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Hyper-arousal of body sensation

13 years ago 0 659 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
You are so funny.  You got me laughing now..Lol  Lol !!!
It's good to see you boys happy, laughing and joking again.
Have a good night all!!!
Got to go now.
I have a date with my significant other.
Talk to you later,
13 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Very good Dizzy.

You know you sound much happier.  Keep at it. 

Here for you
13 years ago 0 118 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Hate to get technical with everyone but there is research about human interaction having a chemical effect. The effect is supposed to be in a neuromodulation called oxytocin. Google yourself into to health this time by looking the neuromodulator up, it is a good news thing instead of goggling yourself into a bad news. Red I hope I did not annoy you with my last post, about working out I meant it is something that I found my mind was telling me the opposite of the truth. Thanks for putting the fear in me of ignoring my mind and working out instead, which could lead to heart failure. Just kidding I hope you have a sense of humour in trying to live your life, if there is one thing that people say that has changed in me, it is that I laugh again. Although I find sometimes when I make I joke and start to laugh I look inwards to the way my body feels and think how I could be laughing when I feel rotten. As you said, I do not try to find the answer out anymore. This one for Davit also I analyzed in a positive way for a change.


13 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

The internet is two dimensional where as real people are three dimensional. To get internet people more real I use skype for some (or the phone) and trade pictures. It gets them closer but there is still nothing like meeting them face to face. Real people has taught me a lot about myself. It has also taught me acceptance and tolerance, two things I was not good at.

Your friend
13 years ago 0 659 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Spending time with people outside of the house does really help. It does give us a reality check. I meet some really interesting people in my quilting classes. We are all different in many ways yet also have so much in common as women and individuals. I find that this connection with people in person in the real physical world is very therapeutic..Where as in the virtual world of the Internet you can not make the same connection because it is not the real world  in reality.. Communicating on line has its merits but I still think a person needs to spend time outside of this virtual world and make physical contact face to face with other people. This gives you something you just can't get on the internet. A real physical human connection to the world and the people in it.
13 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Welcome. My therapist would agree with you 100%.

Here for you
13 years ago 0 659 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
What you said about internal loneliness is very thought provoking..
13 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I was reading this forum, and wished to say how similar the internal life described is to loneliness, and how reaching out to people would help as an antidote. If one spends time with people, I find, it curbs the unreality we weave as we suffer.
13 years ago 0 659 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello Dizzy,
I was reading your post and it got me to thinking about how different we all really are...Both with our physical abilities and how we react to different situations both from a physical and emotional stand point..I didn't listen to my body when it needed rest and pushed it way to hard for to many years..Now I have health problems because of this. Now I listen to my body and have to slow down when tired on doctors orders because of my high blood pressure and exercise hyper tension..As the cardiologist told me to do..other wise it could mean a heart attack or stroke for me..For a person who is good physical shape this would not be a concern..As for the ptsd and opening Pandora's box or my avoidance issues..Basically I just don't watch violent tv programs or movies to avoid reliving past events in my life..It really is not healthy for me to keep reliving the past by exposing my self to such violence..So I choose to engage in more positive things like reading, sewing , gardening etc. etc etc..I try to keep moving my life forward in a positive direction..The other thing I have done is learned that there is not always a reason for every thing or at least not one worth worrying or fretting over...Life is just to short to let your self be consumed by it all...So what I am personally trying to do with my life now is enjoy it..Enjoy the good stuff in life that I can and forget about the rest of it...If there is something that I think I really really need to worry about I will ,but not everything...
We are really not all that different from everyone else out there. Everyone has there quirks. Thats my take on it anyway!
Your Friend,
13 years ago 0 118 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Hi Red, I want to share some things I have learned despite having an attack every day. I preface this with, that what I am about to tell you I no way means you should do the same or think the same way.

1)      The hallmark of any anxiety disorder is avoidance, no matter whether it is panic attack disorder, PTSD, phobia, social anxiety, OCD, and GAD. In panic attack, you avoid a situation or thought and situation; in a phobia, you avoid snakes or spiders; in OCD, you avoid germs them you try reduce anxiety by acting compulsively when washing your hands; GAD avoid anything that causes worry or anxiety; finally PTSD you avoid the thoughts of the situation. There is one thing that I know that once you start avoiding one thing its mushrooms in to more. Perhaps your Pandora ’s Box is somewhere you should look when you are up to it and maybe you should ask for some help outside the panic attack center if you think it would help.

2)      I have learned that when I feel exhausted that most of the time it is just my mind telling this and that in fact my muscles are quite able to do what I think they cannot. Again, I preface this with when I started challenging the tiered feeling I started out with a 15 min walk. It has taken me 1 and half years latter but now I can pump weighs to the point where I cannot tire myself out. Then I can do 30 min on the bike with 8min going uphill in the same day. Again sometime my mind tells me I too tired and I cannot achieve all these things mention above but I will still lift weight and maybe bike for 20 min. in any case I do not listen to what my mind tells me about being tired.

3)      I am sure you know that felling are not facts, nor are thoughts and sensations. The feeling one I explained above but I can add that when I have an attack every day, that everything I do is coloured with the after effects of an attack, making whatever I am doing seem as if was anxiety related when it is just the reminisce of an attack. Doing the 10 question paper should be enough to tell you that you thoughts are not fact, in most cases they are judgements about you anxiety or other things; and the judgements’ are not true either if you challenged one with 10 questions and came to a different judgement. Finally, sensation I know this one is hard to believe but if you had an attack and you feel, hot from it you may say I feel feverish. However if you took your temperature you would find out that you do not have a fever. Or another one when I have an attack I say it causes head pressure it actually feels as if my head is being pushed upward, I can tell you right know that I am not getting taller when I have an attack. Finally back to being fatigued this is just a thought for me most of the time there are the rare occasions when I do not do much working out.

Do not take what I have said as something that you should do I have just found these things to be true for me. Your friend,


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