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11 years ago 0 2778 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey Stubbygirth!!!
        Huge Congratulations on your awesome quit so far!  Be sure to reward yourself for each and every milestone that you reach.  It really helps to lift your spirits and keeps you looking forward!  You've passed the 50 day milestone and the 2 month milestone!!!  Way to go, buddy! 
        It's great to see that you are going through the milestones in the Program!  Continue on, buddy!  There's more info in the following milestones that may help you on this journey!   Share what you are learning with your wife or encourage her to read through them herself.   One other tip...  before the voices raise, think about counting to 10 before a peep is uttered!    That saved many an argument in my Hot household! 
        Most of all, remind each other to try to relax and enjoy all of the benefits of your new non-smoking lives!  There's a lot of them... a lot to taste, smell and do!!!  New things that you never thought about when you were smoking are totally worth the few minutes of craving every now and then!! 
        Thanks for stopping by and letting us all know how you are faring on your journey!  Keep your eyes on the prize and continue to live by N.O.P.E.!
  • Quit Meter


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    Days: 1067 Hours: 14

    Minutes: 4 Seconds: 43

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    Smoke Free Days

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    Cigarettes Not Smoked

11 years ago 0 2 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Well I am now at day 64 of no smoking…thank you all for you advice and support…I think I am in a better place that the first time I posted…I neglected to mention that my wife quit at the same time….so it was a battlefield at home….



I have taken a bit of each one of you had said and taken it with me as a tool to keep reminding me of how important it is not to smoke….



Mr. Hot SiO2….You sir, should be commended on the advice you give.. I copied and printed what you said to me and put one in my wallet and posted one at work…I read it everyday…Thank you for your words of wisdom…



It’s still a struggle almost everyday, however I have joined a gym and started training to run 5k… and this is just the beginning..






11 years ago 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Stubbygirth...
Great Rant..This is the perfect place to get it all out..I have done it many times myself lately...Now take that pack and tear it up. Take all that anger out on those nasty smokes and get rid of the lighter pronto..This is a little advice from former repeater/relapser. 
11 years ago 0 43 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Stubbygirth and welcome to the place where it is OK to rant and rave! Don't be discouraged yet. I am also only almost three month in my quit so I have a long way to go before being free and I am still battling with wanting to have a cigarette.

Nevertheless, there is a very, very subtle change in my thinking process. I want a cigarette but when I stop and think – really think – about the reason that I want one I can no longer find a valid one. It seems that at times these urges come as a reflex reaction, an emotional response and when I use logic to talk myself out of the crave, it seems to be working for me a little bit. The only think I am dreading is that these cravings will continue for longer than I can battle them with logic and that I will give in.

How sad it is that we were duped into starting this dreadful habit! My biggest regret in life is that I started smoking. Think about why you want that cigarette - what difference will it make in your life? And will it be a good difference or a bad one?




11 years ago 0 1140 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Stubbygirth,
Welcome to the forums and congratulations on your two months of being quit.  
Sorry that you're having a lousy time of it right now. Some days are like that, but it does get better overall with time. It's worth it to stay quit so that this will fade. Going back just means you will have to go through this again.
In response to the pack of cigarettes thing. Despite the majority opinion (which is most likely based upon collective experience), I also kept my smokes around for a while. I did it for the same reason as you; I wanted to feel that I had the power to say yes/ no at any time, rather than having a big freak out, running up to the store, and firing one up as I walk out. How pathetic of a thought is that, huh? In all honesty, I could nab one from my still-smoking roommate any day of the week. I also still carry nicotine lozenges in my purse in case I want to "fix." But I don't want to. I don't want to go through that again. I'm feeling so much better physically than when I smoked and even when I was only on the lozenges. It's just not worth it to turn back. 
Stick around, read, and post all you want. It helps.  
  • Quit Meter


