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12 years ago 0 542 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thank you Ashley,

Your post was very insightful. When I get physcially sick I pretty much fall apart and its lasted almost a month even with medicine and doctors visits and I think that is what is concerning me, I cannot get a good diagnosis and I just want a doctor too tell me whats wrong and how we can fix it, I am hoping to get into a ENT doctor soon, but the waiting list is long, I am taking the medicine and doing the program and trying very hard to remain positive and hopeful, the pain and wheezing sometimes scare me so bad I "forget" everything I learned,  I know Doctors are not miracle workers, but I am working with them and trying hard to recover, I get scared its something bad and I need surgery but I am trying too push it out of my mind.

I will try to instill your tips about ruminating and the voices which make perfect sense. Thank you for posting me.

12 years ago 0 11226 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
There is no need to apologize for your anxiety Debora. Remember it is your disorder and not you that is causing the ruminating. No guilt.  If anything, get mad at your anxiety.  In fact I hate your anxiety! Don't you? I wish your anxiety would go play on the street in traffic or something.  What can you visualize your anxiety doing each time you feel it come up? You know those voices that tell you your scared, your sorry, your not going to get through it? Remind yourself each time you hear that that it's the anxiety and not you. Visualize what you would like to do to the anxiety (those voices) when they come up. Give it a name if you want.  Then visualize it getting the heck out of your life.  Shove it in a closet for later, kick it in the butt and tell it to go for a run or something; at least visualize it to go away for a bit so you can have a well deserved break!
I am glad to hear you think it would be beneficial to stop ruminating. However I do have to point out to you that this very thread and the title focuses on ruminating; on worrying the Predisone. So if you are really serious about wanting to stop ruminating what is your plan to achieve this? What are some small, concrete steps you can do in the next few days?  It doesn't have to be big.  Just one goal will do.
If I can give you one tip, try to watch your language and thought processes. I notice you tend to speak very dramatically.. I understand you are in a lot of pain but remember we give the pain power by the way we look at it. For example, how do you think someone would feel if they thought, " This is the most horrible pain I have ever had, I feel just awful and I am terrified. I pray I will get through it." As opposed to, "I don't feel well but I have prescription that should help. If that doesn't help I will have to look for another solution. No matter what I will get through this." Very different reactions to the same issue makes a huge difference not only to the person emotionally and mentally but also physically.
Debora, we will get through this together. 

Ashley, Health Educator
12 years ago 0 542 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I am so sorry Red. Never ever would I want too upset or hinder anyone else's progress or recovery please forgive me.

Yes I know I am ruminating too much and I have too stop and I do not want to hurt or upset any other member of this fine site. I know you are having health problems of you're own and I am praying for you. If I scared or upset anyone here please forgive me that was not my intent, sometimes the fear takes over and I lose all self=control and believe me I despise my weakness and feel ashamed, you sound stronger Red and I am so happy, I want you too be well and healthy as my wish for all of us.

Thank you for the info about predisone. I just swallowed six tablets Red, and it was the hardest thing too do but I did it because I so want too be better again and you and Davit helped me with that and you're experiences, I am sure you were scared when you first took it but you mustered up the courage. I saw my nurse practioner tonight and she helped a little, she was very concerned because I was in such a bad way crying and shaking but I guess she is used to it that is her job too work with people like me. You are so right the ruminating and the fear is holding me back and I dont want to hold others back.

I am taking the predisone for seven days, it decreases each day, is that what you did? did it help you a lot? Thank you Red, Deb.
12 years ago 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Congrats on making the decision to start taking your meds tonight..I have already answered your question today about my experience with Predisone under your other thread titled "I failed today" it's in my first sentence to you. I really have nothing more to add to that. I understood you to say under that same tread that all this Ruminating was not helping you. If that is correct than may I suggest that you might want to start spending more time reading and working on the cbt program here and possibly discussing how that is going in the forums. I have to say that I have not found ruminating to be very helpful at all to me when dealing with my own or other peoples panic and anxiety. I don't want to hurt you feeling but, I have my own health issues that I am dealing with right now and need to stay as positive as possible therefore I have decided to set some boundaries for myself and with not be able to participate in any more of this Ruminating with you..It is really not helping me either..
12 years ago 0 542 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
As you know I am very anxious about starting this med but tonight I am going too do it because I have no other choice. I wanted to ask Carmie and Red and Davit and any others who took this how it went? Carmie you mentioned you took it for the lump in the throat, did it help? my glands in my neck are NOT swollen on the outside at least, this feels way way down and its pressing on a nerve going to ear, its much more painful now than it was a few days ago, and my voice is still gone, will predisone help this condition? I am trying not too read about the side effects because they are scary, it helped hearing that some of you were on it and Davit has been on it long term. How will it help my throat?? It just has too work, the Doctor said "this is all I can do for you" that was scary to hear a medical Dr say that, I mean if they cannot help that is a bad sign. I am sorry I sound so bad, the panic and depression were bad enough to endure now I am physically sick, I really thought if I took the antibotics I would get well and that did not happen, and the Dr said they will not. A month of this has dragged me down, I hope there is a answer to this and its not cancer. I am so afraid what is coming, I am sorry I am scared, I dont know where too turn??

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