I was up at 1am this morning,no anxiety,just couldnt sleep..had a cup of tea..went back to bed around 2 or 3 am..fell back to sleep as i was listening to spring rain on my cd..
I woke up again at 6am, this time with some anxiety...i hate it when i start shaking so hard..
I started thing about what was triggering all this..
First,my son wanted to stay here with his girlfriend for a few days..while there trailer is getting ready to move into,,i said NO,now theres more to this,but not now..
Second..i have a big class reunion starting tomarrow, and going to nashville tn to see my other son,wife and gradaughter sunday..
So, i took half of a xanax,and called my endo doctor, as i have issues with nausea, when i start shaking like i do..i am hypo, and that can cause all this to happen,it will be one month come july 2, that i have been on my new dosage of synthroid..
So..what was the trigger??
Was it antisapation of my son, and his requist
Is it the calss reunion
the trip ti nashville?
I did talk to my doctors nurse a few moments ago,and she was reassuring to me,that most all of what iam going through is due to my hypothyroid,,and it should level out in a couple more weeks....as it take 4-6 weeks to get back to normal
Gosh..i hope thing get better soon!