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Feel a Little Foolish

19 years ago 0 99 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Boy, do I know how you feel. I have been symptom free for weeks and then today on our way to Six Flags, in the car...out of the blue, I had a sliver of a chest pain and then a full blown panic attack. It was awful and lasted a good 30 minutes. Talk about feeling foolish, I actually went to the medical office and asked them to take my blood pressure. Good grief. For the first time in a long time, I did not have any Xanax on me to calm me down and it just sucked. I wanted to cry.
19 years ago 0 52 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks for the responses. Casey, I'm trying to keep in perspective and take comfort that I clearly identify what brought it on this time. Thanks for the encouragement. Rachele, thanks for the suggestion, I read up on costochondritis and it reads exactly the way I feel. Ironically, one of the things they listed as a possible trigger was moving furniture which is what I was doing the first week in August when all the pains and anxiety began. Obviously, the anxiety and panic make it worse. Big thanks, I felt less on edge after reading it.
19 years ago 0 138 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Jeff, it just occurred to me today, but look up the term costal chondritis online. This is a type of chest wall pain. The reason that I bring this up is tht I have been effected by this in the past and one of the doctors that I saw in an emergency suggested that anxiety/panic could lead to it or exacerbate it. Its not deadly and there is no real treatment aside from time but at least you are spared thinking you are having a heart attack or something. Rachele
19 years ago 0 799 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Jeff, Thanks for sharing these experiences. Please do not feel too discouraged or foolish as you say. Try to find strength in how good you did feel those first 2 weeks. Keep us posted as to how things are going. Looking forward to hearing from you again soon. Casey _____________________________ The Panic Center Support Team
19 years ago 0 52 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I was so proud to post my success story last week and felt that Lexapro was a miracle cure. Don't get me wrong, I feel that Lexapro is a great med and helping a lot. The thing is I am in week 3 of Lexapro now, and had an almost symptom free second week with virtually no chest pains, and the pains I did have were more like a feeling that my heart moved or shifted more than an actual pain. Coming to the end of week 3 and my panic kicked in the last two days. Had some pains at work yesterday and took my first Zanax in a week. Everything was fine after that, but today just after finishing dinner, I had a very sharp chest pain a couple of times that lasted about 1-2 seconds each and I began to panic. Actually realized that I had been dreading another chest pain since yesterday and surprise-surprise one came as I was dissapointed with myself for going off my diet and eating junk food for dinner. I truly believe without the Lexapro I wouldn't of have the great second week or recover from the panic today (without a Zanax)as quickly as I did. Also, I have been doing a lot of lifting things around the house for the last week and the area of my pain today is quite sore to the touch and is just a muscle strain. Feel foolish that in hindsight I know my worrying over a future chest pain, worrying over the food I was eating, and the physical strain I have had to do this past week caused the chest pain. Also feel foolish that I thought Lexapro may have actually cured me in two and a half weeks. Unfortunate realization of reality today that my mind can still go on a bender if it wants to. Just looking for similar experiences from the group or any advice. Thanks for reading, it was a comforting thought to know I could come to the site tonight and be with others experincing similar issues. Hope everyone is having a great night.

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