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Using your values as your compass IV

11 years ago 0 11213 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
While recovering from an addiction you may find that you have a lot more time on your hands to spend on activities that are productive and/or pleasurable. Finding new activities that you enjoy are an important part of behaviour change. Having a good understanding of your values is important in understanding yourself and what new activities you would find fulfilling.  
Now that you have clearly defined your authentic values you can now use them to guide you in your day to day life.If you have not yet reached this point please go through the past discussions on using your values as your compass.
Ask yourself often (especially when feeling “stuck” or unfulfilled):
  • How am I honouring my values?
  • What can I change that would allow me to live more in line with my values?
  • Where am I stepping over my values?
  • What or who helps me to honour my values?
  • How can I remind myself of my values when in an unhappy situation?
  • When looking through the lens or perspective of [insert value name] what do I see? What’s different about the situation?
  • When thinking about your life’s purpose how do your values fit in?
Please share your thoughts!
Ashley, Health Educator

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