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14 years ago 0 420 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Congradulations! on making it through your exposure therapy today.   Your should be very proud of yourself.  You are taking your life back  I know it is tiring but it is so worth it and it does get easier with every success.  You can really enjoy your ice cream tonight in celebration.
14 years ago 0 50 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Everyone,
I took your advice planned last night to get up and do my grocery shopping and run some errands. Well this morning it was raining cats and dogs and I tried to come up with every excuse not to go.  After fighting with myself, I realized that I had to start somewhere and if it was too much I could always come home. I went and did my errands (all but one), experienced the panic but stayed and completed my shopping. I even bought myself ice cream to celebrate after I cook dinner tonight. It was tiring but I realize what everyone has been saying about taking your life back from anxiety. Maybe if I try to do something everyday it will become easier. Thank you for your support and helpful comments.  
14 years ago 0 122 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
First thing I do when I start a new exposure is to tell myself I can leave at
anytime I choose, then when I start to have the dizzy feelings I acknowledge
that the feeling is their, and then I tell myself that I will try to stay for a few
mins more but if I choose to leave it is ok. I tell myself that I already succeeded
in my goal by trying. I try to make even the little things count. little steps
sometimes work better than big ones.
14 years ago 0 11221 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Amj,
With work and perseverance Panic can be manageable.  Exposure work can certainly help you.  Read through session 4 in the program.  This session will teach you a lot about exposure therapy and how to do it.

Ashley, Health Educator
14 years ago 0 24 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Amj,
I'm still dealing with GAD. However, I have made serious progress. Today, I had a set back but I know what to do for exposure. When I first started having panic attacks, I'd have about 3-5 a day. I enclosed myself in my house. After remembering what a wonderful life existed outside my home I decided to set goals for myself. Goals that felt good to me. One of my goals were to drive a little at a time, just to the corner store at first. I wouldn't go in, I just drove there. Then I decided I'd go into a public place once a day, anywhere I felt safe. Yes, sometimes I would feel dizzy, spacey, and would even vomit. Some of the thoughts that would help me were, one: I try to focus on something. For example: going into a store I'd focus on what I wanted to get and the project I had in mind. Second: I would try to find humor from my anxiety. "Whoo, feeling dizzy. May need to vomit. Just do it and get it over with. lol. No big deal. I've done it before.I'm going vomit and go on with my day." I would share this with my family in laughter. "Silly me, oh well!"
This helped me in most cases. Again, I had a panic attack today which did ruin my plans, but I don't keep myself locked in my house. I try to use this site and every episode I have as a learning experience. What happend in my day today that may have gotten me to the level of anxiety? What thoughts did I NOT go through to help prevent things from happening?
This may or may not help you, but this is what has helped me progress.
Whatever you do, remember life outside and what intrigues you. Remember you want to enjoy these things. Hopefully, this will give you some motivation to fight back. Remember, the forums are an awesome outlet.
My next goal is to go on the treadmill whether to walk or run in the morning, but my intentions are to exert the overwhelming energy I have and get my endorphines to kick in. Hopefully, this will help. Maybe it'll help you.
Good luck. Feel free to email me anytime. I don't have answers, but I can tell you my experiences and its always helpful to bounce things off someone who is going through the same thing. Keep your head up :O) We'll get through this.
14 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi AmJ

I have a post in "exposure question". you might want to read it. Exposure is more than just leaving your safe area. If after reading it you still have questions I can answer them. And if you want I can give you an exposure plan but I have to know what you are exposing to.

14 years ago 0 50 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Good Evening,
Anyone have any good tips on beginning exposure therapy? My therapist wants me to begin a regime of going out to crowded places and dealing with the anxiety there as well as driving out of my "safety zone" to begin to desensitize myself to panic. Obviously this is much easier said than done. Has anyone just started exposure and do you have any tips on not running out when I start to panic? I would like to get back out there but sometimes it seems like I'll panic forever.

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