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hit a ruff patch but doing better

13 years ago 0 122 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi everyone,
First I would like to thank all of you for kind words it really
means alot to me.  I'm feeling better today. I'm glad that others
can relate to what I'm posting and if it helps someone else
than I feel its worth the bad times. I will try the visualization
technique. I did reward myself with a shake!( good for the
mind not for the waist!!).I still have some exposures coming
up ( shower, and wedding) so I have started with the positive
self talk, as I don't do crowds well. I have been telling myself that
if I get over whelmed I can just step out for a few minutes and regroup.
things like that. Its not for a couple of weeks so hopefully when the time
comes I will breeze through it. My hubby being so smart and helpful is
telling me to break it down into small steps and reward myself for
each small step.( Lucky I know! thats why we've been together for 22 yrs)!
well I'll close for now, have a great day everyone! My best to all.
13 years ago 0 659 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello sweatbee,
It was very inspiring reading your post this morning. The part about riding the panic and getting past it really hit home with me.  I am going to remember that when I start to panic again, it should really help me. Its also good to hear you have given yourself the ok the have ups and downs and at the same time move forward.  You mentioned your perimenopause being bad this month. I just wanted to let you know that I am post menopausal myself and have been for a few years and it can be trying at times. As women I think we go thorough many changes in our life's and it seems to be a on going process. I think you are doing very well and I like your idea of accepting the up and downs and moving forward anyway. This is something I need to work on myself as well.  Thanks for sharing your feelings here it really helps others like me when I read them.
13 years ago 0 2606 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi sweatbee,
It is great to you were able to figure out a different way to do your craft! All is not lost! I'm sure everyone will really appreciate the work you put into the craft. It sounds like you have been working hard with exposure work and challenging negative thoughts. Keep striving forward and refer back to program sessions if you need to remind yourself how to challenge negative thoughts/feelings of panic. What sessions have been helpful to you so far? 
Have you tried relaxation techniques from the program? How have they helped you?

Samantha, Health Educator
13 years ago 0 1665 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Sweatbee:  Thanks for sharing. Good for you.  You did it well.  Hung in there, acknowledged the symptoms but didn't let them control you.  You did what YOU WANTED to do, stay in the store and finish your purchases.  That showed the panic that you were in control.  You told it where to go.  Keep practicing that and you will get stronger.  Did you reward yourself afterwards?
I have had that "humming" feeling in my body.  That's when I know I need to take a break.  I'm careful not to get overtired anymore.  After a bit of time, I can go back to whatever I was doing and have a fresh look at it.  Glad your craft turned out for you.
13 years ago 0 286 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Sweatbee - 
I'm also in the process of learning to give myself permission to have the ups and downs. For me, it's easy to get too black and white in my thinking, either "I'm better!" or "I'll never get better!"  Even though I know that's not realistic and that it will be a bumpy road to recovery I still feel that way after an especially good or bad day. Good for you for sticking with it all!
13 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Thank you for sharing this. So you have noticed that staring the panic in the face is better than running. At first it is hard but it does get better. I like the idea of riding the panic. Taking its power and taming it without ignoring it so it can come back. Ride it into the ground and walk away. I would bet that visualizing just that could make it happen. Why not hey, after all we know lasting panic is unrealistic and shouldn't be there. I went through the ups and downs with a few panics after a few good days just because I was looking for them, like sticking your tongue in a tooth ache. But you know if you stop looking they stop being there. I think you are getting there. You have the right attitude.

One other thing, we are taught to suppress our emotions. Wrong, let them out and move on. As long as you are not hurting anyone it is the thing to do. Get it over with and clear the mind. It is impossible to see clearly with all these unwanted emotions spinning in our head. My therapist calls them dervishes.  They stir things up but are not constructive. Best to just let them spin out and be gone.

Glad you found a different way with the craft.

13 years ago 0 122 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi all,
I have had a very up and down week or so, To start the perimenopause
this month has been worse than it has been in months, and I have been
working with my daughter and friend on a bridal shower for my best
friends daughter( she's like a 2nd kid to us). I got up set at a craft I was
working on, it wasn't coming out the way I saw it in my head. Before
I knew it My hole body was humming, and I was worked up! I haven't
slept well for several nights which didn't help. Today  my hubby had
his doc's appt. ( I go and use it as exposure work), I didn't want to go but
did anyway, I was surprised that I did well! went to hobby lobby after
and did ok until I got to the check out, I started getting the panic symptoms
(dizzy, feeling hot, and wanting to run out) but I have to say that I didn't
give in, I road the panic and got past it. I told my hubby that I can tell
I'm getting better at managing the panic, I just have to give myself the
ok to have the ups and downs and do it any way.( not always pleasant
but worth it). P.S. I figured out a different way to do the craft and it
turned out great! Well I'll hush for now just wanted  to share.
My best to all.

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