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Taking Charge of My Life

11 years ago 0 11221 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Congrats Shari!

Sounds like you are having a pretty good day!

And it's due to all your hard work and determination. How can you celebrate this today?

Ashley, Health Educator
11 years ago 0 1071 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Again,

I've been avoiding taking back pain medicine, for fear that it will hurt my stomach.  So, today I challenged those thoughts and took my medicine and I am fine :)  I told myself, "You've never gotten sick on this medicine before, so there is no evidence you will get sick on this medicine now."  So, I took it and didn't have a side effect or even any anxiety, so although it's a small success, it still is a success.  I need to take the medicine once a day for three days in order for it to get rid of my back pain, so I'm going to use positive self talk and get through it with flying colors!

11 years ago 0 1071 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Since I canceled the meet up on line and they deleted my meet up, you can imagine my surprise this morning when a woman approached me and asked if I was Shari.  It was Irene.  She just came from the gas station and the hose was broke and she was soaked in gasoline.  So, she had to go, but she gave me her phone number and email address and her daughter is home from college next Wed., so she'd like to meet the first Wed. in Jan. and continue to meet.  She said to email her with my phone and email address and we'll keep in touch.  So, I was really surprised.  Mark said he would try to show up, but I was at Panera for twenty minutes and my back hurt, so I left and came home and took some over the counter medicine for it.  I'm not sure if he would have showed up late, but I figured if he wanted to come, he would have tried to show up on time.  I'm more interested in have girl friends than guy friends anyway, so it worked out great!  Thanks for the prayers.  Amber, who works there, was happy for me.  She said I was so nice and she felt so bad for me that no one showed up last time, that she was going to find a friend for me, herself :)  I told her she was off the hook :)  Irene travels a lot, that's why she missed the last coffee social, she had a last minute trip and there was no way to contact me other than posting to everyone on the site. Although she travels a lot, I'm sure we'll get together enough to fill my social need.  My daughter said she may invite me into her social group.  When you have one friend, you have their friends as well.  

11 years ago 0 1071 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Also,  I went to Petco the other day and fell in love with the cutest dog I've ever seen.  The owner said he was a Goldendoodle which is half Golden Retriever and half Standard (large) Poodle.  I found out on the internet that there are Miniature Goldendoodle's also.  I'm going to try to find a Goldendoodle rescue, to volunteer, to be a dog walker and dog hugger (yes, that's what they call it :)  If I can find one, in my area, it would be good for me, and for the dogs I'm giving the attention to.  I have two Chihuahuas and they have finally resolved their dominance struggle and the older dog has made peace with my cat, so I cannot add another pet to the house, it would ruin the peace.  So, this would be the next best thing. It's better than me volunteering at a shelter, because rescues find good homes for the dogs and they are never euthanized. So, I wouldn't feel like I had to take one home, because of saving it's life.  It's already saved.  

Haven't gone to the Town Hall re: pet chickens yet.  I wouldn't get them till the spring anyway, so I'm not doing avoidance, I'm waiting till it gets closer to the time I would get them, and then, if I decide I really want them, I'll go ahead and ask.

Well, I'm off to get a Goldendoodle 2013 wall calendar :)  So, I can look at these cute dogs all year long :)

Have a good day everybody!

11 years ago 0 1071 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I heard from Starbuck's!  I got an apologetic response and an explanation as to why there is so much difficulty redeeming rewards.  He said that due to the fact that there are third party locations which operate outside of the Starbuck's umbrella they cannot force them to upgrade their system to have the ability to redeem the rewards.  They have encouraged the sites to upgrade, but it is there option.  He's passing on my email to the higher ups and encouraged me to speak to the managers of the third party sites in order to make a change.  So, I feel better, just understanding why the problem exists.  

In the past I have written to the Governor of PA, when there was a law being passed that would effect my daughter's future career in the movie industry (that's before, when she thought she would live there).  The result, was the law was not passed and my actual contact made a difference.  There have also been two past times where Animal Planet showed two volatile programs that disturbed me and would disturb children.  It involved abuse and I was in an uproar about it and I contacted them regarding both programs and said I would boycott their channels if they didn't remove the disturbing programs.  And, those two shows were never aired again.  I also got some laws changed in our town by working with my local Councilman, so it does make a difference, even if one person stands up for something.  It may not always work, but it's worth the try and at least you feel you have done something about it.  So, you can feel good about that.

That was my positive morning :)

11 years ago 0 1071 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

I should say I feel good about standing up for myself, but the truth is I felt guilty, because I was always taught, if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.  I don't like doing it, but nothing will change if someone doesn't speak up. Normally, I would have done nothing about it.  I used to take a lot of stuff from people, for about 3 months and let things build up, then they would poke the bear (me) once too often, and I would explode like Mount Vesuvius.  Now, although I don't like confrontation, if something bothers me, I try to address it quicker, so I don't have such an explosive outcome.  Although, I must admit, this Starbuck's thing has been going on for about 3 months :) I'm still working on it :)  I will let you know if I hear from them, they may not respond, but at least I said my peace.


You are very clever ;)  

Thanks Hugs,  

I'm surprised at their customer relations also.  They say they care, but I think they care more about their money.  I go there more often than I should, so if I stop going, their stocks would probably drop - ha ha.  I'm not bitter, really :)  


11 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

I like how you asserted yourself, Shari.  Starbucks does well in the stockmarket, but I'm surprised at their customer relations!

11 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I've always thought the "bucks" in Starbucks was the key. I don't much care for their coffee. Over priced burnt floor sweepings.

11 years ago 0 1853 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Shari, 

Glad you can keep a sense of humor despite such a frustrating situation.  I'm glad you took the initiative to write a letter of complaint.  How did you feel after sending it?  
How would you have normally handled this situation?

Fill us in on the outcome of your letter!  
Vincenza, Health Educator
11 years ago 0 1071 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Well, I don't know where to post this, so here's a good a place as any.  Normally, I am a very complimentary person, but today I was assertive.  We have a Starbuck's and I have a gold card with them that gives you various discounts.  I've also had a free birthday drink coupon and also coupons for doing their on line surveys where you receive a discount.  Well...lately every time I try to cash in, on one of their rewards or benefits, I get an excuse, "Oh this particular Starbuck's doesn't honor that."  So, I drive to another Starbuck's to receive the same answer and so forth.  It took me 3 months to find a Starbuck's that would honor my birthday drink.  Why have the gold card if it's useless.  So, I emailed their customer service and relayed my dismay at the situation and mentioned that a lot of customers are complaining about it.  Nine times out of 10, you are turned down for any benefit.  So, I called my Dad to read him what I wrote, to see if it was too aggressive or angry and he said no, so I sent it.  Normally, I never respond to anything negative, I just ignore it, but after this last rejection of a benefit, I had enough, and I'll go somewhere else that honors their rewards and honestly has less expensive coffee.  So, I feel uncomfortable about it, but I did it anyway.  My Dad said to let him know what the response is.  I told him they'll probably email me a coupon that I can't use at any of their stores - ha ha :)  Well, at least I still have my humor :)  Oh well, in the grand scheme of things, it's just a cup of coffee, so I've said my peace and I'll let it go.


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