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Quote for the day

13 years ago 0 18 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I wish I knew how to be supportive to you all in this thread.  I agree with so many of the statements and sentiments being said.  I  am beginning to notice (after 10 days with no alcohol)  relationship issues, coping issues and even functioning issues that I have been hiding from using alcohol.  Man it hurts and is scary!  I have an extremely supportive husband and yet I find it hard to talk with him about this process.  I guess that adds an intimacy issue to the list.  So yes, my thinking about alcohol is changing but so is everything else.  Hang in there.  I believe we can do this :)
13 years ago 0 171 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I worry about whining too.  I guess it is has to do with not feeling worthy.
If I could change the way that I feel without alcohol (or food) I would cry buckets of tears of relief...  I am smart and insightful and well educated, but no matter how hard I try to change my thinking - I get caught in going around and around in circles.  I think my biggest fear about trying to stop drinking (which I know I need to do) is that I won't be able to sustain the energy that I will need to think positively and not talk myself out of believing that I have a real problem.
13 years ago 0 251 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I can answer this as more in a past tense. WIthout alcohol my life is  fun and so much less stressful. I am able to go through my weekends without having to apologize to people for things I did without remembering. And also feel much healthier...
13 years ago 0 1022 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
oh, just having think so much I guess... this being aware and thinking about stuff differently is uncomfortable & rather exhausting.  That's all   I do feel like I'm substituting whining for wining but am hoping this too shall pass soon!  Real soon. 
I'm still working on the question....  does anyone else have any thoughts on this?
if you were able to change the way you felt without the use of alcohol how would your life be different? 
13 years ago 0 11221 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
That wasn't supposed to be a leading question. I am surprised by the "ouch".  What is painful about that question?

Ashley, Health Educator
13 years ago 0 1022 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
if you were able to change the way you felt without the use of alcohol how would your life be different?
 Wow... good question!  Ouch... can't we just have some chirpy encouragement?

13 years ago 0 11221 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Athena and m,
Love where this conversation is going.  M, you are so right and saying it is real!  Thank you both your honesty and openness.
I have a few thoughts I wanted to add.  Hopefully it will add to the conversation and I will try not to make it too chirpy but as I am a Health Educator I don't promise anything.
First thing I want to say is you are both right.  Recovery is hard and it is emotional; like m said it is real.  These real emotions of sadness, anger, frustration, loneliness, etc. are often labeled as negative emotions.  However, these emotions are part of being human and are even essential.  It is often said without the experience of these "negative" emotions we would not fully appreciate the "positive" ones.  I know it can be hard to look at in this way but when feeling awful consider it is a very real expression of being human and it part of the richness of this world. Yes, it can be incredibly hard and having social support and expressing these emotions authentically can be therapeutic. Using Alcohol to cope with these emotions as we all know is counter productive.  There is come information in the maintenance section of the program that does offer some tips on how to cope in alternative ways.
All this being said, I am not going to minimize the fact that dealing with emotions can be incredibly hard and if other issues are involved (depression, anxiety disorder, etc.) it can even me impossible to address without help.  If you ever feel like you cannot deal with emotions or your feelings it is a idea good to seek help.  There are ways to cope without alcohol.  Alcoholism often occurs beside other mental disorders or illness as a maladaptive coping mechanism.  For this reason if you feel you cannot cope with emotions without alcohol I encourage you to challenge this negative core belief as it will make it very difficult to address any problem you may have with alcohol until this belief is challenged.  There is information on this in our sister sites the Panic Center ( and the Depression Center ( these programs are based on cognitive behaviour therapy principles.  These programs do help you to actually change your thinking and therefore change how you feel about certain situations.  
 Maybe this will change the direction of the discussion but if you were able to change the way you felt without the use of alcohol how would your life be different?
Ashley, Health Educator
13 years ago 0 1022 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
No need to apologize!  I would rather hear "real" than chirpy words of hope that just don't ring true to where I am at the moment.  Encouragement is great... don't get me wrong... that is why we are here.  But, sometimes, I just really need to know that I am not alone in my frustrations and fear and overall grumpiness as I work through this process.  Your words didn't bring me down... they made my heart sore. YES!... someone else "gets it"!  Thank you so much for being REAL. I get so frustrated because I often don't have the words to describe how I'm feeling... what you said here is perfect:
When I am overwhelmed by pain or fear or anxiety or sadness I cannot control my intense need to turn down the volume with alcohol.
That statement gives me clarity.... focus....  how do I "turn down the volume..." without alcohol? 
You say you have a wonderful life and indicate because of that you "shouldn't" be feeling this way.  At the same time, you acknowledge a previous eating disorder. (BTW, I've been there too).  I have come to believe that regardless of what did or did not happen to us personally (trauma-wise), this world as it is today, is so harsh, so violent, so LOUD.... that if we aren't aware and actively protecting (and detoxing) ourselves... it has a damaging impact on our psyche.  Especially those who are  highly sensitive.... whether that is neurological or emotional, nature or nurture ... I surely don't know, but I believe it to be true.
Just some random thoughts for you....(no facts here, just my opinion).  Hang in there lady... you are an inspiration We CAN do this!

13 years ago 0 171 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
m, I couldn't agree more!  If we could control what went on on the inside, we wouldn't need alcohol.  I would like to believe that we have the power to make choices about what we believe and how we view the world.  I have always thought that was true, but I am beginning to understand that no matter how much insight or self awareness I have, I cannot tolerate the intensity of my feelings sometimes.  When I am overwhelmed by pain or fear or anxiety or sadness I cannot control my intense need to turn down the volume with alcohol.
I also don't know how to get out of my head.  I spend so much time thinking, questioning, planning, talking to myself, trying to understand, trying to convince myself that this problem is not real and that it is not going to continue to get worse.
I have never been abused.  I had caring parents who always wanted the best for me.  I have never been assaulted.  I have never had to deal with losing someone I love.  I have a family that loves me, beautiful children, a home, a career. I can't understand why I find it so hard to simply exist in this world. I am so afraid that I am putting everything at risk.  I know from experience that this will continue to get worse unless I can stop drinking.  I spent 27 years fighting an eating disorder.  I know how much that has cost me.  I have no power to control what is on the inside.
m - I'm sorry that I haven't been able to respond with positive words of hope.  I am afraid that my contributions here may make things worse for others who are struggling.  Please don't let my words bring you down.
13 years ago 0 1022 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Quote of the Day:
You cannot always control what goes on outside. But you can always control what goes on inside.
- Wayne Dyer
I don't agree with the second part of this quote at all.  From where I stand right now, trying to beat this thing... I cannot ALWAYS control what goes on inside.   What's with that???  Does anyone else feel that way?

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