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Needing a change

8 years ago 0 11221 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Congrats WCH!

Ashley, Health Educator
8 years ago 0 3 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks for sharing, Simmy. 

So, today marks 1 week down! I'm feeling great, and the weekend actually went by without a hitch. We had a friend's birthday to attend on Saturday evening. We joined for the early part of the evening, as we had tickets to a hockey game later. Everyone was drinking at the party, and I was offered beer several times, but my partner and I showed up with some non-booze drinks and stuck with those. I found it easier to say "no" than I had expected. My partner can't drink at all right now for medical reasons, so I think that made it easier for people to accept us not drinking. The hockey game was an interesting experience, I realized I have never been to one while sober. We've been going several times per season for about 10 years, and have always had at least a couple of beers. It was a really different experience, but a good one. I found myself really aware of how drunk other people around me were. 

My confidence of meeting my 30 day goal is certainly higher now, having made it through a weekend which is usually the hardest. I was probably at a 6 at the beginning of last week, and I'm around an 8 now. I'm feeling good and really enjoying my extra energy and strength at the gym. 
8 years ago 0 72 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
WCH, congrats on your week! I can relate about the trip to a tropical paradise. That is one first I haven't had yet, and I know it would be very hard. When I was first starting to think about quitting altogether, I kept trying to wait for the right time, but there kept being weddings and vacations and parties that I couldn't imagine not drinking for...  The most challenging thing I have done so far without drinking is attending an outdoor music and brew festival. Free drinks came with entry. I was practically tearing my hair out in anticipation of this event. But when it came, it was easier than the week or two leading up to it. I danced, I had fun, I gave my husband my free drinks and I got to be DD (which I never was before). I saw some pretty drunk people there and I actually felt proud of myself to be having fun without alcohol. Overall, it was difficult but very empowering to get that under my belt. I'm not saying that abstinence is for everyone, just that you might be surprised how much fun you can still have (and no hangovers!).
8 years ago 0 11221 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Welcome WCH,

It sounds like you want to make a change but you are not sure how. I think 30 days is a great goal to start with. You can always reassess later. I think it sounds like you have high motivation to change but your confidence in your ability to change is not as high as it could be. Does that sound right? How would you rate your confidence between 1 - 10, 10 being the most confident you could be? Once you know that number consider how you can get it a point or two higher. Let us know what you determine.

Ashley, Health Educator
8 years ago 0 1562 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Quote "I need a change, a Big one".

Thats a very positive attitude.

Ands what happened to me when I started working the 12 steps. Before I got convinced, I had to know 3 main things about alcoholism:

Left on my own resource I will go back to drink (obsession/insanity) and when do put one or two drinks in the body, I develop what is something called the physical craving, which makes me drink more and finally I get really unhappy. I get snappy at people, my road rage goes out of control. Alcohol was a solution upto a point where it stopped working. All the malady came un-glued. They call it the un-treated alcoholism. That was 9 years ago. Today I am free from alcohol and a free man to go anywhere in the world. I can be around alcohol and wont sweat.
8 years ago 0 315 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
You told my story 10 years ago. Life was good. Family, house, Job and beer on weekends. Then drink started to be normal during the week. Fights with wife and family over drinking, I just drink more. Everything suffered then slowly everything was gone. House kids, cars everything. It took a rock bottom for me to do anything. You do not have to sink as low as I did. Think of this how much would your life change if you got a dui after your 6 beer car ride? How bad would you want to change your life if that happened? Trust me, booze can and will wreck the lives of all problem drinkers. Not only them but a person that has alcoholism like me affect 17 other people. Kids, parents, wife, siblings, boss, friends.
I rode the garbage truck right to the dump, I could have got off any time and so can you. 
8 years ago 0 348 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Rosa, welcome! Good for you for sticking with your one week goal.  1 week, 30 days, 90 days; they all start with the first day. Stay strong.

Good luck! 

8 years ago 0 5 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I understand how 90feels daunting.  30 is impressive... I'm in week 1 with you, second attempt.  My first attempt was great, way less drinking....but not a whole week.  I'm taking it one day at a time, that overall seems to be moving me in the right direction. My goal now is to make it one week.  Then try for two, I can't think much further at this point;)

Thank you for sharing your story.  I can't wait to read when you accomplish your week!  Your giving me strength.

8 years ago 0 348 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello WCH and welcome!  We will all be behind you in your effort to reach 30 days.  I had no intention of going 30 days when I began my journey but I found that it was actually easier to know that I was not going to drink for at least that period of time. No second guessing, no wondering how many drinks I should have, etc;  I was not going to drink.  It became a "freeing" feeling.  
Good luck!

8 years ago 0 3 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I'm definitely going to start by trying out at least 30 days, it feels less daunting to me than 90 at this point. I haven't gone more than 18 days in years. We're taking a vacation from December 5th-12th, and it seems crazy to think about being on a beach somewhere tropical and not getting day-drunk. I always get ahead of myself though and scare myself out of my goals, I really don't need to think about December right now.
The last time I took a weekend off of drinking, I felt really great and productive. My last drink was on Monday and I'm looking forward to even just hitting a one week mile stone. It's been about 2 years since I made it a solid week.  Thanks for the feedback and support!

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