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Why do I fail

14 years ago 0 1044 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I too think it is a great list.  You don't have to convince us you are smart - we can tell that you are.  You also have alot of insight into how you feel.  I think this is great as well.  Looks to me like you have a great start to a big list of things to be greatful for can you add something to it each day. 
I joined a thing called the Happiness Project, it was the resource for a post by one of the moderators.  I've found it very useful; it also has a private website(as private as you decide you want it) to work through some things.  It was based on a book that hasn't been released yet (so I haven't read it) but the Project itself is something I've finding useful.  You may want to check it out.  I think it compliments this program in helping us accept ourselves.
I just googled "The Happiness Project".  I ordered the book too, but don't think it is necessary to take part in your own project.  Lots of good information and the personal project you start on the website has instructions. 
I hope you can find this tool useful as well.  But I must say if you must prioritize activities; work CBT first as it has the highest success rate of any therapy in treating people with depression and bipolar disorder. 
14 years ago 0 12049 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Great list!  Keep it close and look at it often, you are thankful and you do have positive things and people in your life.  One step at a time.  Why not make a list of a certain items you want to accomplish each day?  It doesn't have to be big, but knowing that you accomplished it and worked your way up to it can be very rewarding.
You can let yourself feel good about things! You learn from mistakes and use them to make better and informed choices.  You have every right to feel good about yourself! So let it in
Josie, Health Educator
14 years ago 0 194 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Im still in the dumps and alone. Alone sucks
14 years ago 0 194 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Ok, hows that? Why dont I feel right a lot?
14 years ago 0 194 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

OK im sorry Im so stubborn.

1. I am thankful I am alive.

2. Thankful I am  healthy

3. Thankful I am smart ( well I am ! )

4. Thankful for my wonderful kids!!! They are!!!

5. Thankful for my wife ( even though were not together, I still Love her!

6. Thankful I have a place to stay.

7. Thankful I have a nice car, I will be driving!

8. Thankful for the friends I do have

9. Thankful for a new career on the horizon

10. Thankful for my teammates in the Finan. svs co. Im with 

Good start? Its the best ive done,

14 years ago 0 194 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I joined gratitude log and get email from him too. I struggle with that. When you are very unhappy with yourself and your situation in life and you miss family, how do you be happy with anything. Im not happy with me, not happy with where I stay, mad at myself for not being able to drive all over. No job, How to find the good through the bad. Im just miserable right now.
14 years ago 0 2606 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I hear that you are discouraged and lonely. It is time to challenge those negative thoughts. Allow yourself to see and appreciate the positives in your life even if at this time it feels like there aren't many. What are you thankful for at this time? 

Samantha, Health Educator
14 years ago 0 194 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
How do you feel good about things? I dont know how I used to do that. Everything seems like its bad now.
14 years ago 0 194 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey a good way to get a reply is to give one.   I do that on twitter too, since I really dont have friends. I have hundreds of followers, but no real friends. So I would tweet myself, it didnt matter what it said, no one saw it.
14 years ago 0 194 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I dont know where to turn right now. Im all alone, I miss my kids so much. I dont have anywhere to go. so I wait by this computer. I wish I knew when I got this way. I remember as a kid riding my bike and being ok with whaat was. Why arent I that way now?

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