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14 years ago 0 517 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I've had agoraphobia since the beginning of my anxiety disorder. I try to tell myself that it's ok, but I automatically feel bad when I start to panic or have anxiety and I don't want to make a 'scene'. I felt embarrassed for a long time and I am starting to accept it now by telling more people around me. I still have to go to places with my comfort person and I always need to know where the exit is or if there is anywhere I can escape/hide/ and be safe to. I'm still afraid to do things on my own because I'm afraid I may pass out and faint and nobody will be there to help me AND I'm afraid that people will see me faint. I've seen a few people faint infront of me in the past and I wasn't able to do anything for those people (although they were fine) and I sometimes wonder if this may be the reason of my fear. Does anyone else have agoraphobia?

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