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Day 15

10 years ago 0 1140 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Something to keep in mind is this cautionary tale from a friend of mine who took several attempts to get to her final quit: She told me that she would get bummed out over weight gain after quitting and begin smoking again, but the weight would not come off when she resumed smoking. Then she would quit again, and gain more weight. Then she'd get bummed out, start smoking again, and not lose it, and so on. Over time, she was getting heavier and heavier and still smoking, which is such a bad combo for health. ...My friend said that she ultimately stuck to her final quit because she didn't want to gain any more weight!  
And that story is one of the reasons I want this first serious quit to be my only quit.  
  • Quit Meter


    Amount Saved

  • Quit Meter

    Days: 608 Hours: 19

    Minutes: 58 Seconds: 32

    Life Gained

  • Quit Meter


    Smoke Free Days

  • Quit Meter


    Cigarettes Not Smoked

10 years ago 0 823 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I must fess up  - I gained 25 lbs altogether over a period of 6 months after quitting smoking.  It took another 6 months to get back down to 8 to 10 lbs over my ideal weight. Then it took another 4 months to shake the last few lbs.  As a non smoker I have get outside to exercise at least 3 X a week - I hate dieting with a passion, so the exercise remedy is my weight saviour. When it takes that long to shake an addiction, boy, I tell you, you'll never want to light up another cigarette again in your life!  It makes for a great lesson in understanding the addiction, the hand to mouth mindless habit, and finding ways to keep your resolve throughout your quit.  I wish for you, Carols, less fall out (and weight gain) than my lesson turned out to be!  And am very proud of you for taking this commitment to the next level - You are a winner! Congrats on getting through the first two weeks relatively intact and unscathed! 
10 years ago 0 152 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

LOL just what I need more energy :)  People called me the energizer bunny before I quit; just what I don't need more energy to burn!  And with this pulled muscle in my thigh I'm climbing the walls!!!  Walked an easy 1 mile today and it was a mistake :(
Anyway something had to give yesterday, either I was going to smoke or eat.  I chose eating and gorged myself :(  At least it was all healthy food including lots of fresh fruit, but I ate so much my stomach hurt. 
I just cannot be so strict in two major areas for me. Going back to my 1500-1600 calorie days so at least I don't feel hungry as well as in withdrawal!
Thanks for the support!
Day 16 and I'm sticking with a Smoke Free Life!!!
10 years ago 0 11221 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Congrats on two weeks Carols!

Don't worry about weight gain at this point. Constipation is quite common now and your body is going through a ton of changes. Weight gain does sometimes happen for people who quit but it is normally only around 6 pounds. Keep doing what you are doing and soon you will feel better then ever.
Remember, quitting smoking also means an increase in energy. You will be burning those extra pounds off in no time doing activities you chose! 

Ashley, Health Educator
10 years ago 0 152 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Okay 2 full weeks in the rear view mirror, hoping things get easier soon :)
I've avoided the scale but from my clothing knew the news wouldn't be good and it wasn't :(  120lbs!  Yikes I haven't hit that in years, due to diligent healthy eating and exercise.  No wonder my pants won't button, there is just no wiggle room in a size 6P.  It's depressing but seemingly unavoidable as I am on 1200-1300 calories (down from my normal 1500-1600) and it's all lean protein, whole grains, fresh/frozen fruit and veggies.  Everything as normal just a bit less.  Well I did add ~100 calories in SF gum/hard candy but that is in the total count. 
Anyway no point in getting emotional about it, it's happening and wasn't completely unexpected.  Will just stick it out mitigating the damage as much as possible.  I don't think I can cut back anymore, then I'll just feel food deprived.  After my body is fully cleansed and adjusted I'll just have to tackle the weight gain or buy a new wardrobe which is Totally Unacceptable LOL!
So Onward I go.  Babying my thigh again today, it's doing better but twingy.  Gentle stretching only.  
Have planned a movie out to celebrate my 2 weeks.  No popcorn or eating, just a movie :)
My Resolve is Strong, I am Strong, I am Free!!!!

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