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Brain Tumor fears

19 years ago 0 799 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Cassie, Please be sure to follow-up with your doctor and let her know about the visual disturbances you are having. Casey _________________________________ The Panic Center Support Team
19 years ago 0 57 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thank you.. Its nice to know Im not alone when it comes to the visual stuff. Since I firt posted this worrie, things are different, Im still getting the headaches but seem to be getting differnt visual disturbances now. I see stars out of the corner of my eye I see what appears to be a star and when I look its not there. The stars started after starting Zoloft but I don't know if this would be a possible side effect? The headaches come and go on a day to day basis never really the same. Some days I feel hardly anything and other days it seems to be more promanent. Im feeling so out of it all the time with everything. The dizzyness has subsided greatly but everything else seems to be the same. I keep thinking that if it were something sinister that it would get worse not better and then the same intensitiy. Thats what I want to belive anyways. I hope we can talk more about this, it must be reasuring that your friend is an RN. Cassie
19 years ago 0 13 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Kassy, Just wanted you to know, I have had visual disturbances just like you descibed. I have been to Dr. and my sister is R.N. who assures me they see this alot in hospital. It is a form of migrane I know your thinking its not because Ive had migranes with extreme pain and nausea and I know its not like that . It is however a migrane sometimes after I have the visual problem my head hurts but not severely. I have about 2 or 3 of these a year and have for years. They are very scary and I really dont think they are a symptom of this disorder,
19 years ago 0 91 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Yes I do do hun and you are not alone. I get dizzy, funny feelings in my head, up the back of my neck, tingling, twitching, loss of appetite. Some days it lets up and some days its strong. I have been fearing brain tumor too. I like xannax, it works but try not to get dependent on it. Take care all!
19 years ago 0 6 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I have been diagnosed with panic disorder for 6 years and I recently been having panic attacks again. I hadn't had much trouble in about 10-12 months and the panic I am experiencing now is different than anything I have felt. I worry too that I have a brain tumor or something else horribly wrong with me. Lately I have been feeling like I could break down at any second for what appears to be no reason. My chest tightens and my arms get tingly which are symptoms I have not felt before. Several nights ago I woke up feeling convinced that there was something wrong with me and almost made a trip to the ER. I have since been put on Xanax but I fear becoming addicted to it. Has anyone else felt this way? I am feeling alone and that no one really understands what I am talking about except for my psychiatrist. I just know that I don't feel like myself and it scares me. I am tired of feeling this way. Can anyone relate? I just want to turn my brain off and I never seem to be able to do that. I don't feel normal and I am tired of feeling convinced something is wrong. Please let me know if anyone else has felt these feelings!!!
19 years ago 0 8 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I know what you are feeling too. this is my first day on these discussions. I'm generally a very outgoing guy but i had alot of stress at my last job where I was being taken advantage of... anyways. For the past 2 months I had feelings of faintness, blurred vision and "seeing things" not to mention deja vu... Do not worry about it (I know thats easy to say, because it can be very difficult in the situation not to) but for me it was because I was losing my appetite and because I was losing alot of sleep as well. My own panic episodes seem to stem from the stress I have and initially were triggered by the adrenaline from my asthma inhalers. They set off my very first panic attack. Since then i have been finding alternative methods of controlling my asthma and am slowly coming around, though I am still setting out on my 12 week course as the medication was giving me feeling of anxiety and paranoia about situations that normally did not bother me. Since the attacks I have also developed a slight fear of heights - anything over 3 stories... I do not want this fear to become a fixture in my life. Also It took me years to get over a fear of speaking I had and I dont want to lose all the ground I made up in university getting over that fear while giving seminars. That is a previous personal victory I am not willing to give up just yet. I love speaking publicly now, but the paranoia I was having was giving me second thoughts about that too, especially as I am going to Korea to teach english in a couple weeks... Sorry for the long blurb :)
19 years ago 0 5 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks for your post.. I am very aware of "floaters" I have allot of them looks as if someone droped a black thread on my eye, one of them is dark and the others are jelly like. For whatever reason they have never bothered me. Its hard to explain what Im seeing and its on and off out of the corner of my eye. You know when a shadow moves and you think its a ghost? lol The other stuff im seeing is flashes of light like when your tv is on and you catch a glimps like a strobe light. The coloured zig zag Im talking about was fast as lighting right befor my eyes and it was pink! Scared me pretty bad... Im so tiered of all this worry. Cassie
19 years ago 0 45 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Cassie, I too thought I had brain tumors. I even asked my doctor for an MRI she said I didn't need one and that I dont have a brain tumor. I had many of the symptoms you have, dizziness, eye disturbances - what you may have are floaters, they looks like zig zags that float across your eye and when you move your eye they move, they are harmless but irritating. I was spaced out, shaky and was tired all the time. She put me on Paxil Cr and Ativan, (same as you SSRI and and a benzo) I have been on Paxil Cr for a week now, initailly I felt worse, still don't feel it working at all, I was nauseaus and shaky but they say that is normal. Some people get a bit worse before they get better and it takes 2-3 weeks for the SSRI's to work properly so I guess I wont know if this will do the trick for another week. It is really scary, Anxiety can mimick alot of things, the WORSE thing you can do is look up symptoms on the net...that got me into major panic mode. The more you think about a brain tumor the more anxious you will get and the worse your symptoms will be. I feel your pain but just hang in there...try the meds. I had the worst fear ever of them but I finally got sick and tired of all this, I'm willing to do anything...and I'm sure you are at that point to.
19 years ago 0 5 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
[b]Text[/b] I have been having such trouble signing in here, I had to make up a new acc just to get in. This is Cassie, the one who posted about fainting. I just wanted to give an update to whats been going on with me. Last Friday I had such an anxiety attack in the car I went to the clinic to make an appt. Turns out my doctor retiered and that upset me even more, I just got used to him and had such trust. I was so upset there and shaking so bad the receptionist asked if I was going to be alright, thats when I decided to ask if I could be seen that day. She checked and got me in right away with my new doctor. We discussed my fainting episode and she agreed it had everything to do with my diet and not eating that day. I told her about me fears of having a brain tumor or stroke and she said I didnt have that. She has put me on Zoloft 25mg and gave me some Xanax, the Xanax is helping but Im scared to take the Zoloft for fear of side effects. I am upset because I forgot to mention other things that make me think I have a brain Tumor like, Visual disturbances, blurry vision in one eye, feels sort of tierd, halos or flashes of light, white or coloured zig zags, and a strange feeling on the same side as my head. I don't want a brain Tumor and I am trying despreatly to talk myself out of thinking this way. I keep saying its stress related but when I read on line about my symptoms with my vision it says Tumors. Help me! Cassie

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