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12 years ago 0 542 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thank You Davit and Muselover,
I hope you and you're daughter are having a lovely Christmas! You sound very brave and positive, an inspiration to be sure, thank you and I am so happy you totally beat breast cancer years ago, you sound so compassionate and brave and good. I wish you a Merry Christmas and I hope you have a great dinner with you're daughter, that is great to be able to be with her.
That is a such a beautiful picture of your're Christmas Buffet Davit! It looks appetizing and appealing, I hope you and Sunny and the grandkids are having a blessed Christmas, please tell her Merry Christmas for me, she is an Christmas angel.
I was doing alright up until a few hours ago, I think all the running around, wrapping, cards, food etc....have caught up with me, I acutually thought I was going to have an attack about an hour ago, I started too cry, but I warded it off, for now, my period really drags me down, I feel so weak and helpless, I just wish it would end, it always always sets me back and I do not know why? Its normal, and I am so afraid, I need to figure that one out, but today I just want to bask in the Christmas spirit, I pray I do NOT have an attack, of ALL days NOT today, I have not had one in almost two months so I do not want to break my streak now, I have held up rather well all these weeks since Thanksgiving, and I dont want that too end now, especially on Christmas Day, my husband would be very mad and my son disapointed, why do I feel like crying? I am home secure and safe with my family, this is strange, I hope and pray that I can weather the day without ruining it for my family.
I hope everyone is having a very Merry Christmas! You all have given me the gift of support all year long, thank you!
12 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Now would be a good time to visit the other threads and join in the Christmas spirit. Thinking of you at this time. Some very positive posts there.

12 years ago 0 59 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Deborah, Unfortunately due to ill health I had a complete hysterectomy at the age of 29 so I haven't had a period in 17 years, this may sound like a blessing and in most ways it is, but losing your female bit's left me feeling a lot less of a woman especially as I had also lost a breast to cancer, we had also wanted another child, but I am living and breathing and getting everything prepared for a Christmas lunch tomorrow. There will only be myself and one of my daughters, but I thank god I am not one of the poor soles who will be spending the holiday's alone, my thoughts and best wishes goes out to you all.
12 years ago 0 542 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks you museluver. I did have a small piece of fudge tonight and it was good, the thing about it is is that a few days before I start I am very hungry once I start I seem to lose my appetite, it really decreases, does that happen too you too? Its strange.

I had really bad dreams last night, Matilda mentioned this in her below post, I had such a scary one last night I couldn't believe it! I wonder if all women have more nightmares during their periods. I just cannot stand the weakness and tiredness I get from the bleeding and cramping, I read in a GYN book its not "real blood" anotherwords like you are losing blood from you're body its just the lining of the uterus and there is just so much there, that helped me a little, I am just SO tired and weak but when I try to sleep these crazy scary nightmares come, I going to keep a light on tonight, I have not done that since I was a little girl! I hate this panic thing all these scary thoughts prevail, I just hope and pray for a good healthy Christmas for us all.
12 years ago 0 59 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Sorry to hear about your predicament Deborah, the great positive to come out of this is that it is Christmas and there will be even more chocolate around, what better time to indulge and all us women know it is a known remedy for PMS.
Remember Choccy munching chases those nasty cramps away.
12 years ago 0 542 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Oh Thank you  so much ladies for you're replies! You don't know how much they mean too me. I am trying so hard to stay positive, I am having a heavy period and I am SO weak, I know the first day is the roughest so if I can get through this I will be alright, hopefully. My son and husband are going out tonight too look at lights, they will be gone a couple hours and even through its been awhile since I was scared to be alone I am scared tonight! I am so afraid to be alone tonight, probably because I feel so weak and dizzy, I pray I don't pass out, I just want to go to bed and hope it passes, does anyone else feel like this their first and second day of their periods? SO tired weak flow heavy and pain? Its really scaring me and I will be alone through it.

