Thanks for bumping this, Cuddles. Excellent post. I enjoyed reading it even though I should be getting ready for work! I have to add my thoughts on this subject.
First I want to say, I have never thought the longer term quitters were pompous. Quite the opposite... I think its fantastic that you continue to come here and share what you learned to the new people. You are truly giving back. I hope I will continue to come here and do the same.
As for the topic of this post. The change I have experienced in the past month, is learning to take care of myself in a good and positive way. I've spent years taking care of others, and ignoring myself. I'm now taking care of and nurturing myself the way I would someone else, and that kind of thinking is what made me quit smoking. I would not stick a cig in my child's mouth and say: "Here, have a smoke". I'm beginning to treat myself more like I have always treated others, and it feels good. Maturity... yes, at some level it is maturity. I couldn't have comprehended this thinking 10 years ago. You could have told me, but I couldn't have felt it. You have to experience it and everyone's experiences will be different.
Last night in a separate post, I talked about negative thoughts getting into my head, and how for the past week I forgotten everything I had learned in the past month. I got a little stressed, and negative took over. It made the quit more of a struggle, instead of the celebration it had been up to that point. I feel like I'm back to my positive self again, and am going to fight to keep it. It makes the quit easier, and makes life so much more enjoyable.
On some level, yes, I agree it is maturity. It's not a black and white definition. The freedom feels great when you allow yourself to experience it. I do think the difference between having an easy time of it or a difficult time is all in attitude. Stay positive and celebrate... don't let the pity in on any level, or it goes downhill.
I am the type of person who encourages others, and I always appear happy, laughing, enjoying life. People enjoy me... I encourage, energize, and my enthusiasm can be contagious. I teach and I love it. I learn as much from them as they do from me, and students energize me as much as I ene