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I feel like this will never end

15 years ago 0 122 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
                           Hi momsydoo,
           I'm sorry to here that you had a upsetting weekend, I can relate to what you are saying about the
          yelling! My Dad has always been a yeller, when I was a child I didn't understand why when something
          got broken or something happened to one of us, he would start yelling. When I got older I realized that was
          how he coped with stressful things that made him feel unsure.So now when my husband yells( which is not often)
          I tell myself I Can choose to react one of two ways, I can either get upset which can bring on anxiety or I can
          just let it roll off my back so to speak. I alway remember that it takes two people to have a fight! Then I
          just go on about my business.( of course it took me awhile to get the hang of it)! lol. But it does work.
          hope this helps.
15 years ago 0 23 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I've been on medication for years. I'm in counseling.  I do good for a while then something will happen and I feel like I'm back to the beginning.  My husband comes from a family that yells alot and that upsets me when he yells about something that can't be helped.  We had a situation this weekend.  I was trying to help him but he was yelling and I was already having my heart racing trying to help sop up the leak in our house and the yelling made my heart race more.  I started having pain in my chest and he just pushed me to my limits.  It pisses me off that he does this but when I call him on it he pulls away and makes me feel bad about how I talk to him.  I can't win.  Somebody help me. How do I get him to understand and not feel hurt himself?
15 years ago 0 52 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I have never had to switch medicines after taking one for a long time. Only due to making my anxiety to hard to bear I have had to switch, but after just a few days. I wondered the same thing about switching meds. I have heard that there is an increase in anxiety for the first week and I have heard people having no trouble at all.  I don't know if you have insurance to cover it or not, but I have been told that Abilify along with your current antidepressant can work very well. I took it for two days and was extremely tired. (told this subsides after a few days). I checked into the price and knew I could not afford it. My pshyc. doctor said you can tell right away if it works or not?? I was not sure, cause it made me so tired, which we all know makes anxiety worse.
Let us know how you make out. We are all here for you!
15 years ago 0 823 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Carmen,
Hope your visit with your doctor will be helpful. Do ask your doctor the questions you are concerned about. Switching meds may not be a bad idea, but it is important to weigh the side effects that may be associated with the new medication also.
Journalling is another idea that you may want to try out - sometimes sleep problems are due to worrisome thoughts or emotional stresses. Writing down your thoughts may help to process them and help you find solutions to issues that may be bothering you. In turn, your mind may be able to relax enough to allow you to fall asleep and maintain your sleep.
Hope that helps! Keep us posted!
Faryal, Health Educator
15 years ago 0 9 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I take melatonin.  I do the warm bath thing. I do the warm milk. I don't let my room be anything but a place to sleep.  I take the herbal teas, the rescue remedy flower essences.  I use my CBT tools. It's very very very hard. What I need is something to knock me out and give me a great sleep every once in awhile so I can see things from a different perspective...
I am going to my doctor tonight to talk about a med switch.  I have no idea what switching meds will be like or how it is done.  I have been on Zoloft for so long I have to wonder how I get off it and get on something else???
Will it affect my ability to work while I switch over?  Will it be ok? Will it allow me to finally get my life back?
Get off the ativan hopefully. I hate taking medication.  Just hate it.  But I don't mind a different antidepressant if it will work.
Anyhow, thank you all.  I am still working inspite of my frequent attacks and bursts of emotions.  Praying for an end to this.
How is switching meds for others????? Please let me know.  Carmen :)
15 years ago 0 823 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Carmen,
You mentioned you have exhausted natural approaches to dealing with your insomnia as well..............what exactly did you try previously?
Have you considered drinking a calming tea an hour or so before bedtime? Some effective herbal teas are chamomile, valerian and passionflower. Deep breathing as mentioned before, is also an effective practice.
Keep us posted and hang in there!
Faryal, Health Educator
15 years ago 0 122 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
           First of all welcome to the forums, I'm sorry to here that you are having a rough time with your meds and
           you are having a hard time with waking up during the night. I too wake up several times a night so I know it can
           make you edgy. But you can handle this!! Just look at how strong you are! you are taking care of yourself
           and your children!!!! That is something in its self to be proud of! Sometimes it helps to look at a situation
           from a different angle, instead of worrying about the next four work days take one day at a time, plan for that
          first day back. If you can take a break during the day do some stretching or give a friend a call, or maybe
          bring a good book to read, just to give yourself a lift.  Starting a job weather its a new one or returning back
          to one is always hard, so go easy on yourself.  And know that in spirit we will all be their holding your hand! 
15 years ago 0 23 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Please don't give up!  I admire your courage to go to work.  I had to quit work 2 years ago.  Luckily my husband makes enough to support us.  I take Ambien to help me sleep.  When I'm not getting good sleep I have more anxiety.  I only take it when my mind is going around in the negative thoughts. I hope to one day go back to work.  I wish I had your strength.
15 years ago 0 30 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey Carmen,
I'm sorry you are feeling horrible. But hey, you still made the three days... although it felt terrible. 
I am encouraged by your courage of making it through to go to work.. to get outside and do stuff.

15 years ago 0 406 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Please don't give up, there is hope.  Challenge those negative thoughts and be patient with the CBT as it takes time and alot of work, but you can do it and come out feeling better.  Inform your doctor that the antidepressants are not working for you and ask what other alternative are out there. 
Continue with the chnageways relaxing CD and try practicing box breathing and deep muscle relaxation (check your toolbox).
Things will get better, hang in there!
Karen, Health Educator

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