I hope and pray you feel better Sunflower, I am so sorry you have the flu and I hope it passes quickly, yes Matilda I do have weird dreams before my period, I have them all the time but especially before my time, I read somewhere that a lot of women have that so I guess its normal, thanks Carmie for you're good advice, maybe some peaceful music will help, I just do not want to be alone and I have too be, why am I so scared? I have to get over this "period-phobia" I feel like I have been hit with a ton of bricks, I pray I do NOT ruin Christmas, my husband would be furious! I am going to try and eat some soup, say my novena and nap a bit, thanks for the prayers and encouragement ladies, I am so grateful. I am trying SUNNY to get through it, all the fears are arising again. Hoping tommorow will be a much better day, just want to sleep it off!
12 years ago 0 30 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Debora.  You sound very much like me the way you suffer with your periods, I had a very heavy period one Christmas day and I am afraid I did have to give up and go to bed for a while as I had a splitting headache and dizziness.  I think there has been some great advice from the girls here and if you do need to lie down for a while it is best just to be honest and say so.  Fingers crossed that you are OK and that we are all OK for Christmas.  Whilst we are having a ladies only discussion, does anyone else have weird (not scary) dreams a couple of days before their period? Best Wishes Matilda x
12 years ago 0 250 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
It is really nice to know of someone else who is going through perimenopause! I am 35 and am struggling with it. I am about to get mine as well. I am also sick with a flu right now as well so I am also worried about messing up Christmas.

I usually take ibuprofen which helps, other than that I will grin and bear it. I do get cramps etc but maybe not as severe as some. I don't like it much but I just get on with it. It's all we can do.

Take care of yourself right now too. I read a book from a Traditional Chinese Medicine (the book as Reflections of the Moon on Water) doctor who says most Chinese women take a day or two off and they take care of themselves. It's expected in their society, which is nice! They believe in only eating warm soups etc. Really taking it easy. Try to combine that into your regular Christmas frenzy :)

Take care,

12 years ago 0 373 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Debora! 

First of all, it was really nice to hear your good news about completing just about everything you'd like to do before the holidays.  I feel more anxious during certain times of the month, as I might have shared with you.  Sunny and Josie have given some excellent advice and I would agree with what they've said. 
Do you enjoy the song "Silent Night"?  Maybe you can try listening to your favorite recording of it, or if you don't have one - maybe just singing the words?  It could be a Christmas gift to yourself: to take a break and to close your eyes and listen to the words.  "All is calm.  All is bright". 
You could even light a candle and just think about the light in your life and how it can help to break up the darkness. 
I believe that when we can relax even for just a little bit - it helps to lessen the pain - don't you?
I wish you peace today, Debora!
12 years ago 0 542 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks Sunny and Josie,

I guess I am panicking and getting myself all nervous. We almost had a car accident the other night {not our fault} and it kind of shook me up. Since starting peri-menopause everything is SO different, it comes at all different times, there use to be a time I could set my watch by it if you know what I mean. I can take the cramps, I just hate the heavy bleeding and weakness and dizziness that comes with it, maybe it will not be so bad this month, I am trying to think positive and not get all anxious.

The good news is I got all my shopping and wrapping done, just about 90% done, so that is good and my cards are all out, just a few more gifts too wrap, I just dont think I will be able to go to the "tree" a hug Christmas tree next town over, but hopefully I would like to just drive around the nearby neigborhoods and look at the pretty lights, how I love the lights.

I was getting some chest and arm pain all week, maybe it was period related, I was stressed about getting everything done and I think I did pretty good in that department. I will do the breathing and relaxation exercises and rest when ever I can, and say a little prayer everything goes well, I put my family through so much all year already with my panic attacks, my friend said that} that they deserve a good holiday, my husband is exhausted from working so I want to help. Our tree is pretty and our lights and its comforting too look at, I wish I could see you're berry wreath Sunny I bet it is so pretty, homemade is always the best! I will try to calm down and not think the worse, I want to get too church that is important too me. Thank you.

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