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    Days: 608 Hours: 19

    Minutes: 57 Seconds: 30

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    Cigarettes Not Smoked

11 years ago 0 12049 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thank you for posting excellent advice and support!
It helps to look through the free program and its tips and tools.  This may give you more incentive and incite to the addiction.
You can vent, post, support and assist in any capacity with us!
Just know..the members do know where you have been and where you are going, we are here to support and not judge!
Take another look at your quit and go out a buy yourself that reward!
Two months is fantabulous!
Josie, Health Educator
11 years ago 0 2778 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
 Hey Bridge!!!
      Welcome to the SSC!!!  I'm here to tell you that it IS worth the effort and I encourage you to read through the milestones in the Program (above tab) to learn a bit more about the quitting process.  Also check out the Tools, too.  The program is excellent and if you truly want to quit more than you want to smoke, stick close and start your journey when you are ready. 
      I do understand where you are coming from with your "Is it really worth it?" type comment.  Since you made the effort to join, my guess is that you think it might be worth it, at least a little bit, right?  I had that same thoughts for a LONG time after a couple initial failed quit attempts back in my 20's and I pretty much thought that it really wasn't worth it for years!  The problem is, as you grow older, people you know and love who have had that same attitude end up getting smoking related diseases... and those loved ones end up being literally tortured from the effects of their long term smoking and they most often die after enduring that torture for months and months.  I experienced that and it did finally change my mind about if it was really worth it.  I came to terms with the fact that if I did not quit it was quite possible that I would probably be the next one in my family to endure that pain and agony and slow death.  Scared the living crap out of me! 
      Once you get into the Program a little bit and once you have had a chance to read a bit in the forums, you might just change your mind that there are actually a lot of good things about smoking that you would hate to give up.  Yes, you may not feel like yourself, but you were not born to be a smoker, you became a smoker.  You may actually feel more like yourself than you do now!    So, what do you say?  Spend a little time reading, post your thoughts and join the discussion and learn about quitting.  I'm sure that you have lot to share and we'd be happy to share our thoughts with you.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to convert you into being an anti-smoker or anything, but I'm here to lend you a hand and be a sounding board if you would like one!  We're all here to offer support to those seeking freedom from the nico-demon.
  • Quit Meter


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    Days: 1067 Hours: 14

    Minutes: 4 Seconds: 43

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    Cigarettes Not Smoked

11 years ago 0 2778 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey Stubbygirth!!!
      Welcome and congrats on your major accomplishment so far!!!  2 months is awesome and if I were you, I'd go out and buy something you have wanted for a while (besides a cigarette) and reward yourself for your accomplishment!  You definitely deserve it for winning every battle the nico-demon has waged against you!!! 
       You have come to the right place to rant and rave!  Go ahead!  This is the place to do it!  This is the place that quitters have come to spill their guts and get it out of their systems!  I'm betting that you will get some heart-felt advice to think about as you continue on with your journey.  I didn't notice before started writing if you have gone through the Program yet, but if you haven't, please go through the milestones in the Program and check out the Tools tab above, too!  It will really help you to understand the quitting process and give you pointers on how to deal with different situations!  When that is no longer enough, start reading posts here on the Forums!  There is a wealth of information here from us former smokers who have gone through the exact same thing that you are going through!  Last but not least, continue to post and rant and rave as much as you want if it will do one thing for you... keep you from smoking that cigarette you desire!  
       Remember now, if you want this to be your for ever quit, you must realize that you can NEVER smoke another cigarette!  You have to commit to live by N.O.P.E. ...  Not One Puff Ever!  If you have that pack of stinky cancer sticks with you, yes, you have a choice not to smoke them.  But, it sounds like you are one small stressful situation away from blowing that whole 2 month quit you have under your belt and may end up having to go through those whole first 2 months again sometime down the line!  Do yourself a favor... rant and rave and write a letter to that nico-demon of yours, tell it how much you hate the things it has done to you and that you are mad as hell and you are NOT going to take it any longer!  Then crush those suckers tear them apart and be done with them once and for all!  Turn that anger against the addiction and vow to never smoke again!  Free yourself!
        It's the hardest thing you will probably ever do, but I promise you that you CAN do this!  Many of us have smoked much longer than you and have achieved our freedom!  One thing that will really help is to try to develop a Positive Mental Attitude, starting now!  That rage and anger you are feeling is a result of the negative thinking.  Start telling your self that  you can do this!  Think about all the positive benefits you are gaining health wise!  The program and many of the threads on the forum are full of the benefits you are or will be realizing!  Take some time to read and learn!  It will really help!  Questions??? Just ask!  We're all here rooting for you, buddy!  And remember... reward yourself... often!  It helps!
        Kick ash, buddy!
  • Quit Meter


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    Days: 1067 Hours: 14

    Minutes: 4 Seconds: 43

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    Cigarettes Not Smoked

11 years ago 0 816 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello Stubbygirth  I hate to say it but it looks like you're setting yourself up to fail. Having a pack in your pocket and a lighter is addict thinking in the extreme. Why would you have cigarettes if you don't intend to use them ? I could be wrong but I see you back smoking very soon. Why not pick up a NRT for the just in case scenario. Best of luck. breather
11 years ago 0 1 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Congrats for deciding to quit.  At least you made that decision.  I'm still weighing the pros and the cons.  There are a lot of good things that I hate to give up with smoking and I feel like I will not be myself if I do.  I'm not so sure quitting is worth it for me.

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