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Mood-enhancing foods

13 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Jucing might help until your stomach is better.  Presentation was important, I learned recently.
Try looking at this in google, and your appetite will be jump-started: "camemberu Global Kitchen Sunday Champagne Brunch".
13 years ago 0 89 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
By the way Davit, very cool about the maple syrup substitute. I run a preparedness website - I'll have to mention that there and give you credit of course.
LOL! I run a preparedness website and suffer from anxiety and depression! Isn't that something like ironic?
13 years ago 0 89 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
How can I get my appetite back?
The anxiety I've been going through this week has really affected my appetite. I have none. Literally, none. I've lost about 12 pounds. I definitely had 12 pounds to lose as I started out at 299 pounds. Nonetheless, I know I'm not getting the nutrients my brain and body needs to deal with my situation.
I can eat an occasional banana, some juice, I also make and drink a shake with protein, greens plus and psyllium fiber but even those are hard going down these days. The knot in my stomach is huge. I may be drinking too much coffee too, usually 2 to 3 cups a day, black.

13 years ago 0 1665 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi everyone:  mmmmm' fresh baked bread.  I use a bread maker but do not cook the bread in it.  I only use it to mix and to rise.  Then I take it out and knead it, let it rise again, then bake in my oven.  I like to make french bread with it and form my own baguettes.
13 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
So do it and I will join in.

By the way making bread is easy. (no bread maker for me, that is not what I call bread) I love sunflower seeds in my bread.

Pancakes, Hmmmm. I save potato water to make my pancakes with and they are so light and fluffy, as an alternative I will use corn starch. Even heavy grain filled pancakes. I have a friendship starter I'm going to use in my next pancakes. Brown sugar and potato water makes a very good maple syrup substitute, hard to tell the difference in texture and taste. And you can put butter in it. (recipe is on the net)

A hungry now.
13 years ago 0 11221 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Upsidedown,
Starting a recipe sharing thread sounds like a great idea!
Ashley, Health Educator
13 years ago 0 72 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I was going to start a new topic, but I'll try here first.
The smell of bread baking is aroma therapy to me - so if anyone
has easy recipes using whole grains - I love biting into breat and crunching on all the seeds, etc, otherwise it's just dough.  I've been afraid of yeast and rising and all that stuff - so kept away from baking it - I would love to receive them.
Shall I start a new thread - I figured it belonged  under relaxation is recipe sharing allowed?
oh, to finish my comment before - I ate pancakes all my life, even whole wheat, etc.  But then I came across someone who developed his own recipe of mixing grains and stone grinding (he was a master - what the term is for horticulturist and etc) and had samples.  I never in my 58 yrs of eatting pancakes tasted something as good as his.  I felt like I never really had pancakes before, they were what pancakes should tast like.  It made me happy.  There are only a handful of foods that make me happy.
My one big downfall, is once a month (or every three weeks) I will have a pint of baskin and robbins - nutty coconut and pistacio almond - and sit on the couch and watch a great movie while indulging - only problem is I would eat a a gallon if I could do it with no guilt or weight gain, or hypoglycemic reaction - BUT NOT!!  That's relaxing.
Okay, I'll stop.  Who doesn't have a bunch of foods that make them happy or miserable - I doubt there are any!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
13 years ago 0 72 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I had to learn the hard way, being hypoglycemic it wasn't always easy and sometimes I kicked and screamed when I had to give up cerain foods. Now its almost all organic, grass fed piedmonte beef, rarely, and free range chicken - I'm jewish - chicken is in my blood - and it took 57 years to finally know what chicken was supposed to taste like.  However, I am feeling too upset eatting an animal that may not have been killed properly or even killed the right way, it hurts too much, even from a family run farm, so trying to wean myself off.  The whole grain stuffing is sooo much better then any home made stuffing I ever made.  I'm lovng salads and fresh organic veggies - it tastes real.
I watched my husband indulge in a triple choc cake he asked me to bake for him. As he ate it I munched on the wonderful taste of a bosc pear.  And I have seen his mood change over the 3 days he has been indulging.
I used to love chocolate and caffeine products, and finally saw what it did to me.  I literrally would be talking out loud in the street to myself in a voice that someone would have thought I was posessed - to the point a person actually crossed over the street because she was afraid to pass !  I didn't know I was allergic to the chemical in chocolate, and would have binge days, weeks, even to the point start halloween and end after easter. well, it turned on me. I was out 'running' and all of a sudden it felt like the ground was coming up at me and I was turning upside down - I crawled to a tree to hug until it stopped.  No one passing by, and there were many, stopped to help, just stare!  I tried moderating and fell off the wagon many times,, and finally this past year after two awful outbursts to clients, the shame was trmendous, enough to get me to stop.  And I haven't missed it.  A client sent a hugh gift assortment of some famous chocolate company and I had to have a couple of choc almonds, I didn't even like the taste.  And the next day I was very grumpy.  So it stares me in the face and I could care less, oh, Godiva is the name. Even though carob isn't chocolate I like the texture.  I have raw almonds around, a fresh jam for my sweet tooth on wasp fiber crisps.  I'm planning on making cherry crisp as a dessert for the holidays and perhaps a blueberry cheesecake (all slimmed down) for the holidays.  I'm happy with my spelt bread stix and almond whole grain biscotti with decaf earl grey tea. Well, now I'm hungry and salivating, so I'll stop and get a snack!
13 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

There are nuts in the mince meat and they are in the freezer so access is harder. The pie has slivered almonds on top of it, no whipped cream much as I want it. The stuffing is multi grain bread cubes, eggs, butter, apple, liver and onions, the whole thing basted with apple cider. Yum!

I put apples in my oatmeal in place of sugar. Cookies muffins etc. always have nuts even if I have to chop them. I do not eat much bread, but I do like garlic croutons in my salad. Walnuts go well too. I buy almonds bulk, but tend to eat too many.
My one failing is potatoes.
All things in moderation :-)
Despite being careful I'm still over weight :-) Not enough exercise.

13 years ago 0 653 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Your mood seems fine, usually, Davit!! But moderation is always key!
Throw nuts in the mince meat to improve it, but I'm afraid the pie is beyond help!
On a serious note, I once a had stuffing made from whole grain seed bread and it was wonderful!! Mmmm...
Tiana, Health Educator

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