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Tips on Improving Organization

11 years ago 0 11212 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
In the past week, we’ve been talking about stress management. A great preventative strategy for stress is to buff up on our organizational skills. Here are a few tips…
  • Stop hoarding! Before keeping that piece of paper or computer file, ask yourself if you really need it? If you need to act on the information contained in the document? And if you needed the information again, how easy would it be to get?  Depending on the results, keep it, toss it or file it.
  • Fill out your To-Do list! Over your morning coffee, have a fresh printed sheet on your desk and list the projects or tasks you’ll be working on in order of importance.
  • Avoid wasting your time! When leading meetings, prepare an agenda before hand. Slot a set number of minutes to each topic on the agenda and stick to it. If your agenda gets too long. Divide it in half of sections and keep the next agenda for the next meeting. 
  • Break it down! Huge projects need to be broken down into smaller pieces. Finish a set number of small pieces per day depending on the timeline and then move onto something else. Big projects have a tendency to leave other projects in the dark. Breaking it down allows for balance.
How do you organize your time at home or at work?

Ashley, Health Educator

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