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Symptom or Craving

15 years ago 0 597 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
That is really an excellent point about the Chantix and it's link to suicide.  My last quit was with Chantix and I found it to be an excellent aid.  I used it for three months and had a 16 month quit........but, then like any good addict, I thought I could control the demon and fed him "just one".  Yeah, right!  Smoking often does mask some suppressed emotional and psychological issues and many times smokers who quit have to face up to those issues as well.  In any event, I think you really want to quit, and whatever method you use, keep in mind that it's your mindset that is of the utmost importance. More so than the method itself.  Look many here have quit by varying methods.  The one common denominator of the successful quitters being an intense desire to quit.  Bingo!
My Milage:

My Quit Date: 10/22/2008
Smoke-Free Days: 84
Cigarettes Not Smoked: 3,360
Amount Saved: $672.00
Life Gained:
Days: 9 Hrs: 12 Mins: 46 Seconds: 47

  • Quit Meter


    Amount Saved

  • Quit Meter

    Days: 744 Hours: 17

    Minutes: 56 Seconds: 10

    Life Gained

  • Quit Meter


    Smoke Free Days

  • Quit Meter


    Cigarettes Not Smoked

15 years ago 0 51 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Haven't had a chance to talk to my doctor I won't be home until at least the 19th of Feb.  Didn't want to wait that long.  So I want to be done with this by then.  Haven't found a place here to get Alans book read alot about it and will keep looking for somewhere I can get that.  Will check wal marts some still let us in there lots alot of them don't anymore.  But I failed yesterday after 24 hours today's a new day and so far it's going good.
ladycigevictor that's not corny isn't that actually what Alan Carr says basically.  I will write that down my printer is at home my wife fixed it for me or I would just print your post thanks.
And thanks to everyone here for not giving up on me.  I'm not going to give up may hit some bumps in the road but I am determined to end this before I go home.  I would love to show my wife at least 30 days on my quit meter  when I get there.  She thinks I will never quit.  We tried together last March I tried cold turkey she didn't tell me till a few months ago she went to the doctor and got chantix.  Back then I could have used it and would have.  Since then they have put it on the list of medications we can't use and drive because it causes some people to get drepessed and even suicide.  But I believe those people probably had those problems and the medication just amplified it.

My Milage:

My Quit Date: 1/14/2009
Smoke-Free Days: 0
Cigarettes Not Smoked: 0
Amount Saved: $0.00
Life Gained:
Days: 0 Hrs: 2 Mins: 4 Seconds: 43

15 years ago 0 1843 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hang in there buddy!  You can do it.  Did you get a chance to talk to your doctor about NRTs since you cannot drive while on Chantix?  I'm rooting for your success!
My Milage:

My Quit Date: 8/20/2008
Smoke-Free Days: 147
Cigarettes Not Smoked: 5,880
Amount Saved: $1,176.00
Life Gained:
Days: 21 Hrs: 23 Mins: 12 Seconds: 35

15 years ago 0 37 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
If it has belt loops and 2 legs, it's a pair of pants-- Symptom or craving? Either way, you'll fight your way through because there is no other choice. You have a lot of support here, and always remember the post and wait for five replies rule... Your craving will pass by then.
My Milage:

My Quit Date: 12/6/2008
Smoke-Free Days: 39
Cigarettes Not Smoked: 1,560
Amount Saved: $702.00
Life Gained:
Days: 5 Hrs: 3 Mins: 52 Seconds: 59

15 years ago 0 17 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Jay,
Please hang in there ... this is only my second day (3rd time quit) and I understand and feel what you are saying.  :)
Sounds like you have some time on your hands between loads ... If you can, get a hold of Allen Carr's Easy Way to Stop Smoking ... quitting smoking is a total mind game and Allen Carr has a totally different perspective from any other 'quit' book.  He explains the 'brainwashing' part of smoking and how to fight it, it's so motivating!!!
One moment at a time :)
  • Quit Meter


    Amount Saved

  • Quit Meter

    Days: 0 Hours: 0

    Minutes: 0 Seconds: 0

    Life Gained

  • Quit Meter


    Smoke Free Days

  • Quit Meter


    Cigarettes Not Smoked

15 years ago 0 2534 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Jay,
Your craving is a symptom of the change in your body as it tries to operate without the nicotine and all those other lovely poisons that it has been used to you delivering to it on a regular basis over time.The craving symptom is the urge to provide the body with that which it is crying out for. If you are serious and really want to quit, don't do it, under any circumstance!
Tough love time - "No Pain No Gain". You must go through it if you want to come out the other side. If you don't, well, I'm not going to tell you what you will end up doing......
BTW, I very much recommend coming out the other side.
Good Luck

My Milage:

