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1st attempt in 4 years...

13 years ago 0 206 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
It's all good, Alohakeia, he loves to be mothered.  He's also hacking into your Facebook account to see if there are clearer pictures of your avatar.  I'd slap him silly if I were you.
13 years ago 0 206 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I actually quit when I found out those tanks don't come in interchangable designer colors, much less with matching cart-things that you push in front of you.
peteg, who is wondering what a Cheech and Chong is.  Sounds like an Asian snack food.
13 years ago 0 3207 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
sheesh, here I am spouting off to you like you're a brand new newbie, and here you are all practiced and know what you're doing. I'm trying to figure out how come I don't remember either you or peteg. Had you gone back to smoking before I showed up?
Yeah, Brenda, wtg bigtime!!!! I'm seriously impressed. Do you still do tris? 
13 years ago 0 290 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
@ Brenda: What?! WHAT?!! A triathalon after being a Smoker! Very good on you! The weight loss is great and all but I am most impressed with the triathalon... It speaks volumes of your dedication to regaining an active lifestyle. I have an active lifestyle and I feel I am going to blow it and one day no more snowboarding, surfing, because I have to lug a tank around!.
@ Peteg ...Lmao at the prom. It really was wierd...We became buds through SSC, quit for 6 months or so. Both relapsed and both of us dropped out of contact. Now circumstantially we are back!
As I remember the Mods here have a pretty tight reighn on what is spoken in forums. Which I respect. I'll think of it as a "dunedad filter"
@Marbles and Aloha: One thing from my last quit I remember really helping (and still does) is taking a short deep blast of air into the lungs. If any of you were stoners back in the day, its not unlike taking a hit from a joint....Sans pinching a joint up to your lips. If not, we have all seen enough Cheech & Chong to know what I'm talking about.
....Anyway, it really seems to help at the very moment of a crave, no stumbling for gum etc. it can be done discreetly. It just works for me.  
13 years ago 0 1904 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Yeah, guys. Don't  let any weight gain bother you. It'll just be a minor, and can be a very temporary, nuisance. Yes, I began gearing up to lose weight after I had stopped smoking for about 6-7 months. However, I waited until almost a year had passed to get serious about it, because I didn't want to take on too much too fast.  I found out that I was a social exerciser and, therefore, needed to be around others to exercise. Also, I needed instruction at first at least, so I joined the Y. Not being winded all the time helps when it comes to taking off weight. My diabetes has not show up in the A1C test in 9 months, cholesterol, blood pressure, pulse rates are excellent, and I just placed first in a triathlon this month. My weight went from 207 to 138. My doctor told me to hold it here, although I'm only 5'1, because of my age and because I do body building. I have been doing things that I didn't know I could do. When I smoked, you couldn't get me from in front of the TV set. I used to relax there when my smokes and chips and dip--not to mention cookies, candy, and various comfort foods. I still eat junk food occasionally  (went a little wild when I first made goal weight), but 90% of the time I eat a Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, or Asian type diet.
You know, We can do anything we want to.
13 years ago 0 823 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi :) Welcome back Dunedad! You guys are all awesome, and I agree with Marbles that Brenda's story is incredible! That is some motivation for us all to look up to! Spring is a great time to start (and stay) Quit - it must work - look at Aloha go!  WooHoo!  Eya 
13 years ago 0 206 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Dunedad (Dunedude) and I were together for a LONG time before we both blew our quits, but it's been 4 years???  Yikes.  We'll think of it as as 4-year college-level course in preparing to quit for the last time.  We both have our degrees now (although he wouldn't go to the prom with me, even though I spent a fortune on tickets, limo, and everything else), so we're ready to face the real, grown-up, non-smoking world.
Dude, I am SO GLAD we ended up back here together at the same time!  It's a sign, you know???
We'll watch each other's backs from here on out, and we will not fail this time or any time.
NOPE, Dude.
13 years ago 0 31 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Brenda, I can't believe I didn't read about this before, you have a very inspiring success story hidden there!!
Lost 69 lbs????
I was hiding behind the 'but I will put on weight if I quit now' for many years, I think you need to tell your story more often!!
13 years ago 0 31 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Dunedad,
Welcome on board!
It is very early days in my quit, but I can notice the difference even now, I can walk the dogs comfortably nowadays, without breathing problems. I want to sleep all the time, no increase in my energy level yet, but I am getting there.
When people were talking about rewards, I thought 'being proud is enough satisfaction, I don't need a reward to feel good', but it really helps.
So remember to spoil yourself, every day, every week, after a difficult day
If you don't have already, get a dog, they do the spoiling part for you
13 years ago 0 3207 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey there Dunedad,
What a great day to quit! This is peteg's first day smokefree again too. We can all celebrate our quit anniversaries together, okay? What have you come up with to get you through the first few craves? Many people here have used drinking ice water, also substituting a straw, and many other things too numerous to mention. If you read older posts you'll get some good ideas, and it will pass the time. Any questions, just ask. Sounds like you're approaching this with a plan which is a good thing. You're really not giving anything up, you're gaining something really important: your health and your freedom. Just take it one crave/trigger/thought at a time, don't light up each time, and before you know it you will actually feel like a nonsmoker 

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