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Balancing acts

9 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
My balancing act is living with someone so different from me. We do things so different. And we have different priorities. It is working but often not well. She tries, I will give her credit for that but it is mechanical because having not done something before that is all you can do. We have onions piled in the bathroom to dry. The heat is on and in a few days I will show her how to braid them so we can hang them up for storage. There is about half a bathtub full to give you an idea how much floor space they are using. Red onions are on the kitchen floor. Small ones for pickling are on the counter. Tomorrow I will soak those in salt water. As for the rest of the garden it is my decision when and how to harvest. Over half of it is done. Not including potatoes.

9 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
With mom in hospital, it's hard not to feel discouraged. There are so many decisions to be made, and I can barely cry. My back is constantly sore, I'm exhausted, and at best my personality was prickly to start with. Now I'm a hot mess. I wonder if others have these "balancing acts", where there's a desire to just crash and burn, but a need to rise to an occasion? No-one else can make these decisions. It's sad to come home every day, and see reminders of mom, and where I was trying to do so many things, which will often be discontinued.

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