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Hi everyone!

13 years ago 0 659 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Welcome to the support group.  Your English is very good. 
When you start reading the program things should start making more sense to you and you will get a better understanding of anxiety/panic.  As you work thought the program you will start to see improvements.  My personal experience has been that anxiety and depression kind of go together.  Of course this is my personal experience I can not speak for others. There is also a sister site here called the depression center, you can find it at the top of the page, if you click on More Help you will see other programs offered here.  I have studied and worked on both programs the panic center and the depression center. 
I have found the information very helpful in both programs.  I understood you to say you are taking medication and are feeling more depressed now. If this is correct you may want to see your doctor again and let him or her know about this. 
13 years ago 0 250 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I just started a new job and so did another woman. She too is from Germany and her English is better than some Canadians I know :) Your English seems good to me!

This program is really great, especially the forums. Please keep working at it, is has helped me a great deal. 

Take care!


13 years ago 0 286 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Eleen -
Welcome!  Working through the sessions in this program will definitely help you understand panic attacks and where they come from. This support group is a great resource as well - feel free to ask questions at any time or just share your experiences. You'll always find a helpful voice here.
13 years ago 0 1665 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Lenchen:  Welcome.   Please don't worry about expressing yourself in a second language as you did very well and it was very good.  Glad you have found this site.  I truly believe this program is the best one for anxiety/stress related problems.  Everything you have described as symptoms is very common when living with this disorder.  I say, living instead of suffering, because it is more positive.  I try to think of a positive thought to erase the negative thought.  If you study this CBT program you will see what I mean.  Keep posting, we are listening and are here to support you.
13 years ago 0 356 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Eleen
Welcome to this space. I am a new member also. You are definitely not alone in your concerns - if you have never met anyone before who has experienced what you have with anxiety, you will meet people here who have.
I can tell you that the info here has helped me to better understand my anxiety. As Davit said you do not need to live with this the rest of your life. 
I have a nervous bladder also. Our bodies give us signals to pay attention to our needs. I am in the process of trying to pay attention to the way my body tells me i am tired, hungry, overstimulated, and feeling anxious. It is a process.
Post often - as Ashley said! There are helpful people here.
13 years ago 0 11221 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Lenchen,
Welcome!  Your English is great so no worries

It sounds like you are going through a lot right now.  You went away to school and this can be very stressful.  Often stress can be a trigger for anxiety.  For this reason appropriate stress management techniques are important.
Anxiety and Panic can be caused by many things. Read session one of the Panic Program for more information.
The symptoms you mention are all very common and all can be helped by working on the program.  The Program is based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy practices and is proven to work.  Take the time you need to work on it and you will see results.  Also be sure to use the symptom tracker as this can give you a lot of insight into your anxiety.
Also, the members here are a great support and a great resource.  Post often!  We are here to support you.

Ashley, Health Educator
13 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Welcome to the site and welcome from me.

First, although panic attacks seem to come out of nowhere for no reason, there always is one.
Step one, accept that there is a reason this is happening and you can change it. Nothing has changed you are still you. Yes, if you look at the posts on negative core beliefs you will see that they do have an affect on our lives. Because of routine in Germany they were probably silent or just something you lived with, but now with the added stress they are coming to the surface. It is a vicious circle because you will add to them. Here I want to make sure you know this can be cured. and you will get off the medication but for now stay on it. I would think you have a new core belief to do with getting to the toilet. Core beliefs start from birth and stay with us all our lives. They don't change but what you do with them can. And you can build better thoughts to bury them so they don't cause panic attacks.
Depression goes hand in hand with panic because you think you won't get better and you want to. You will get better, you can beat this, I did.
I do not know about hereditary, but it does not matter whether it is or not you do not have to live with it. Please do the program and bring your questions here and I will try to answer them.

Here for you 
13 years ago 0 49 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Eleen! And don't worry -- your English is great!
First of all, welcome here! I'm glad you're here and are interested in learning more about what you're going through. I always say, "Knowledge is Power". I'm new here too, I just read Session 1 yesterday and I found it to be helpful and informative, so I think it will be for you as well.
Panic attacks, unfortunately, just seem to come out of the blue and are often times unexpected. But hang in there, and hang out here too! The people in the support group are really great and I've learned this after being here for two days :) Try reading the program, it's very informative.
All the best,
13 years ago 0 3 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi, my Name is Eleen I´m from germany and I have to apologize in advance for my english, I hope everybody can understand what I write down! I had my first panic attack 5 years ago and on the first time I had no idea whats going wrong. After some panic attacks I started avoiding situations and I guess because of that I getting depressive. After spending more and more time at home, I consult a doctor and he gave me some soft antidepressant. After this event I think he don´t really care whats going wrong with me, but the medication started working and after a couple of month I started feeling the same person as before and stop taking the medication. This worked until yet. When I started to getting a panic attack, I could handle it on my own.
6 weeks ago I travelled to Australia for an exchange semester and the panic attacks coming back. Because I don´t wanna waste my time here at home, I consult a doctor and now I´m back on medication. But I have the feeling is more worse than before. I mean not the panic attacks, I´m more depressive and sometimes are really scared of beeing here and don´t come back home.
If I have a panic attack they come the most of the time unexpected. I started thinking and my heart beats faster. I know its sounds really funny, but the most of the time its because I think I can´t get as fast to a toilet. And because I have a nervous bladder the panic attack makes it more worse and then start the vicious circle.
With this program I try to understand, why I actually have this panic attacks!? Is it possible that anxiety and cause of that panic attacks are hereditary!? Is it possible that a event in the past activate this!? I mean before I had my first attack?
So far from me...


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