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anxiety back??

13 years ago 0 11219 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Mickeylover,
I am sorry you are having difficulty with your panic symptoms.  Coming back to the program is a great first step to finding relief.  Remember that anxiety takes maintenance and relapses are common and even a normal part of the healing process.  The key is to learn from them. Looking back what would you do differently next time to prevent this?
In regards to outside resources we are unable to provide resources outside of the Panic Center but a good avenue for support is to talk to your family doctor for resources or ask in a local community center or information center.

Ashley, Health Educator
13 years ago 0 252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi mickeylover,,
I am not sure of the number to call but you may find one on line if you do a search on line..Maybe one of the Educators can come up with a 800 # for you....
In the mean time you might want to look at the sister site The depression center..Its listed on the top right hand side of the forum page under More Help...This site has helped me a lot with my depression and anxiety....
Try to take a deep breath and let it out slowly, due this slowly a few times and see if this helps..
Come back and post here or there as often as you need too..Talking about it can help...
You are not alone, there are others here and there who will listen and understand...
13 years ago 0 26 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I need your help I stopped doing this program for a while because i was feeling better but now I got my panic attacks back it's probably worst right now I stopped drinking my medication I lost my insurance because I could not pay it anymore I can't work because of my panic attacks and I feel with a really bad depression again I don't know where to go to get help but I know everyone here will help me. Does anyone have a number I can call to get help I live in southern California.
13 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Juanita.

Congratulations on not giving in. You know this is going to be ongoing every time some thing stressful crops up in your life. I don't worry too much since you have the skills to handle this but you know I am always here if you need me.

13 years ago 0 9 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Sid and ~m,
thanks for your replies. Its good to be back in way...not nice to have panic but nice to know people care.
 Yes, Samantha....this is a stressful time in my life..with hubby gone, grown kids still at home,  and hormonal things...I realize now that I've beeen letting things get to me more than I should.
and, I've decided to really work on my thought patterns...when I start thinking that  I'll never be cured, I'm changing that to "it was just one episode..I survived..and if  I get more I'll go see my DR... or maybe i just need to give my self more self-care...."
 I'm more realistic..less all or nothing in my thoughts...really, when I think about it...I had GAD and panic for 20 years.... and compared to some I've had Saturday's episode was pretty meek....I didnt give in to it and leave I'm trying to turn my thoughts to all positive.
IHope you  both are doing well.
13 years ago 0 252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Juanita,
Welcome back...
Sorry to hear you are having to deal with menopause..I went through it and am now post menopausal..I think its great your reading up on it so you can better deal with it...I sure wish I had been on line when I went through it. That way I might have know and understood what I was going through better..I have since read a lot about it on line and it has helped me a lot just to know what I was going through......Anyway nice to hear from you again...
13 years ago 0 376 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
So good to hear from you Juanita/MaryK ... have been really wondering about you and missing your input.  I'm sorry you have had a hard time lately.  I am glad you are back though.  I agree... don't be embarrassed with us!  We do know how it goes and we continue to care and support each other.  You did it before, you'll back to where you want to be in no time... thanks for coming back! 
13 years ago 0 2606 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello maryk,
Thank you for posting this experience. It sounds like there may have been a few triggers that contributing to this? How can you prepare yourself for a future instance?
Never feel the need to apologize, we are always here at the ready to listen and let you open up! Most of all we are here to support you should the need be there.

Samantha, Health Educator
13 years ago 0 9 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Everyone
Yes, its me Juanita.
I'm back...I need to vent to people who really know what its like..
well, I thought I was cured....or at least controlled with my SSRI , and my CBT work....  I went months and months without any panic..even did my exposures and all was fine..I really thought I had it made, I was so happy.
iI left the site thinking that I couldn't get more from it, and at the same time felt like I couldn't offer anything new.
Ofcourse youknow where this is leading..the ugly demon raised its head it goes...
Saturday I was meeting a friend for coffee before work...all was great..I entered the restaurant, and it was hot in biggie I thougth...ordered my tea, and my friend showed up.
 Then,  out of nowhere, I started to sweat..I don't mean a bit of head..all of it, chest and neck, were soaked with sweat...I couldnt even concentrate on talking....then the panic signs showed up..the usual what ifs, and tingles in my arms etc....even when I got to work I had to go sit outside for 10 mins..a nice person brought me a fan..anyhow, it took over an hour..finally I was back to normal...well except I obsessed and worried about it most of the evening.
I did fight it ..used my brerathing and questions....and won...but  it was iffy for a bit..and then I was so down..thinking I'll never be totally cured...
I wrote down everything last nite about my thoughts and such ,leading up to the attack..
Of course hubby is still overseas..there's been killings in the camp where he is at..which added some worry too me..then we had a long-distance Skype arguement over our sons behaviour...all the little daily stressors that are pretty easy to deal with when he's here all seemed to add up, leaving me feel a little lost, and  I'm due for my period...(pms?)then... I am 47..could that have been  my  first hot flash which I hyper-vigilized myself into a panic attack?
I'm leaning that way, just because all my previous panic attacks started with rapid heart beat and dizziness..I dont know, but I guess that would be a question for the expert.
I  have just read a lot of the posts I missed..and I want to wish Cnd Guy  a speedy recovery...and to all the new ones a big hello...
I"m hardly cool... both in personality and body heat..hahah .that day , I thought I was going to spontanously all the  menopausal women out there.. how do you handle it? I've just been reading about it and I guess anxiety with a hot flash is quite common  ...I thought oh great! just when I had it licked!! ha...
Ok, enough for now..thanks for letting me does feel better knowing people who read it really understand..I hope I didnt bring anyone down...
But it now feels like  I will be dealing with panic forever, and it sucks
13 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
You've done well by "separating" and isolating the concerns you have.  Your tone seems refreshingly different!

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