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Quick Relieve

11 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Welcome Blondie,
As I go through life, I've gone through phases where I've made progress.  Progress is like a zig-zag to me.  It's been important to value the successes, and build on those, as well as the the failures. 
If you were a perfect angler, where would the fun be, for example
I remember this terrific athlete, who was so discouraged one day, after an event, in our locker room  Our paths separated, and I finished a mundane career, and he became an administrative success in sports, without continuing as an athlete professionally.
Hopefully the program helps you, since both myself and my childhood friend separated, but have the same desires as most people to enjoy life, despite obstacles.
11 years ago 0 424 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello Blondie,and welcome!
You are at a great site,it has helped me so much,to get through many panic and anxiety attacks!!
This program works,only if you read it,and work at it...but it will work!
People here are fantastic!
More like best friends to me,as i have made many!
11 years ago 0 11214 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Congratulations Blondie!
It is amazing how much power knowledge has. I have heard of many members getting quick relief only after a few sessions. How does it feel to start to gain control of this?
I encourage you to continue with the program. Do the homework and keep posting. The more you learn the better able you will be to combat this!
Ashley, Health Educator
11 years ago 0 4 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi everyone
I'm new to the program. Sorry, english a bit of a struggle for me, but need to share this with you.
I've read the first section of the program, but had to leave the next day on a angling tournament. I was a bit worried
as I've had a lot of panic attacks during each day for the past few months. If the attcks were few in a day I still was in constant anxiety state.
GOOD NEWS!!!!! Since last Thusday I feel like a new person. I survived my tournament with only one light attack on Saterday night. It only lasted a few minutes, but I was rational and calm.
All this by only understanding panic!!
I know there is still a long road ahead, but I'm positive!
Is there anyone out there that experienced the same quick relieve?

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