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fear of flying and dying

15 years ago 0 466 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Karla,
There will be times when you can't fight the anxiety, best thing you can do is stop thinking.  One way to do this is spend the next 10 minutes writing whatever thoughts you have down, then when time is up, close the book and don't let yourself think about it anymore.  If the thoughts still persist, anytime you start to think of any thought, stop it.  Continue with this until you slowly start to feel calmer, keep in mind it may take a while!
My thought on these moments, when you need an answer so bad, but just keep stressing yourself, are whether or not I find the answer to my thoughts, right now isn't the time to focus on them.  My mind is juggling around so much that it won't come to a coherent conclusion.  So I stop them, then come back to them later when my mind feels calmer.  Otherwise it's like adding fuel to the fire, your only making it bigger.
Hope this helps!
15 years ago 0 94 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0


i feel really crap at the mo, i cant stop thinking about dying and leaving every one. i love my fiancee and daughter so much that im terrified of leaving them, i dont no whats brort this on but its all i can think about. i dont no what to do, i ask myself the questions is it true etc.... but there not helping. i keep panicking and feeel awful. i jus feel lost and dont no what o do. somebody pleassse help!!!!!.. i dont want to die yet and im scared of when i do what happens if i get trapped somewere and stay there forever!!!! i mean no1 can help can they?they wont no where i terrifying to be there forver. i wont see anyone anymore,  leave everyone to struggle forever its not fare. i mean does anyone believe in the afterlife, i want to but find it hard. why is these thoughts happening to me????i no its going to happen but i cant describe how it scares me of being alone forever. some people say its like being born, u just dont no itb happens. do u beliebe this?????

15 years ago 0 1153 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Exposure therapy for flying fears can be difficult! There are some plane simulators but these can be expensive. Members, any suggestions for plane simulations??
The fear of death is very common not only amongst people in the support group but the general population as well. It is not an easy one to confront. Members, please share how you have dealt with your fears of death.

Brenna, Bilingual Health Educator
15 years ago 0 466 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Death is kind of a hard fear to confront...personally death is a reason to appreciate life.  And flying is another expensive one to take on, maybe you could try a video game where you fly?  Geez, I don't feel like much help on this one...
15 years ago 0 94 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
does anyone have these fears and if yes have they confronted them????? any ideas helpful 
15 years ago 0 94 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
hopefully, i mean i took life for granted before i had these attacks and you just dont no how lucky you are when you can do what you want when you want, and sometimes i do despise people when they have a normal life. hopfully that will be me one day, but one thing is for sure i wont be taking it for granted again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
15 years ago 0 2101 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey Karla,
Well as for fear of dying, I had a bad case of that in the past. Now, I do much better. I mean MUCH better. So there is hope!
As for fear of flying, flying mortifies me! I haven't yet had the opportunity to confraont that yet as I can't afford to travel, but one day I intend to tackly this issue! I want to travel lol.
15 years ago 0 94 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
im speaking of dying of death itself as every time i panic im like is this it, im going to die, my child going to grow up without her mum, leaving everyone, being buried incase i wake in the coffin(stupied i no), is it going to hurt, will i see all the people  that have left?? thank you for replies, i more want to take my daughter to disney land and have the option there to do it. the questions were very helpful
15 years ago 0 1693 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I know that many members have fears of flying or of dying. There are many useful tools and exercises in the program that can be of great use. Have you tried challenging your anxious thoughts?
Below are ten questions you may find helpful in challenging your anxious thoughts: 
When you have an anxious thought, answer some of these 10 questions:

1. Is it "true"?
2. How do I know it’s true?
3. Is it 100% true? (remember something that is 75% or 99% true is  
    not 100% true)
4. What's the evidence for it being true?
5. What’s the evidence against it being true?
6. Has it ever happened before?
7. What's different now?
8. If it were true, how bad would it really be?
9. What's the worst thing that could happen?
10. If the worst thing happened, how bad would it really be?

Please feel free to add any tips or strategies you find helpful when trying to challenge your anxious thoughts.
Members, are you using the program to aid in challenging your fears?
Breanne, Bilingual Health Educator
15 years ago 0 33 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
    I have a fear, but have flown but one time to Mexico, 3 stops there and back. My fear was because I have never flown before. I worked for a company that our office won a trip there, at first I was elated for about 2 minutes, till my thought of ut oh, this is for real, I have panic attacks and have to go? I talked with my doctor prior to leaving, he upped my dosage of benzo during this time, ever so slightly, I think the most that helped was, I asked if I needed too, in a midst of an attack, call him from out of the country and anytime? He responded yes. I think I needed that extra assurance, I did have my husband with me, and a very close friend that had flown several times before, so during each part, before, she would say, now you will hear (and it wasn't all that loud), the wheels will now be brought up as we ascended, or vice versa if we descended. I did not have one panic attack on the plane or out of the country.
Does your work, call for you to travel by air quite a bit?
Are you speaking of dying in respect to death itself, or fear of dying while flying?   

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