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Progressive Muscle Relaxation III

11 years ago 0 11212 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Your Feet and Legs
Put your feet on the floor. Curl your toes down to tighten the muscles in your feet. Hold for a count of 10 then relax for a count of 20.

Lift your feet slightly off the floor and point your toes to tense the muscles on the back of your lower legs (calves). Hold for a count of 10 then relax for a count of 20. Repeat.

Put your feet back on the floor. Push your knees together to tense the muscles of your inner thighs. Hold for a count of 10 then relax for a count of 20. Repeat.

Tense your hips, buttocks and upper legs. Hold for a count of 10 then relax for a count of 20. Repeat.

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