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Happy Again ! No Meds just me!

19 years ago 0 10 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I have MVP also. Never taken anything for it. Does the beta-blocker help?
19 years ago 0 34 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi amy Well obviously you Do need them, but I think you'll find that most people on meds 4 anxiety dont have the same condition you do. I'm not saying that people shouldn't take drugs if it helps. I mean hey if i found out i had epliepsy or something that meant id have to control it with drugs 4ever, I wouldn't be saying 'Oh maybe I can sort it out with positive thinking'. Im just sharing with you my personal experience ! I hope that the stuff your on keeps working and keeping you happy. Take care xxxx
19 years ago 0 37 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Just wanted to say that I have Mitral valve prolapse and I DO need a beta blocker. Also the MVP it makes my anxiety worse and I really need an anti depressent at this time. I just don't want people on this board to feel like they are failing if they are on meds. I agree that you need other treatment though. I have been in an out patient program and have learned a lot about changing my thoughts!!
19 years ago 0 34 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Dear Mermaid At the risk of sounding like an idiot ! I know that there's light at the end of the tunnel. And I firmly believe that no matter who you are or how bad things are - you can change things. I feel like i'm proof of that. If you need me I am here and you can leave me your e-mail address if you need to talk. Lots of Luck
19 years ago 0 6 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thank you for posting your positive message. I feel motivated to get going, unlearn my fears and live a happy life.
19 years ago 0 34 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Amy I didn't mean to belittle anyone with my post about no meds! Meds obviously do help,and for some people when the depression kicks in too it's the difference between life and death literally. But I agree with Ally they don't cure us they just numb things and help us cope a little better. I know how dark it can get. Medication or pills can change your brain chemistry temporarily. But, medications has no power to change neural pathways or associations. There is no cure for anxiety in medication. There is a temporary, chemical change in your brain brought about by the medication. But it lasts only as long as the medication is synthesized to last, from four hours to longer periods. But it is never permanent. You always need to take another pill. My best friend has been on citrolopram for the last year and for her it really helped with her panic attacks, but not with her depression. She said that i her opinion her depression is a sadness of the heart ! And she reckons they have yet to make a cure for that! But it did help her - she's just stopped taking them and is having loads of panic attacks and having to go to CBT. I think if you can use the meds as a crutch and a buffer to undergo CBT or therapy. Then thats a really positive thing. It just seemed futile to me personally (and this is my opinion in relation to myself); because I feel that as soon as you come off them, you CAN be back to square one- and thats one heck of a risk for me! For me it was having faith in myself not God,not doctors not anyone else, because at the end of it all it is only you who can pull yourself out. Sorry I really sound like Im preaching ! I don't mean to!
19 years ago 0 22 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
That is a great book, I've read it a few times and it really helps, especially if you follow on what she says! Amy, Anyone can get through panic without meds if they want to. Sure we may have a chemical imbalance but the key to overcoming panic and anxiety is through learning to deal with it yourself. Meds may take the panic away but they do not cure you. I agree that they are very beneficial for alot of people but who wants to be on meds for the rest of their life?? Overcoming panic is a step by step process and it is something that will always be there, we just need to learn to cope with it by finding out what works for us!! I use alot of techniques, reading, meditation, exercise, panic program on this site, affirmations, imagery, couselling, helping others...every little thing helps!!
19 years ago 0 37 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Blondie I am so glad to hear things are working for you...however, i do believe some of us do have to take meds to deal with these problems. I am a very strong christian and for 3 months i prayed and prayed for an answer. Finally God sent me a wonderful doctor and she has given me meds which at first I DID NOT want to take. They have changed my life. I am not cured but well on my way. I do believe there are some of us with a chemical inbalance in the brain and we have to take the meds(at least for awhile) to be sane. I think God have granted the doctors wisdom and helped them come up with these meds for us!!! Anyway just my 2 cents!!! Good luck!!
19 years ago 0 34 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Oh by the way, there was one other thing that worked for me which I'm still continuing, and that is Innertalk CD's. I mentioned them in a previous post,the company I got mine from are american but they now have a website. They tell you to listen to the CD which is basicall either music or nature sounds(whichever you ask for), with subliminal messages thrown in (Yes I know it sounds really weird! :p) - for an hour a day for 30 days. I bought the freedom from stress one and also soaring self-esteem. But they have lots of different ones. I actually got a free one from them first called forgiving+letting go, just to see if it was worth spending money on. I played the CD everyday and everynight on a loop, the day before I had to go back to work and I think it really helped. But at the end of the day they might not work for everyone! I hope everyone continues on their journeys and get where they want to be. I will always be but a post away if anyone wants a chat xxxxx
19 years ago 0 34 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Ally The book is really really old and its called 'Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway'. I don't know why but it just really struck a chord with me. I even went to a group meeting two weeks ago. And let me tell you it was sooooo nerve-racking you know that thing they do making you sit in a circle, and then go round and introducing yourself and saying why your there?! For me it was a really big thing because a sympton of my 'thing' was that I found it hard to look people in the eyes, or even listen to them talking without running away. To be able to participate in a group discussion was simply amazing and shocking to me! I don't for one second believe that everyones problems are the same, and I think that we all respond to different treatments differently. But I do think that everyone can benefit from the power of positive thinking, and thats's really what Dr Susan Jeffers teaches. Everyday is something that I have to work on I'm not a naturally optimistic person anymore, so I really have to push through my fears everyday.

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