My Quit Date: 5/18/2004
Smoke-Free Days: 1702
Cigarettes Not Smoked: 42,550
Amount Saved: �10,637.50
Life Gained:
Days: 288 Hrs: 6 Mins: 36 Seconds: 19

  • Quit Meter


    Amount Saved

  • Quit Meter

    Days: 1131 Hours: 5

    Minutes: 57 Seconds: 0

    Life Gained

  • Quit Meter


    Smoke Free Days

  • Quit Meter


    Cigarettes Not Smoked

15 years ago 0 925 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I'm so proud of you for not giving up on your quit.  Never quit on quitting...that's how we all get to be non smokers.  It took me a while to get over that dizzy, spaced out feeling you describe.  I think it's quite common with heavy smokers like us.  As Sarah explained it will soon go away or you should see your doctor.  
We can make our quits easier by changing the way we think about quitting.  Focusing on how hard it is only makes us feel worse so look for ways to be positive about quitting. 
For example, look at today's quote:
 The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind.
- William James
Thinking of quitting as giving something up will make it harder to quit and stay quit.  Try thinking of all the benefits you get from quitting.  Try saying "I get to quit" and see if it will make it easier.  C'mon, say it out loud (as long as you're alone) and see how good it feels ... really try to mean it when you say it...
Corny maybe, but you can say it to yourself and with just a little practice you'll feel a world of difference about your quit.  It's the fake it till you make it routine and it works!  Every time you get a craving say something positive to yourself, like "I am stronger than a cigarette.  I refuse to smoke one right now.  I am smarter than a cigarette.  I refuse to smoke one until the package says "cures what ails you".  I choose not to smoke, I'll... fill in the blank with what you'll do .... instead". 
Your body is healing from all those years of smoking and it may take a while for the cravings to stop.  Most of us here believe there are only X amount of cravings in each of us...eventually the addiction loses it's power over us.  Every time you have a craving or symptom now, it's one less you'll ever have to endure again.  Honest.  Please trust us when we tell you the cravings will pass whether you smoke or not.  It's a fact.
Take time now to read, learn and prepare ways to get through the next crave.  After the 3 days, it's all a mind game against a four inch tube of poisoned plant matter wrapped in paper that will cause you, your family and your business nothing but health issues, lost money, less time know what it's stealing from your life, make a list and pull that list out to read and update when the desire to light up strikes you.  Believe in yourself.  You can and will do this!
Oh and Jay, if you have any left, please reach into your pocket, pull out that pack, throw it on the ground and stomp those cancer sticks into the dirt where they belong.  You don't need them any more, you're a non smoker. 
Knowledge replaces fear.

My Milage:

My Quit Date: 1/28/2007
Smoke-Free Days: 717
Cigarettes Not Smoked: 28,680
Amount Saved: $14,340.00
Life Gained:
Days: 94 Hrs: 0 Mins: 44 Seconds: 14

  • Quit Meter


    Amount Saved

  • Quit Meter

    Days: 968 Hours: 16

    Minutes: 52 Seconds: 12

    Life Gained

  • Quit Meter


    Smoke Free Days

  • Quit Meter


    Cigarettes Not Smoked

15 years ago 0 433 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey Jay, hang in there buddy!
Didn't matter to me.. they both felt just as bad. Sleep is good, pass the time, distract yourself... watch TV or a movie!
 I had a friend who stayed in bed for three days and ate ice cream. lol. You body is healing so rest as much as you can. 
Did you decide on an NRT? or are you cold turkey?  Try spending lots of time here reading all the old posts, it really helps!
Good luck and just stay tough!

My Milage:

My Quit Date: 4/1/2008
Smoke-Free Days: 287
Cigarettes Not Smoked: 6,888
Amount Saved: $1,653.12
Life Gained:
Days: 37 Hrs: 18 Mins: 5 Seconds: 1

15 years ago 0 35 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Jay Hang in there Buddy, Its Tough Real Tough, I am Right There with You, But We Can Do This.
My Milage:

My Quit Date: 1/11/2009
Smoke-Free Days: 2
Cigarettes Not Smoked: 90
Amount Saved: $11.25
Life Gained:
Days: 0 Hrs: 10 Mins: 39 Seconds: 10

15 years ago 0 355 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Jay, I don't have much advice.  I can say that I'm thinking of you and rooting for you.  You are in a bad place right now and I know how scary that can be.  But you can do this.  You have to believe that.  You can do this.  You really, really want what is at the other end of this journey.  Don't stop until you get it.
Sending you happy thoughts.

My Milage:

My Quit Date: 12/30/2008
Smoke-Free Days: 14
Cigarettes Not Smoked: 168
Amount Saved: $73.92
Life Gained:
Days: 1 Hrs: 7 Mins: 47 Seconds: 24

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