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20 years ago 0 53 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
You don't sound pathetic !!! You sound like ME :) This does not have to last forever. You can overcome this anxiety/panic stuff. I had my first attack 20 years ago. I suffered from anxiety for about six months after that, I saw a therapist, took Xanax and worked on some relaxation stuff and it went away. That is the good news. I suffered my first recent attack about 4 months ago now and at first it was really scarey and hard but with (again) therapy, Adivan (as needed) and this site I am doing tons better(more good news!). I have read so many stories on this site that are positive and hopeful. We can get through this. You CAN get through this. Remember you are not alone. Here's wishing you peace, Nina5
20 years ago 0 132 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I can not thank you all enough for the replys. My computer has been down for a couple of days & I am at the library now just to check this site. My last couple of days were pretty rough. I've been on 50mg Zoloft since last July & I guess I just tried coming off to early. The Dr. recommended at least 1 full year but I thought I was ready to come off. I guess not! I was diagnosed w/ panic disorder in July 2003, but I have never had a problem with "depression". Now it seems like for the last couple of days all I can do is cry. My husband is wonderful & he is very supportive. He is convinced that I am only "obsessing" about depression & I don't actually have it. All I know for sure is that I am terrified to feel like this for even one more day much less the rest of my life. I don't want the rest of my life to be a constant challenge of things that I once enjoyed. My mom had panic attacks & was on Prozac years ago & my mother in law was having attacks & some depression last year & was also taking Zoloft. Anyway they both took the medicine for awhile & when they got off the meds they were fine. I don't really know what I'm facing here. I mean, I know people who have been cured by meds alone, yet I have heard of other people who have to fight this their whole life. God I pray I don't have to fight this my entire life. I was so positive the day I found this website (4 days ago) but like I said the past couple days have been really hard. I've been so scared & sad. Somebody out there please tell me it's going to get better. Right now I just feel like I'm waiting on my Zoloft to kick back in. I've taken them for 3 nights in a row now. Since I never came completely off them I'm hoping it wont take long for them to work again. Anyway I sound pathetic I guess. Hopefully the next time I write I'll be in better spirits. thanks again!! P.S. When I reply like this do I do it in this topic title or am I supposed to start a new one?
20 years ago 0 40 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Welcome to the family! This site is great! I am 25 and just started having panic attacks almost three months ago. I find that when it comes to my panic diary it helps to be very concise. I don't want any illusions when I show it to my dr. as to how many "good" days or "bad" days I have had. Sooooo....even if I had a little anxiety or fear that day I almost always find myself putting "none", but sometimes it helps me to think closeley about my day and pinpoint actual times I felt anxiety that day even if it wasn't a full blown panic attack. Then I can analyze the event or situation that caused me to feel that way. I think you will find this site is very helpful and it's great for when you need to vent or get answers to your questions. And almost always there is one person on here who can answer your question in detail because they have been through it. Good luck and keep posting!!!! -Misty
20 years ago 0 1521 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Cdg, Chipmaster is right! You can use your thoughts and your attacks and record them in your diary if it helps you. Everyone please join in and give Cdg some more useful tips on the Panic Diary! Good Luck, Melanie __________________________________ The Panic Center Support Team
20 years ago 0 117 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Remember that the diary is there for your own benefit, so you need to use it in the way that helps you best. I personally find it helpful to try and record more than just panic attacks - I use it as a bit of a mental health diary so to speak. I find this helps because I can keep a track of how I am feeling in general, and I can also review a past period of time better due to the extra info I record. Sometimes writing about your thoughts can be very therupedic, and learning to understand your anxious thoughts can help you to understand your stressors that cause you to be anxious and also the thought process you go through which causes you to escalate into panic.
20 years ago 0 132 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
20 years ago 0 364 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
CDG, How long and how much Zoloft were you on? There are alot of withdrawal symptoms from SSRI's from extreme to mild, and should be tapered very slowly. If you are totally off of it, definitely dont go back on it to rid the withdrawals. Common complaints of withdrawals, which people relate to relapses in panic, when its the withdrawals are, migraines, flu like feeling for 3-4 days, breaking out in a sweat, hand tremors, nervousness, agitation, etc. Im not a doctor but if your still taking Xanax on a as needed basis, use this during the times of high anxiety, or situation provoking, ie anxiety about leaving your safe place. Once your ok with leaving your home, traveling then taper again, please keep the breathing techniques up daily even when the panic is gone, its one technique that benefits everyone panic or no panic in stressful times. Trish
20 years ago 0 117 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Yeah I recommend seeing a psychologist, and if thats not possible or not what you want, at least try SMT (Self Mastery Therapy), such as the program this site offers. There are other good ones two you cvan buy as books. You need to give it heaps of time to learn the coping exercises, it can take weeks. Also, maybe you arent ready to go off the zoloft yet. Talk to your dr about this. Its common to go through discontinuation syndrome from an SSRI, which is basically similar symptoms of anxiety and panic to the actually disorder, but these symptoms should pass after 1-2 weeks. It sounds like you might be relapsing, and this is common if you come off an SSRI too early. Its normal to use an SSRI for 12 months and some people need longer.
20 years ago 0 12049 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi cdg, No need to apologize! You have come to the right place! Please continue to share your thoughts with us. There are many people within this support group that share the same questions and concerns as you. We are all a group of individuals who support each other. We look forward to hearing more from you in the future. If you look to the left of the screen under "TOOLS" you will find many supportive tests. These tests are not diagnostic tools and are not a replacement or substitute for a physician's advice. The purpose of these tests is to prepare you with information that you can present to your physician. When you're finished the test, you can either print your Final Report or email it directly to your doctor. We also have developed a Panic Program. This program is 12-weeks and involves the tools mentioned above. Each session is based on the previous session, so we strongly advise that you work slowly through the program and not jump ahead. These tests may or may not be for you but they are "free". If you have any question or concerns with our €œTOOLS€, you can contact Susanne or me at We are the Support Specialist for The Panic Center and are open to any questions or concerns you may have. Looking forward to hearing from you soon!
20 years ago 0 239 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Cdg, Don't be sorry, no need. Thanks for sharing your story. Welcome to the site. I developed panic disorder around the same time you did. Can relate to forgetting all the positive things I've learned right after reading them. I look at that as being another symptom of the panic itself. This panic forum is a god send, because you can come on anytime day or night and just pour out your feelings and read others stories. It brings so much relief to us all. So yeh, welcome and feel free to post as much as you like :)

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