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13 years ago 0 88 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Oh thanks Sunny that is good to know...
How long were you on them?
Hubby just left but I have not gone up to my room yet, hopefully I sleep well. I know the first night will be rough. Today I had the shakes until about 2pm and I woke up at 7am. Makes for a long day. I played on the computer though for a lot of the day and read up on a lot here and that calmed me down a bit. I have been using the box breathing and maybe before bed I will try the muscle relaxation. Hopefully in the morning I will not wake up with the shakes again though
13 years ago 0 1665 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello Mammakim and welcome to this site.  Just wanted to answer your question re: has anyone come off the SSRI.  Yes, I have and successfully too.  Not too much of a bother when I quit, maybe a few side effects for a couple of weeks. I tapered off when I was ready and did this with my doctor's knowledge and help.  I've never had to take them again, however if I did have to, I would not hesitate as they worked very well for me.  The first couple of wks. may be a bit shaky, but it gets better.  Now that I have studied the CBT program and have practiced a lot - I've been doing it for over 10 yrs. - I find the muscle relaxation and visualization ex. work great for me and the breathing too.  Like all things, it takes practice so don't give up.  Good luck.
13 years ago 0 88 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I mostly get cramps... And I have been thinking about the side effects from the meds as well. Every twinge or whatever.
13 years ago 0 88 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Yes the boys fight constantly, the middle one fights with my husband. They are like oil and water.
Hot flashes - I hit 40 last summer so I started wondering if I was having other issues as well but I woke up this morning with the gift so that is not helping. I have wicked cramps too.
The panic came on hard last week after the gas tank fell off my son's truck, It may have brought the memories back along with Dave going third shift.
I am usually a happy go lucky person ( I have had anxiety attacks but can usually overcome them) so it is freaking me and my family and friends out. They have been helpful though.
13 years ago 0 538 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I still get some hot flashes, and have wicked vivid dreams...but for my calmness I am willing to put up with these annoyances.
I have not had any PMS symptoms in 2 months either! Yeah!
13 years ago 0 538 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Its probably a combination..I overthink everything too. I think thats what contributes to the high anxiety.  I was on the lookout for every sign/symptom of a sideeffect until I got used to it.
I think youre right...those memories are  pent up inside of you. Thank goodness your son wasn't in the house..but that worry that he maybe he was..thats a terible memory...does that  bring on panic?
Am I right to read that you are worrying already about the next two weeks being super busy and stressful? You say you don't have time for this.
Unfortunately it takes time. I have learnt here that if we push and fight against the panic it just makes it stronger. Can you try...everytime you start worrying about tomorrow or next week..just try to replace those thoughts with "I'm only going to think about today.."? Its a strategy that really helps me.
The teens  fighting constantly must be so stressful...I wish I had some advice for you on that one...mine fought alot when they were younger but it eased off later. I found  when they were around 17 they challenged their father..which let to fights...which I detested.
Your hubby was working a haunted house?
Here for you
13 years ago 0 88 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Oh and one more question, does anyone go off the meds once they start? or is this just a rest of my life kind of thing. When I told my Dr I did not want to be on them for the rest of my life he told me about a man who went on them in November and said that he felt fabulous and doesn't want to go off them. I just don't want to be dependent on meds for my life.
I have also been having like hot flashes since I started this medication, when I had anxiety before I would get hot and sweat but it seems like someone turned a light bulb on inside me and it feels different. I called to talk to a councelor Thursday but one place had no openings and the other was an answering machine and did not call back. I also called the EAP place that a lot of corporate places have but that was yesterday and the admisitration was closed.  I was not sure if the councelors were qualified to just talk on the phone so I said OK I would call back Monday.
13 years ago 0 88 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I have had the shakes all day today but I can't tell if it is because I am over thinking or it is the meds but it is freaking me out.
My boys fight constantly, last month my husband and I ended up at the hospital with the 14 year old because they were fighting and he ended up with a fractured thumb.
13 years ago 0 88 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
My house burned down at 9pm. We were not home we were out with the kids. Hubby was working a haunted house. I thought my middle son was in the house and freaked out. I think I only cried once about the house ( my grandfather's great uncle built it) so I think it is all pent up and added things that are bothering me now. Wednesday will be a week that I have been on the meds, I hope I calm down. I can't stand being with myself at this point. I have a middle school graduation Tuesday and the rest of the week I have to be at work because it is month end. The next two weeks are going to be busy. I totally don't have time for this.
13 years ago 0 538 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Mammakin,
Welcome !
You have come to a great place to learn relaxation/coping skills. I find the negative thoughts challenge questions to be very helpful in calming me down. You might not be that far in the program yet.
I started on Celexa 2 months ago..the first week was terrible..I was so anxious..even had to leave the shower door open a few times,  I couldnt stand being in there. One day I  was waiting in the car for my son  for a few minutes and  fell to sleep..Had to take the whole week off work. But I stuck it out, and am so glad I did...I am calmer than I can ever remember. I don't want to be dependant on a medication ...but there's times its certainly needed. My dr. rx'd me Ativan too, but I havent taken any yet.
You sound like you have a very busy life...3 kids, 2 jobs, husband is working nights. Did your house burn down in the night? Is that the memory thats making you afraid to be without your husband overnight? Or do you just dislike being without him in the night? You sound worried about your kids.  I have 2 sons..21, and 18. My 21 year old has caused me many sleepless nights!
Please feel free to post here with any thoughts or questions..and good luck!

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