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17 years ago 0 6 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Danielle, Yes motivation is hard but I found that by not setting specific goals that I wouldn't achieve and then beat myself up about I made it easier. All I asked from myself is that I would go on the crosstrainer 4 times a week, as long as I could manage. My husband has really been helping in the motivation department has the fact that I refuse to take meds (the side effects from the last four meds I've tried were truly horrid) and don't want to go back to hospital. It does get easier too, once you've been doing it for a while. The interesting thing is that I usually notice an immediate improvement in mood! So cool....
17 years ago 0 8760 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Grimo1re, Thanks for sharing! Exercise is a great way to help with sleeping disturbances, mood, weight, cardiovascular health, anxiety and stress. You can't lose! It may be hard to get motivated but sounds like you're doing well so far! Keep it up! Sunshine may also do you some good as it too has shown to help improve mood. Danielle ______________________ The DC Support Team
17 years ago 0 6 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
A while ago my husband and I bought a crosstrainer as going running or joining a gym was just too hard for me. I must say I quite love it, I often exercise while watching TV or listening to music and that helps to make it easier. Today I realised it is actually helping in stabilising my mood. Glad I went this route rather than meds, only positive side effects here ;) Fortunately hubby makes sure I go outside everyday for some much needed sunshine. It's hard to motivate myself to exercise but it does help!

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