me the earth (or my life back ) if he want able to at leas help me half way I wouldnt do it and im sure you wouldnt do it But if the pack helps you and others thats great cos at the end of the day we should all work together and try to find cure or information to help, unfortunately for me Charles Linden want the way !!
20 years ago 0 215 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Susan Try this.. Open Adobe Acrobat Reader and then go to FILE, open....point it to the file you downloaded IT should be a PDF FILE...that is what Adobe Opens... Does that make sense? I just forwarded it again... If you have to, rename the file from .doc to .pdf...that way only Adobe will attempt to open it... Hope that helps :)

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