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Quote for the day

13 years ago 0 1022 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I'm hanging on to today's quote.  My staircase be really, really long.
Quote of the Day:
Every failure is a step to success.
- William Whewell

13 years ago 0 1022 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thank you so much for sharing with us this experience and the insight you gained.  Beautifully written too.  Profound observations.  So much to digest... I'll just comment on a few for now.  What a model for all of us:
<snip> Somehow he is in a place where he seems to understand his strengths (unbelieveably intelligent, artistic and highly focused) and forgive his weaknesses (obsessive, unable to communicate in casual social interactions and easily overwhelmed <snip>
To be able to understand my strengths and forgive my weaknesses.  Wouldn't that be something?!
<snip>Next Wednesday I will go to the Women for Sobriety group. <snip>
 Good for you.  Maybe you could write that in a Wednesday pledge right now while the intention is fresh.  Just so you won't forget or talk yourself out of it (I know that's what I would do )
<snip>Let's not be afraid of the intensity of our feelings.  Lets dare to find out what happens if we just give in and feel them - no matter how painful. <snip>
 I don't know if I can let go of the fear, Athena, but I agree that it is time to find out what happens if I give myself the chance to feel them.  It's scary.  But with the support I've found here, hopefully there will be enough courage to try. 
Again, thank you for sharing this experience.  I'm so encouraged for you... and inspired to keep doing the best that I can each day.
13 years ago 0 11221 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Beautiful Athena,
Thank you for sharing this inspiration with us.

I think going to this group is a very smart decision.  There is a lot of potential to create fufilling relationships there.   How will you allow people in now?  What will you be doing differently in these new relationships?
Ashley, Health Educator
13 years ago 0 171 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I had an extraordinary experience today.  I was at an conference about autism because of my work.  I had the opportunity to hear from 6 adults with autism about their experiences.  One of them talked about how he is hypersensitive to all sensory input and how life can be not only overwhelming bu painful.  He described how if someone was looking him in the eye, he could no hear or understand what people were saying.  He said that he didn't feel emotion until he was in his thirties and he started singing and writing songs (he is very talented).  He said now he is so emotional, he undersatnds why he blocked out his feelings for so long.  Somehow he is in a place where he seems to understand his strengths (unbelieveably intelligent, artistic and highly focused) and forgive his weaknesses (obsessive, unable to communicate in casual social interactions and easily overwhelmed).  5 out of the six speakers talked about having been suicidal at points in their lives.
I was blown away by their courage.  This was a group of individuals who hate crowds, social interaction, people, bright lights, noise, unpredictability etc, and they each had the courage to to stand up in front of 400 or 500 people and talk about their greates challenges and vulnerabilities.
It helped me understand that my need to turn down the volume of life is not unique.  It helped me realize that even people who think they don't need friends benefit from friendships.  It reminded me that no matter how big my own challenges seem sometimes, there are people who have successfully overcome even bigger obstacles.  It also helped me to believe that even odd, quirky, eccentic, intoverted people can be likeable and form caring friendships that are good for both people involved.
I have always worried that I need so much that a friendship relationship would be unbalanced.  When I am in a relationship, I tend to overcompensate by giving, being the supportive listener and the thoughtful friend, but I wont ever let anyone give those things to me.  This is a new insight for me!!!!  I always though that people just didn't like me.  I think maybe I didn't let them in...
Today I found myself envying people diagnosed with autism and Aspbergers syndrome who had found a supportive community among like minded people.
Next Wednesday I will go to the Women for Sobriety group.  I called this week to make sure I could just show up and didn't need a referral or something.  I have always been happy without people or friends.  I like to be alone.  But now I think I just need to find some people like me that I won't have to hide from.
m -  I don't know you, but I feel like I can understand how you feel.  You are smart, but still struggling.  It doesn't seem to matter how much you understand things cognitively, there is another level of understanding that is still out of reach.  Let's not be afraid of the intensity of our feelings.  Lets dare to find out what happens if we just give in and feel them - no matter how painful.
13 years ago 0 1562 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
when you surrender to the fact that we are powerless over alcohol and quit for good.
13 years ago 0 1022 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Foxman... this sounds wonderful! When and how did you finally "get it"?  How did you specifically come to understand and to incorporate this philosophy.... these principles... into your life? 
13 years ago 0 1562 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I don't want to "conquer" anything.... I just want some peace.

if you get a chance google "power of now" PDF and start reading it. Eckhart Tolle talks about the inner chatter within us. Once we start observing the inner chatter, we tap into our inner strength and we will find peace. We need to go beyond our mind for peace.
13 years ago 0 1022 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Quote of the Day:
The will to conquer is the first condition of victory.
- Ferdinand Foch
I don't want to "conquer" anything.... I just want some peace.
13 years ago 0 1022 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey still@+   Congratulations on 10 days!  10 DAYS !!!!!!  Wow.... I hope you are taking time to celebrate such a milestone. 
Ray, thank you for your positive note.  A few questions for you:  without drinking... are you feeling more?  How do you cope with full volume emotions?  
Athena, thanks so much for your honesty and input.
Helena, that's what I keep circling around.. what would happen if you felt your feelings without alcohol?
Only it's not just alcohol.. there are a lot of ways to avoid feeling.  So the question is "What would happen if I felt my feelings?" 
13 years ago 0 221 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi everyone,
Thank you for writing such honest posts and sharing the tough moments. Ray, thank you for inspiring words. When you stop drinking, its a mix of so many feelings and thoughts. Some days you feel on top of the world, other days not so much. Its all part of the process. So, I think its great that you are all acknowledging the good and bad parts of your journey!
What I hear many of you saying is that without alcohol you are becoming aware of many things (relationship issues, feeling, initimancy issues) and this new awareness is frightening.
My question is , what would happen if you felt your feelings without alcohol?
Helena, Health Educator

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