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Cravings, nothing more than cravings

12 years ago 0 59 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Yeah, guess it does make sense. Glad to hear it will fade, I live in California land of no smoking LOL, even the bus stop signs have no smoking within 20 feet on them. After that moment of wanting a smoke, was a thought "hey, you don't smoke anymore ..... oh yeah .... right" then going about my business, the whole thing took less than 5 seconds. Remembering back when they passed the no smoking restaurants law, me and my friends spent the evening sitting in our local hang out smoking till midnight, when they passed no smoking bars, we did the same. Now in most places it's no smoking inside, no smoking within 20 feet of any entryway, no smoking near or on the grounds of any school, hospital, park, beach, bus stop, train stop ect ect ect. basically no smoking anywhere but home or your car, and they are try to pass a law against smoking while driving. They already have the distracted driver law, which is really at the cops discretion. *Lights soapbox on fire* The irony of the situation is what struck me.
12 years ago 0 1853 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Interesting...reverse psychology!  What goes through your mind right after you have that brief moment of wanting a smoke?
12 years ago 0 39 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Yes! Every time I see a "No Smoking" sign; I want to... I think it's just because they remind me about cigarettes.
Congrats & keep on: I shall as well
12 years ago 0 377 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Taanoir,
Actually that makes a lot of sense to me.  The reason, I presume is because think back to when you were a smoker.  Remember all the times you were boxed in because you would be at a place that you were told you could not smoke and it would actually make you crave a smoke more.  So even though you have stopped smoking your brain is still adjusting to the old patterns of behaviour.  Good news is this starts to fade over time.  The hardest craves for me are still around airports.  Every time I pass by the smoking only section it triggers me because I always feared the fact that I was going to be embarking into a no smoking area for a long time and so my cravings increased  and I'd smoke like a fiend. Still remember that old me I guess...
Good going T!
12 years ago 0 134 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Ya that is quite ironic actually! Glad you stayed strong, keep pushing forward!
12 years ago 0 270 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Congrats on not giving in and keeping the quit! How can you make sure you continue to be prepared for cravings going forward?
12 years ago 0 59 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I've been doing pretty good, cravings haven't been real bad, I've been using my patches and sticking with my program. Tuesday I went to the library, and outside the library is a sign "No Smoking area, please extinguish any smoking materials" ... I got the worst craving I have experienced so far. I didn't slip, I made it through, but I walked away from it amazed. I got triggered by a no smoking sign .... go figure.

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