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Feeling lost

13 years ago 0 659 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello Kevin,
I wanted to say welcome to the support group..I was out of town for a week or so I am a little late in welcoming you to the program and group...  When I first came here I started in the depression center off and on and learned a lot there. Then I moved on the panic center because I was very agoraphobic and was pretty much house bound..Any way like you I felt lost and didn't know where to begin and then I found this site..The first thing I did was read the first three sessions and in session three I found a ten questions list and that list has been a real life saver for me.  This list helped me challenge my anxious and negative thoughts and that was the beginning for me to a better life and a better understanding of myself and others around me..Working this program does take lots of hard work but it really does help..I have been here for a year now so as you can see I have taken it slow and easy..Have you started reading the session yet?  If not I like to suggest to you that you take your time and start slowly. I think you will be surprised at how much it helps....Remember there are many of us here who are understanding and care....
Hope to hear from you again soon,
13 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

As a past Ativan addict I would rather see you ask your doctor for one of the benzos with a longer half life. You will likely need to anyway when you decide to taper off. They do the same thing without the roller coaster ride. It is far too easy to become dependent on Ativan and far to hard to get off it. You could ask about Buspar also, It is a non Benzo anti anxiety with a safer addiction record. There is also Propranolol, depending on what is the reason for the Ativan.

And last but not least. A therapist can replace a lot of medication. Well worth looking into.

Here for you.
13 years ago 0 11214 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Kevzabob,
I am sorry you are feeling lost right now.  You have went through a lot of change in the last few years and it sounds like it can get overwhelming for you at times.  I do like to hear that you have a lot of social support though.  How have you been communicating with your family about how you are feeling?
I am sorry to hear that the program is not working for you.  It does take time and hard work so I encourage you to stick with it.  What other areas of helped have you looked into? Have you considered talking to a counsellor or therapist?
Let us know how you are doing. We will help you get to where you want to be.
Do your best to answer the above questions and please also consider this question; how would your life be different if anxiety was not an issue?

Ashley, Health Educator
13 years ago 0 58 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
i also want to warn against ativan, in the space of 4 weeks i went from taking 1mg a day to taking 6mg a day, by the end of the 4 weeks i went psychotic and had a complete mental breakdown and needless to say i ended up in a psych ward for 2 weeks while they weened me off the stuff. coming off ativan was terrible, i had the shakes, i hallucinated and nearly went crazy. 
dont get me wrong, ativan will help you get through the rough times but please dont rely on it get you through the day like i did. 
you are stronger than you think and know that you will get better
Sunny II
13 years ago 0 152 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Kevzabob,
sorry you are feeling so down, please be careful with the Ativan, i know its a quick fix but it is not always your mind that controls the addiction with Ativan sometimes its your body and before you know it, its got you, I was only taking it for five months daily first .5mg then .25mg then back up to .5mg i only just reduced the does back down a week ago and i started getting sick, dizzy, headaches, and anxious, I have not taken it for two days now and just want to get it out of my system, i will only take it if i am really desparate but will try everything to avoid it, i just read a blog and there are over 100 horrible withdrawl symptoms, so just be careful.
try and do some things to relax you, take you little ones for a walk, take a bath, read a book just some things that you enjoy, and give your dad a call each day just so you can hear his voice, before you know it he will be back, i think you need a good sleep also.
I hope you start to feel a bit better soon, keep trying with the program, also there is another site called the depression centre which may help also (run your mouse over the more help section at the top of the page)
your friend Debi
13 years ago 0 14 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

I'm feeling lost and unconfident.  In a couple of days my sister will be going back to Australia with her children and taking my father to help.  He will only be gone for approximately a week, but he is someone I see everyday and helps me with my anxiety.  I don't like change what so ever and for the past years all it seems is change.  I have bought and moved into my own house with my wife and two kids from the farm which i lived for 32 years.  My kids are growing and changing and need a lot of help since they are only three and one years old.

My wife feels I don't help as much as i could, and i try but get frustrated because of the anxiety.  She continues to support me but feels as though she is taking care of four children.

My father loves and supports all of us and knows how hard it is,  but sometimes wonders why I can't just do some things.

My mom is great to she is staying while my dad takes my sister and nephews back to Australia.  She suffers m depression and anxiety.  Although a very good supporter she too can become overwhelmed.

For the past month me and my daughter have both had a cold that will not go away.  She has been sleeping with us and has been coughing every night making for a bad sleep.

I continue to take Cipralex and now must take ativan everyday.  I use to care that I would get addicted to ativan but don't anymore, I am so tired of fighting the what ifs.

I have been trying to do the cognitive behaviour but find over the last three weeks it hasn't been helping.

My daughter is also starting to show signs of panic attacks and anxiety.

thanks for your replys

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