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Change and Making Friends

11 years ago 0 1071 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
P.S.  I felt the need to clarify about saying, "yes", to everything.  One, if it's life threatening or not conducive to my health: physically, emotionally or mentally, I respect myself enough to take care of myself.  Also, I'm not looking for men or affairs.  I don't want to complicate my life, I just want peace and quiet and I have that with George in LaPlata.  So, I'm not going to go buck wild and go skinny dipping or anything :)

Shari  P.S.  For happy hour with Irene, I'm getting a virgin drink (non-alcohol).  I'm just going to socialize with her and her friends.  If they want to go home with guys, good for them, I'm just going home afterward.
11 years ago 0 1071 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
The sun's out and the snow is gone, so much for snow storm Saturn.  Irene emailed and wants me to go to happy hour with her at Applebee's tomorrow night for a couple of hours.  I said, "Yes."  I'm saying, "yes", to everything except if I have to sign a waiver for my life, like for skydiving, etc. - ha ha.  She's picking me up, and since I haven't been in her car before, I have mild anxiety.  The more I say, "yes", the less anxiety I'll have, so I can box breathe if I need to :)  I'm just throwing myself out there with enthusiasm, fearlessly.

I'm so excited about seeing the Chihuahua puppies at the Amish Market on Saturday morning.  It feels good to have child like enthusiasm about life in general.  I'm just happy and it's spilling over in to all areas of my life.

I hope you find at least one thing that makes you happy today :)  It's out there, you just have to look for it :)


11 years ago 0 1071 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

I woke up to a Snowmeggeddon / Snowpocalypse this morning.  The Federal Government shut down and George is home today.  I assume my daughter will be home today also.  They're predicting a foot and a half of snow for Washington D.C. Small stuff compared to Canada, but Maryland and the District don't have the snow plows like they do in New York State. They named the snow storm, Saturn.  Since when do they name snow storms?  It's supposed to snow through Friday, so I'm going to have to pass on the comedy club tonight.  I'm hoping we'll be dug out and able to go to the Amish Market on Saturday, because I really want to see the Chihuahua puppies (my favorite) and I hope they'll have Shih Poo puppies too. Spring will be here soon and there will be tons of fun activities to do with Irene and her friends, so I'm not discouraged.  I'm looking forward to a cozy day at home doing knitting projects.  The weather is perfect for knitting - that's a positive spin on the situation.  The snow storm is what it is, it's how I look at it.  I could be sad that I can't go to the comedy club, or I can think of it as a fun day of catching up on all of the knitting I want to do.  So, I choose a happy day of knitting.  Hope you're putting a positive spin on your day :)

11 years ago 0 1071 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

It's great to hear from you!  Thank your for your positive words.  Your avatar's are always beautiful, serene and peaceful.  

11 years ago 0 101 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

hi Shari,
Nice to see you in avatar.
All I can say is keep your self with confidence & be present for luv & support.
Your presence is encouraging for me.

11 years ago 0 1071 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks Ashley!

What it's like coming out of my cocoon...Well, first I feel that it's about time.  I've been hiding in it for 5 years.  I had terrible anxiety and panic for two years before finding this site, when my daughter went away for college.  I've had to deal with grief, role transition and change.  It paralyzed me.  Now, since taking this course and with the support of everyone here, I don't panic anymore and I am able to manage high anxiety when it arises.  I think it's new, scary and exciting.  It also feels normal, like I was before panic and anxiety interrupted my life and put it on hold.  I guess it's a new normal.  I've adjusted to my daughter being on her own and I am focused back on myself and what I want to do.  I lost myself in my family and forgot who I was and what I liked.  Now, the whole world is wide open to explore and I have all of the coping skills to explore it with confidence and courage and actually enjoy life and what it has to offer and not be scared of it anymore.  I feel strong and happy and I know what I want and I'm going for it.  I think it was more of a change within myself than a physical change of circumstances.  I realize the latter can sometimes happen too.  I'm proud of myself for sticking with it, when I wanted to just give up, so many times.  My life has improved 100% and I'm living it to the fullest, not just thinking about living it or planning to live it.  I'm actively living my life again and I'm not sitting on the sidelines anymore and watching it go by.  I've hopped on the ride and I'm continuing my journey.  I think the thing that has struck me the most is that, before my daughter left for college, I never thought about my path or what to do, I was just living.  When she was gone, everything stopped and I was lost and confused and struggled beyond belief to figure out what to do with my life, whereas before, I never thought about it I just lived it.  It's kind of like I was sitting on my path and took a 5 year time out.  Now, I'm standing up and walking forward and I'm not thinking about it or trying to figure things out, I'm just doing it.  I'm back on a normal type of auto pilot where I'm enjoying life and not thinking about a lot of stuff anymore.  I've rejoined the game of life, along with everyone else.  We're all just trying to survive on this planet, I'm glad to be in it and not observing it anymore.  Long explanation, but a heartfelt one :)

11 years ago 0 11221 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I really enjoyed reading all your updates Shari! It sounds like you are certainly finding fulfillment.
What's it like to be coming out of your cocoon Shari?

Ashley, Health Educator
11 years ago 0 1071 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Davit!

I'm glad you are walking better than last year.  It's good that if you want to get out, that you can.  It's a choice.  I can imagine having disabilities has a very big mental effect.  I see it in my Mom.  She has RA in her left hip. 

I'll be glad when spring is here.  The winters last longer than they used to.  It's March and it's 28 degrees F here.  

Irene has lots of plans for us this spring, so I'm up for whatever she wants to do.  I used to be a social butterfly and I know I still am, I've just been in a cocoon for a long time.

11 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
It is getting close to spring and I'm what we call "Bushed". I don't want to go anywhere. I can, I just don't want to. If I have to I will. We spent three hours driving in a snow storm (one way) to get to an appointment. We just got up early and went. This is a lot different from when I couldn't. Some times there is still some anxiety but it goes as soon as I get in the car. Now everything is an adventure but it is funny in a way how the anxiety is still in my memory. 
But like I said, I'm bushed, I just want to spend time in my shop. In a month I will spend that time in a greenhouse instead. I walk better than last year so going to town won't be such a chore. Disabilities can have a very big mental effect.

11 years ago 0 1853 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Great outlook Shari!  Let us know how it goes.  Enjoy your week

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