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Severe depression

8 years ago 0 11212 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Julie,
I am sorry to read this. Depression and other mental health issues are often not taken seriously in our society. It is not fair and can be very difficult to deal with alone. Please know that we are always here to read what you are going through - you are not in this alone.
I cannot offer you information on what resources are available through your EAP provider, HR or community but I can tell you about the program here. The program here is not intended for severe depression - if you have been diagnosed with severe depression I encourage you to seek out a licensed therapist who has experience working with depression.  You can still work on this program and share your notes with your therapist. This program is based on cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) principles. CBT is considered the gold standard treatment for depression. It takes time and practice but it does help people on their journey to recovery.
 How are you doing today? Have you discovered any other support resources that are available to you?
Ashley. Health Educator
8 years ago 0 1 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
My doctor put me on off work due to severe depression troubles but the insurance group refused my STD.
I really need help and I dont have any choice as of to be at work. I spoke with HR and they cant do anything for me.
Depression is still not taking seriously.
What is my option ?

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