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Going crazy?

13 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Good to hear from you, I was wondering how you were doing. You should come visit more often.

Here for you,
13 years ago 0 26 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
     I now what you are going through I started getting those feelings when I turned 19 now I'm 26 and it's been so hard to go through those feelings. I got scared and thought I was going crazy thought I was the only one having those feelings but started getting more intense. Went to see the doctor she told me I was fine and explained what was going on with me when I found out I was not "going crazy" that it was an imbalance in the chemical reaction in our brain and that medication would help me out allot that made me feel better. It's been so hard with setbacks but now I'm sure I'm not going to go crazy.    
14 years ago 0 49 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
To answer your question, "do other people feel like this?" - yes, absolutely, and I'm one of them. It's always good to know that you're not alone in your struggles. Your story sounds like a chapter out of my life, except my worry wasn't one thing specifically (i.e. Schizophrenia) it was more like...well, every possible ailment under the Sun. Just so you know, those feelings that you get such as feeling uneasy, unreal or hyper awareness are all common when you experience anxiety and panic. Actually, the unreality (or feeling like you're detached from your body, or outside your body) is one of the scariest symptoms to me, I hate it. It can be hard to deal with all this, so I can relate when you say you didn't want to believe this was happening and trying to deny it. I wouldn't suggest stopping your research altogether, but perhaps change your methods? It sounds like you're doing research with the intention of diagnosing yourself with another mental disorder. One thing that I've learned, and boy is it hard to learn and put into practice, is to switch the negative thoughts with positive thoughts instead. So, how can you go and make your reading/research into a positive experience? I always believed that "knowledge is power", but you don't want to add to the anxiety and make yourself feel worse right.
All the best,
14 years ago 0 34 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
People that live with a higher level of anxiety feel that way. I too feel that way when I'm anxious. I'm getting a little better about that now that I realize that.
14 years ago 0 286 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Aaron -
I think a lot of us have either feelings of unreality or strong fears that there is something else wrong with us during a panic attack (or both!). The best thing I've found to do in the moment is to tell myself that what I'm experiencing is a panic attack, and although the sensations are uncomfortable they are all just symptoms of the panic and not anything else. I also repeat to myself that while I may feel miserable at the time, panic attacks will not cause me or anyone else any permanent physical harm. This doesn't always make the feelings go away, but it helps me calm my mind a little bit and "ride out" the rest of the anxiety attack.
I hope this helps - keep checking back!
14 years ago 0 11226 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Aaron,
That unreal feeling is common during anxiety but if you are ever concerned it is best to talk to a doctor about how you are feeling.
Ashley, Health Educator
14 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Good morning Aaron

It is a rather fine day here and I should get mobile and use it but I just can't seem to. Some times life is like that. In more ways than panic. Some times we do things even though we don't want to. I have friends that have actual mental illnesses too. Bipolar and schizophrenic, but I know I'm not, I'm old enough to fear altzeimers more. But I have been tested. Mostly I laugh at myself and say "stupid you are doing it again." Like yesterday when I spent time talking to a lady I couldn't remember. I've only talked to her in passing once before and it was over a year ago. No wonder I couldn't remember her. 
You know there are tests to see if you are a potential candidate to become schizophrenic. Or are you afraid they will point the finger at you? It is not contagious, you can't catch it from your friend. That unreal feeling is just panic but you are building it into something else. If this is not a core belief you will build it into one. Time to stop it. First you have to stop or at least lesson the panic. Then you have to build a positive core belief that you can not have and will not get schizophrenia. Right, no reason you should get it is there? Most people with anxiety do not have it run in there family, which makes it difficult finding some one they can relate too. Do you have other fears that are unrealistic. Could this be a negative core belief come to the surface. Have a lot of friends and family become sick lately. You are of an age when those close to you might be getting Cancer,heart disease, etc. Is this feeding your fear. All these things are a normal part of aging. And once in a while they happen too soon. A once a year check up and if you think it will help a once a year check with a psychiatrist will help. You sound like you have no control over the anxiety and the program will certainly cure that and with it cured your other fears will go to. It is well worth the trouble.

Here for you 

14 years ago 0 2 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi again, I posted a couple weeks ago and it really helped me so I'm going to do another. It's just so nice to hear that other people experience similar situations and feelings. 

So I was reading about the "Fear Goggles" today and could really relate. Sometimes I am so afraid of "going crazy", specifically schizophrenia. I have a good friend who is schizophrenic (mild case) and she has told me her story about getting sick. This was before I had problems with anxiety. Now that I have general anxiety I have thoughts about schizophrenia so much. I stupidly keep reading about it and want to know everything about it, just to make sure I don't have it. It's irrational I know, but I keep going back to it. I am 25 now and have no signs of this disease but every time I get that "unreal feeling" or trouble concentrating I think to myself, what if this is a sign. 

What I'm trying to ask is if other people feel this way too? I especially feel uneasy when I get that unreal feeling or hyper awareness. I had that a lot when I first started getting panic attacks because I couldn't believe it was happening. I didn't want to believe it and sometimes tried denying what was going on, wanted it to be a dream which scared me even more.

Thanks for listening. I think I should stop reading about other mental illnesses, it's not helping. 


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